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Create beautiful React-Native forms within minutes with validator, error handling by passing just JSON


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Create beautiful React-Native forms within minutes with validator, progress-bar, custom error handling by passing just JSON

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⭐ Features

  • 10+ fully customisable component ready to be used by passing a json (including support for loading data asynchronously)
  • Can easily manage Safe Area for devices with notch
  • Ingerated with optional progress bar to show user their progress while filling up a form
  • Allows throwing custom error and data validation
  • Includes loading component
  • Instant support for feature and issue using git issue tracker




RN-Formly use following as peerDependency

  1. react-native-device-info
  2. react-native-image-crop-picker
npm i react-native-image-crop-picker react-native-device-info rn-formly --save

For iOS, If you are using React Native => 0.60 then simple do

pod install 

else follow this guide

Setting up image crop picker

IOS setup

Image Crop picker requires you to have relevant permission to access camera and storage for both iOS and Android

  1. Go to info.plist and add this
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like access to your photo gallery</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to use your camera</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to save photos to your photo gallery</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to use your microphone (for videos)</string>

You refer to following documentation for more information (and probably for integration in complex project)

or look into this commit

Android Setup

Add following lines in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

look at this commit

If this does not work, refer to following instructions.

  1. For Image Croper
  2. For React Native Device Info


To get started/or a try it out, you can clone or check out the following repo

Minimilistic Setup Example

import SignupFormComponent from 'rn-formly';

const inputFields = [
    key: 'name', 
    type: 'text', 
    label: `Your Full Name`,
    required: true,
    helper: 'Using your real name would make it more likely for you to get a match',
    templateOptions: { 
      componentProps: {
        placeholder: 'Frank Murphy'
    key: 'otp', 
    type: 'otp', 
    label: 'Enter OTP',
    helper: '(optional) but try to enter incorrect date', 
    templateOptions: {
      noOfTextInput: 5,
  const App: () => React$Node = () => {

  const justLogDataFromForms = (index, key, currentValue,  payload) => {
     console.log('Logging from Parent log')
    console.log(index, key, currentValue, payload)

  return (
        blink: false

Example usage of all the component can be seen using this file

Required Props

SNO Prop Type Default Required description
1. inputFields Array Nope Yes Click here
2. onButtonClick Async function Nope Yes Passed function receives index of the element in array, key associated with it and the complete payload, This is triggered after user have clicked on the Next button, and before the iteration happens, you can throw errors here to prevent from incrementing to the text state

This is how error handling is done behind the scene: if (error.message) setErrorData({status: true, message: error.message})

Optional Props

Important Props are highlighted.

General Optional Props

SNO Prop Type Default Required description
1. textStyle TextStyle none No Heading text style (style for your label key in inputFields props)
2. progressBar ProgressBarProps blink: false No click here to know more about ProgressBar Component
3. helperTextStyle TextStyle none No Helper text style (style for your helper key in inputFields )
4. backgroundViewColor string 'white' No background for the view of your form
5. defaultColor string 'black' no Formats button color, text color and sub component color accordingly (can be override by passing styles for individual component)
6. onFinish function none No Function which is triggered after user have itterated over all the elements in the passed inputFields
7. backIconStyle TextStyle none No Styling for the back button <
8. startingIndex number 0 (inital number of your inputfields no which object to start with your input fields array

Button Optional props

Validation and Error throwing are done in inputFields array. See inputFields section to know more

SNO Prop Type Default Required description
1. buttonSelectedStyle ViewStyle none No Styling of the button when a user is allowed to move to the next field
2. buttonNotSelectedStyle ViewStyle none No styling of the button when a user is not allowed to move to the next field
3. buttonSelectedTextStyle TextStyle none No styling of the text inside the button when a user is allowed to move to the next field
4. buttonNotSelectedTextStyle TextStyle none no styling of the text inside the button when a user is not allowed to move to the next field
5. globalButtonText string "Next" no button Text to move to next screen (can be overwritten by passing button text in inputArray field object

Error Props

Validation and Error throwing is done in the inputFields array. See inputFeilds section to know more.

SNO Prop Type Default Required description
1. defaultErrorMessage string 'Sorry Something went wrong' No Error message for user when error occurs but the error does not contain a message for failure
2. errorStyle stylesheet object none No Text Styling for error message


  1. for stylesheet object type props. you need to pass props like this
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  someStyle: {

and then pass styles.someStyle in props

  1. For stylesheet object, Default None does not mean that element won't have any styles; the props provided by the user would override the default styling.

inputFields Props

inputFields Props supports most of the popular components you would need in a form. If we are missing any component, create an issue, and we should be able to add within 2-4 days.

