Welcome to the inference code for the paper "Protein Sequence Modelling with Bayesian Flow Networks". With this code, you can sample from our trained models ProtBFN, for general proteins, and AbBFN, for antibody VH chains.
Bayesian Flow Networks are a new approach to generative modelling, and can be viewed as an extension of diffusion models to the parameter space of probability distributions. They define a continuous-time process that maps between a naive prior distribution and a psuedo-deterministic posterior distribution for each variable independently. By training our neural network to 'denoise' the current posterior, by taking into account mutual information between variables, we implicitly minimise a variational lower bound. We can then use our trained neural network to generate samples from the learned distribution.
One of the benefits of defining such a process in probability parameter space is that it can be applied to any family of distributions with continous-valued parameters. This means that BFNs can be directly applied to discrete data, allowing for diffusion-like generative modelling for sequences without restrictive left-to-right inductive biases or relying on discrete-time stochastic processes. The main focus of our work is to investigate the application of BFNs to protein sequences, as represented by a sequence of amino acids. The ProtBFN methodology is broadly summarised below:
Having trained ProtBFN, we find that it is exceptionally performant at unconditional generation of de novo protein sequences. For example, we find that we are able to rediscover a variety of structural motifs, according to structures predicted by ESMFold, with high sequence novelty:
To get started, you need to modify Makefile
to use your accelerator. For example, if you are using a GPU, you would modify the Makefile
You can choose between CPU, TPU and GPU accelerators. Please note that multi-host inference is not supported by this code release, and you should therefore restrict your hardware usage to single-host settings. Once you have configured your accelerator, simply run
> make build
to build the protbfn
docker image. We typically find that this step takes 5-20 minutes to run, depending on your hardware.
Sampling is performed with the sample.py
script. We've included a shortcut command in Makefile
that let's you run sample.py
through the docker image that you have just built, with run arguments appropriate for your chosen accelerator. To run sampling, simply call:
> make sample
Your samples will be written to samples/samples.fasta
by default. This file will contain a variety of de-novo generated protein sequences:
>sample_0 loss: 34.71, perplexity: 1.10
>sample_1 loss: 875.64, perplexity: 7.22
You can render individual generated proteins using tools such as the ESMFold web API. For example, we can see that the first protein generated above is a high confidence complex structure:
There are a variety of commandline arguments that you can use to modify the sampling behaviour. These are passed through the RUN_ARGS
argument. For example:
# Sample the ProtBFN model
> make sample RUN_ARGS="--model ProtBFN"
# Sample the AbBFN model
> make sample RUN_ARGS="--model AbBFN"
# Sample 8 sequences per batch across 10 batches e.g. 80 sequences total
> make sample RUN_ARGS="--model ProtBFN --num_samples_per_batch=8 --num_batches=10"
# Apply the perplexity and repetitivity filtering to samples as used in the paper
> make sample RUN_ARGS="--model ProtBFN --filter_samples"
For a complete usage, simply run:
> make sample RUN_ARGS="--help"
usage: sample.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--num_steps NUM_STEPS] [--seed SEED]
[--num_samples_per_batch NUM_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH]
[--num_batches NUM_BATCHES] [--filter_samples]
[--perplexity_threshold PERPLEXITY_THRESHOLD]
[--repetivity_threshold REPETIVITY_THRESHOLD]
[--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
Sample from a BFN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model MODEL Name of the model; this can be either ProtBFN or AbBFN
--num_steps NUM_STEPS
Number of sampling steps
--seed SEED Random seed
--force_reload Force reload the model parameters
--num_samples_per_batch NUM_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH
Number of samples to generate per batch
--num_batches NUM_BATCHES
Number of batches to generate
--filter_samples Filter samples by perplexity and repetivity
--perplexity_threshold PERPLEXITY_THRESHOLD
perplexity threshold for filtering
--repetivity_threshold REPETIVITY_THRESHOLD
Repetivity threshold for filtering
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory for samples
In particular, if your model parameters ever get corrupted, for example through an interrupted download, you can forcibly reset them through the --force_reload
# Run sampling with the AbBFN model and forcibly reload the model parameters
make sample RUN_ARGS="--model AbBFN --force_reload"
Inpainting is performed with the inpaint.py
script. As with sampling, we've included a shortcut command in Makefile
that let's you run sample.py
through the docker image that you have just built, with run arguments appropriate for your chosen accelerator. To run inpainting, simply call:
> make inpaint
This command will take the sequences in example_inputs/sequences.fasta
and, by default, perform inpainting on the CDR3
region. Your samples will be written to samples/inpainted_samples.fasta
by default:
>1i9r-K-inpainted inpainted with AAR 0.27272725105285645
>6bb4-I-inpainted inpainted with AAR 0.75
>7k8u-H-inpainted inpainted with AAR 0.0
You can see inpainting behaviour in detail by passing the --verbose
> make inpaint RUN_ARGS="--verbose"
Model weights for AbBFN already downloaded and stored in parameters/AbBFN
Sampling across 1 hosts.
