Purge plugin for Minecraft servers.
- Java 17 or higher.
- Purpur server 1.19.3 or Bukkit/Spigot/Paper server compatible with the Purpur API version used.
Download the JAR file: purge-1.0.1-purpur-1.19.3.jar.
Place the JAR file in the plugins folder of your Minecraft server.
Restart the server to load the plugin.
To build the plugin yourself, follow these steps:
Make sure you have
Java 17
or higher andGradle
installed on your system. -
Clone the plugin repository on your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/josantonius/minecraft-purge.git
Navigate to the directory of the cloned repository:
cd minecraft-purge
Use Gradle to compile the plugin:
gradle build
The Purge begins with a 2-minute introduction that announces the start of the game and plays the announcement sound.
During the announcement, the list of rules and privileges that will be nullified during the purge will be displayed in the chat. You can add or remove rules and privileges by editing the corresponding lines in the plugin's message file (
).rules: rule_1: "<dark_gray>Rule 04 <red>- <dark_aqua>PvP abuse is allowed" rule_2: "<dark_gray>Rule 11 <red>- <dark_aqua>TPA Kill is allowed" privileges: privilege_1: "<dark_gray>Privilege 08 <red>- <dark_aqua>Experience is dropped upon death" privilege_2: "<dark_gray>Privilege 15 <red>- <dark_aqua>Inventory is dropped upon death" privilege_3: "<dark_gray>Privilege 24 <red>- <dark_aqua>Backpack is dropped upon death"
After 2 minutes, the game starts playing the startup sound (it lasts 03:04 and repeats in a loop) and displaying a message in the chat announcing the start of the purge.
At the end, the end sound is played and a message is displayed in the chat announcing the end of the purge.
The Purge has two game modes: supervised and unsupervised.
In supervised mode, players can request immunity, but operators or players with purge.admin
permission must manually grant it. Operators and players with purge.admin
permission have
guaranteed immunity in this mode and will not require prior approval.
To grant or withdraw immunity at any time, operators or players with purge.admin
permission can
use the following command:
/purge immune [add/remove] <player>
In unsupervised mode, immunity is automatically granted. If players request immunity during the announcement time, it will be automatically granted at the start of The Purge. If they request it after The Purge has started, it will be automatically granted between 3 and 8 minutes later. If they request immunity when there are 10 minutes or less to start, no immunity will be granted.
Players with immunity:
- Cannot be attacked by players without immunity.
- Cannot attack players without immunity.
- Can attack other immune players.
- Can be attacked by other immune players.
- Will not lose their inventory, experience, and backpack upon death.
- Will be able to execute commands blocked during The Purge.
- Will have the "glowing" effect during The Purge to be easily identified.
- They are prefixed with
in the list of players if the dependency to the TAB plugin exists.
Players without immunity:
- Cannot be attacked by immune players.
- Cannot attack immune players.
- Can attack other players without immunity.
- Can be attacked by other players without immunity.
- Will lose their inventory, experience, and backpack upon death.
- Will not be able to execute commands blocked during The Purge.
- Will not have the "glowing" effect during The Purge.
No distinction is made between operators or game modes. All players, both immune and non-immune, are treated the same way.
Immunity protection covers players against direct attacks (hits, projectiles, throwable potions...), but not against indirect damages such as those caused by explosions, fires, or lava.
/purge help
- Displays the plugin help. Permission:purge.use
. -
/purge immune <action> <player>
- Grants or withdraws immunity to a player. Permission:purge.admin
. -
/purge exit
- Requests immunity during The Purge. Permission:purge.use
. -
/purge start <time> <mode>
- Starts The Purge. Permission:purge.admin
. -
/purge end
- Ends The Purge immediately. Permission:purge.admin
. -
/purge cancel
- Cancels The Purge. Permission:purge.admin
. -
/purge reload
- Reloads the plugin. Permission:purge.admin
The plugins/Purge/config.yml
file contains specific plugin configurations.
Here you can set different options such as the sounds that will be played during the different moments of The Purge and the commands that will be blocked for players without immunity during The Purge.
# Sound to be played when The Purge is announced.
announcePurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.announce"
# Sound that will be played during The Purge.
ongoingPurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.ongoing"
# Sound that will be played when The Purge ends.
endPurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.end"
# Commands that players without immunity will not be able to use during The Purge.
- "/spawn"
- "/home"
# Main world. Here players will be sent from the locked worlds.
mainWorld: "spawn"
# Worlds that will not be used during the purge.
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
# Apply a cooldown of n seconds between uses to the ender pearls.
enderPearlCooldown: 10
# Apply a cooldown of n seconds between uses to the firework rockets.
fireworkRocketCooldown: 10
The plugins/Purge/messages.yml
file contains all the messages that the plugin uses.
You can change the messages to your liking.
The plugin includes a resource pack that adds sounds to the game. The resource pack is optional and is not required for the plugin to work. You can download the resource pack for the version of the game you are using:
The announcement sound do not include the voice of the announcer. If you want to add voices like the one used in the video demo you can do it from https://genny.lovo.ai.
Three sounds are played during the purge: an announcement sound, a sound during the process,
and a sound at the end. These sounds can be customized in the plugin's configuration file
). Each of these sounds are defined as follows:
This is the sound that plays when The Purge is announced. By default, the sound is
. To change it, you must edit the corresponding line in the
configuration file:
ongoingPurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.announce"
Replace minecraft:purge.sound.announce
with the name of the sound you want to use.
This is the sound that plays during The Purge. By default, the sound is
. To change it, you must edit the corresponding
line in the configuration file:
ongoingPurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.ongoing"
Replace minecraft:purge.sound.ongoing
with the name of the sound you want to use.
This is the sound that plays when The Purge ends. By default, the sound is
. To change it, you must edit the corresponding line
in the configuration file:
endPurgeSound: "minecraft:purge.sound.end"
Replace minecraft:purge.sound.end
with the name of the sound you want to use.
To add custom sounds, you must include them in a resource pack and add the corresponding entries in
the sounds.json
file of the package. The following shows an example of how the sounds are defined
in this file:
"purge.sound.announce": {
"sounds": [
"name": "purge/announce_purge",
"stream": true
"purge.sound.ongoing": {
"sounds": [
"name": "purge/ongoing_purge",
"stream": true
"purge.sound.end": {
"sounds": [
"name": "purge/end_purge",
"stream": true
- Add new feature
- Create tests
- Improve documentation
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide, before making a pull request, start a discussion or report a issue.
Thanks to all contributors! ❤️
If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2023-present, Josantonius