Currently Supported Component

  1. Text
  2. dataTyper
  3. checkboxes
  4. picker
  5. image,
  6. images
  7. AutoComplete
  8. otp

Structuring your Array Object

    key: 'name', 
    type: 'text', 
    label: 'Your Full Name',
    helper: 'Using your real name would make it more likely for you to get a match',
    templateOptions: { 
      componentProps: {
        placeholder: 'Frank Murphy'
      templateStyle: styles.textStyle // refer to the style component

Global Properties for each object

S.NO key type description Required
1. key string Unique key to identify the object Yes
2. type string type of component you want to use (should be one of the above) Yes
3. label string Heading for the field Yes
4. helper string Helper for the field No
5. templateOptions object props for specific components No
6. Validator function sometimes you want to do validation in the real-time and not after the next button is clicked, in this case, pass the validator function. A validator function would receive the following data in its argument index, key, currentData, payload No
7. required Boolean if required: true the field cannot be empty i.e. button to iterate to the next component will be disabled no
8. buttonText string passing buttonText in your key object will overwrite your globalText for that particular screen only no
3. defaultValue (based on component) this is default value (usually the value user have entered before) no

Text Component

    key: 'name', 
    type: 'text', 
    label: 'Your Full Name',
    helper: 'Using your real name would make it more likely for you to get a match',
    templateOptions: { 
      componentProps: {
        placeholder: 'Frank Murphy'
      templateStyle: styles.textStyle // refer to the style component

Component level Props are mostly passed in templateOptions

Default Value type: string

TemplateOptions keys with value
S.NO key type description Required
1. componentProps object Can pass all the props for TextInput no
2. templateStyle style object stying for text input no


    key: 'dob', 
    type: 'dateTyper', //change this to Dob component
    label: 'Your Date of birth',
    helper: 'Your Birthdate will help us in connecting you with people of similar age',
    required: true
TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. dateFormat string should be either DDMMYYYY, or MMDDYYYY or YYYYMMDD No
2. componentProps NextInputProps Read more about next input dependency which we use here no

Default Value type: Array of strings or string


    key: "gender", 
    type: 'checkboxes',
    label: 'Select your Gender', 
    helper: '(Optional), Please select a gender', 
    templateOptions: {
      options: [
  key: 'male',
  label: 'Male',
  value: false 
    key: 'female', 
    label: 'Female',
    value: false
    key: 'others', 
    label: 'Others',
    value: false
TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. options Array should contain key, label and value Yes None

image (single image)

    key: 'image',
    label: "Upload your cover image", 
    helper: 'You can change your profile pic anytime from settings',
    templateOptions: {
     cropHeight: 200,
     cropWidth: 300

defaultValue type: ImageType;

TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. cropWidth number width of the image user is allowed to crop/select no none
2. cropHeight number heoght of the image user is allowed to crop/select no none
3. imageComponentStyle ImageStyle styling your image component no


    key: 'image',
    label: "Upload your cover image", 
    helper: 'You can change your profile pic anytime from settings',
    templateOptions: {
     cropHeight: 200,
     cropWidth: 300

defaultValue type: Array of ImageType;

TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. cropWidth number width of the images user is allowed to crop/select no none
2. cropHeight number heoght of the images user is allowed to crop/select no none


    key: 'otp', 
    type: 'otp', 
    label: 'Enter OTP',
    helper: '(optional) but try to enter incorrect date', 
    templateOptions: {
      noOfTextInput: 5,

TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. noOfTextInput number number of character in your otp yes none
2. componentProps NextInputProps Read more about next input dependency which we use here no


    key: 'autoComplete', 
    type: 'autoComplete', 
    label: 'Type Programming language',
    helper: "This is an example of Auto Complete Component, Don't try to make sense out of the returned data",
    templateOptions: { 
      asyncFunction: async function (text) {
        return async data

Where data should be object Array containg id, value, title

      id: 1,
      title: "Javascript",
      value: "javascript"
      id: 2,
      title: "Java",
      value: "java"

Click here to see the example da

TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. componentProps NextInputProps Read more about next input dependency which we use here no
2. asyncFunction async function this function will recive the input text and should return suggestions accordingly (via making some api call etc) yes none
3. loaderRequired Boolean shows loader until user recieves the data from async function no false
4. listViewStyle styling object styling for the list list view no nope
5. listTextStyle styling object styling for the text in the list view no nope
6. textInputStyle TextStyleObject Input box text style no nope
7. debouncingEnable boolean enable debouncing to fetch data no true
8. debouncingTime number debouncing time to make request 500 false


    key: "gender", 
    type: 'picker',
    label: 'Select your Gender', 
    helper: '(Optional), Please select a gender', 
    templateOptions: {
      options: [
  key: 'male',
  label: 'Male',
  value: false 
    key: 'female', 
    label: 'Female',
    value: false
    key: 'others', 
    label: 'Others',
    value: false
TemplateOptions key/value
S.NO key type description Required Default
1. options Array should contain key, label and value Yes None


Create beautiful React-Native forms within minutes with validator, error handling by passing just JSON







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Contributors 3