Found 4 local devices.
Sampling 1 samples per device per batch of 4.
Number of samples to inpaint is 20
Padding input to length 20 for batching
Begin sampling
100%|ββββββββββ| 5/5 [29:18<00:00, 351.65s/it]
Sampling completed
Number of inpainted samples: 20
Writing samples to disk: samples/inpainted_samples.fasta
Inpainted to:
AAR: 0.27272725105285645
Inpainted to:
AAR: 0.75
Average AAR: 0.30792853236198425
Where AAR
refers to the Amino Acid Recovery rate, a key statistic reported in our paper. An X
is used to indicate that a given amino acid is masked (and inpainted), and a |
symbol indicates that it was correctly recovered, whereas a -
symbol indicates that a different amino acid was generated.
Note that in the paper, we used a substantially more expensive regime, with 1024 particles:
make inpaint RUN_ARGS="--num_particles 1024"
For a complete usage, simply run:
> make inpaint RUN_ARGS="--help"
usage: inpaint.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--force_reload] [--seed SEED]
[--num_steps NUM_STEPS] [--num_particles NUM_PARTICLES]
[--num_samples_per_batch NUM_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH]
[--input_file INPUT_FILE] [--numbering_file NUMBERING_FILE]
[--region REGION] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--verbose]
Inpaint with a BFN
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model MODEL Name of the model; this can be either ProtBFN or AbBFN
--force_reload Force reload the model parameters
--seed SEED Random seed
--num_steps NUM_STEPS
Number of sampling steps
--num_particles NUM_PARTICLES
Number of particles
--num_samples_per_batch NUM_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH
Number of samples to inpaint per batch
--input_file INPUT_FILE
Path to the input file
--numbering_file NUMBERING_FILE
Path to the ANARCI numbering file
--region REGION Region to inpaint
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory for samples
--verbose Whether to print every inpainted sample
If you want to work with your own data, you will need to create a numbering.npy
file. This file contains a (N, 7, max_len)
ndarray, where N
is the number of sequences in the fasta file (ordered also by their appearance in the fasta). Each of the 7 dims in the second axis correspond to a region. In order, these are:
CDR1, CDR2, CDR3, FR1, FR2, FR3, FR4
The last axis refers to the position in the chain, padded to the length of the longest sequence in the fasta file, with 1
denoting that a residue belongs to the region of interest. That is, numbering[13, 1, :]
will yield a vector where all positions corresponding to cdr2 for the 14th sequence are 1
If you have used ProtBFN or AbBFN in your work, you can cite us using the following bibtex entry:
@article {Atkinson2024.09.24.614734,
author = {Atkinson, Timothy and Barrett, Thomas D. and Cameron, Scott and Guloglu, Bora and Greenig, Matthew and Robinson, Louis and Graves, Alex and Copoiu, Liviu and Laterre, Alexandre},
title = {Protein Sequence Modelling with Bayesian Flow Networks},
elocation-id = {2024.09.24.614734},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1101/2024.09.24.614734},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/09/26/2024.09.24.614734},
eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/09/26/2024.09.24.614734.full.pdf},
journal = {bioRxiv}