This is a legacy project. Development has been moved to a new repository:
IVPN Client UI is a multi-platform UI for IVPN Client Desktop (ivpn-desktop-daemon) built using Electron (supported platforms: macOS, Linux, Windows).
IVPN Client app is distributed on the official site
This is the official Git repo of the IVPN Client UI2.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- npm
- nsis2
- Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 ('Windows SDK 10.0', 'MSVC v142 C++ x64 build tools', 'C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools')
- gcc compiler e.g. TDM GCC
- Go 1.13+
- Git
- npm
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- Go 1.13+
- Git
Instructions to build Windows installer of IVPN Client software (daemon+CLI+UI):
Use Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio (required for building native sub-projects).
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd desktop-app-ui2/References/Windows
Compiled binaries can be found at: desktop-app-ui2\References\Windows\bin
Instructions to build macOS DMG package of IVPN Client software (daemon+CLI+UI):
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ivpn/desktop-app-ui2/References/macOS
Compiled binary can be found at: desktop-app-ui2/References/macOS/_compiled
Instructions to build Linux DEB and RPM packages of IVPN software 'UI' package:
git clone
cd desktop-app-ui2/References/Linux
./ -v <VERSION_X.X.X>
Compiled packages can be found at desktop-app-ui2/References/Linux/_out_bin
It is required to have installed IVPN Daemon before running IVPN UI.
You may be interested also in IVPN Client CLI project to build a 'base' Linux redistributable package (daemon + CLI) of IVPN software.
Project is using Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for creating release versions.
SemVer is a 3-component system in the format of x.y.z
stands for a major version
stands for a minor version
stands for a patch
So we have: Major.Minor.Patch
If you are interested in contributing to IVPN Client project, please read our Contributing Guidelines.
If you want to report a security problem, please read our Security Policy.
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 - see the License file for details.
See the Authors file for the list of contributors who participated in this project.