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405 lines (235 loc) · 17.9 KB

File metadata and controls

405 lines (235 loc) · 17.9 KB

2.15.0 [unreleased]


  • #416 Update CircleCi machine image to ubuntu-2204:current

2.14.0 [2024-08-12]


  • #404 Expose HTTP response headers in the Error type to aid analysis and debugging of error results. Add selected response headers to the error log.

Also, unified errors returned by WriteAPI, which now always returns http.Error


  • #403 Custom checks de/serialization to allow calling server Check API

2.13.0 [2023-12-05]


  • #394 Add DataToPoint utility to convert a struct to a write.Point


  • #393 Replace deprecated io/ioutil
  • #392 Upgrade deepmap/oapi-codegen to new major version

2.12.4 [2023-11-03]

Bug fixes

  • #386 Remove deprecated pkg/errors
  • #387 Upgrade deepmap/oapi-codegen

2.12.3 [2023-03-29]

Bug fixes

  • Update from 0.0.0-20210119194325-5f4716e94777 to 0.7.0

2.12.2 [2023-01-26]

Bug fixes

  • #368 Allowing proxy from environment variable

2.12.1 [2022-12-01]

Bug fixes

  • #363 Generated server stubs return also error message from InfluxDB 1.x forward compatible API.
  • #364 Fixed panic when retrying over a long period without a server connection.


  • #366 Readme improvements:
    • Added GOPATH installation description
    • Added error handling to Basic Example.

2.12.0 [2022-10-27]


  • #358:
    • Added possibility to set an application name, which will be part of the User-Agent HTTP header:
      • Set using Options.SetApplicationName
      • Warning message is written to log if an application name is not set
        • This may change to be logged as an error in a future release
    • Added example how to fully override User-Agent header using Doer interface

Bug fixes

  • #359 WriteAPIBlocking.Flush() correctly returns nil error.

2.11.0 [2022-09-29]


  • #353 Simplify generated code.
  • #353 Regenerate code from swagger.
  • #355 Upgrade of lib from v2 to v3

Bug fixes

  • #354 More efficient synchronization in WriteAPIBlocking.

Breaking change

  • #353:
    • Interface Client has been extended with APIClient() function.
    • The generated client API changed:
      • Function names are simplified (was PostDBRPWithResponse, now PostDBRP)
      • All functions now accept a context and a single wrapper structure with request body and HTTP parameters
      • The functions return deserialized response body or an error (it was a response wrapper with a status code that had to be then validated)

2.10.0 [2022-08-25]


  • #348 Added write.Options.Consitency parameter to support InfluxDB Enterprise.
  • #350 Added support for implicit batching to WriteAPIBlocking. It's off by default, enabled by EnableBatching().

Bug fixes

  • #349 Skip retrying on specific write errors (mostly partial write error).

Breaking change

  • #350 Interface WriteAPIBlocking is extend with EnableBatching() and Flush().

2.9.2 [2022-07-29]

Bug fixes

  • #341 Changing logging level of messages about discarding batch to Error.
  • #344 WriteAPI.Flush() writes also batches from the retry queue.


  • #345 Added makefile for simplifying testing from command line.

2.9.1 [2022-06-24]

Bug fixes

  • #332 Retry strategy drops expired batches as soon as they expire.
  • #335 Retry strategy keeps max retry delay for new batches.

2.9.0 [2022-05-20]


  • #323 Added TasksAPI.CreateTaskByFlux to allow full control of task script.
  • #328 Added Client.SetupWithToken allowing to specify a custom token.

Bug fixes

  • #324 Non-empty error channel will not block writes

2.8.2 [2022-04-19]

Bug fixes

  • #319 Synchronize WriteAPIImpl.Close to prevent panic when closing client by multiple go-routines.

2.8.1 [2022-03-21]

Bug fixes

  • #311 Correctly unwrapping http.Error from Server API calls
  • #315 Masking authorization token in log

2.8.0 [2022-02-18]


  • #304 Added public constructor for QueryTableResult
  • #307 Synced generated server API with the latest oss.yml.
  • #308 Added Flux query parameters. Supported by InfluxDB Cloud only now.
  • #308 Go 1.17 is required



Bug fixes

  • #294 WritePoint and WriteRecord of WriteAPIBlocking returns always full error information.
  • 300 Closing the response body after write batch.
  • 302 FluxRecord.Table() returns value of the table column.



  • #285 Added Client.Ping() function as the only validation method available in both OSS and Cloud.
  • #286 Synced generated server API with the latest oss.yml.
  • #287 Added FluxRecord.Result() function as a convenient way to retrieve the Flux result name of data.

Bug fixes

  • #285 Functions Client.Health() and Client.Ready() correctly report an error when called against InfluxDB Cloud.

Breaking change

  • #285 Function Client.Ready() now returns *domain.Ready with full uptime info.


Bug fixes

  • #276 Synchronized logging methods of log.Logger.

2.5.0 [2021-08-20]


  • #264 Synced generated server API with the latest oss.yml.
  • #271 Use exponential random retry strategy
  • #273 Added WriteFailedCallback for WriteAPI allowing to be synchronously notified about failed writes and decide on further batch processing.

Bug fixes

  • #269 Synchronized setters of log.Logger to allow concurrent usage
  • #270 Fixed duplicate Content-Type header in requests to managemet API


  • #261 Update Line Protocol document link to v2.0
  • #274 Documenting proxy configuration and HTTP redirects handling

2.4.0 [2021-06-04]


  • #256 Allowing 'Doer' interface for HTTP requests

Bug fixes

  • #259 Fixed leaking connection in case of not reading whole query result on TLS connection

2.3.0 [2021-04-30]

Breaking change

  • #253 Interface 'Logger' extended with 'LogLevel() uint' getter.


  • #241,#248 Synced with InfluxDB 2.0.5 swagger:
    • Setup (onboarding) now sends correctly retentionDuration if specified
    • RetentionRule used in Bucket now contains ShardGroupDurationSeconds to specify the shard group duration.


  1. #242 Documentation improvements:
  1. #251 Fixed formatting

Bug fixes

  1. #252 Fixed panic when getting not present standard Flux columns
  2. #253 Conditional debug logging of buffers
  3. #254 Fixed golint pull

2.2.3 [2021-04-01]

Bug fixes

  1. #236 Setting MaxRetries to zero value disables retry strategy.
  2. #239 Blocking write client doesn't use retry handling.

2.2.2 [2021-01-29]

Bug fixes

  1. #229 Connection errors are also subject for retrying.

2.2.1 [2020-12-24]

Bug fixes

  1. #220 Fixed runtime error occurring when calling v2 API on v1 server.


  1. #218, #221, #222, Changed links leading to sources to point to API docs in Readme, fixed broken links to InfluxDB docs.

2.2.0 [2020-10-30]


  1. #206 Adding TasksAPI for managing tasks and associated logs and runs.

Bug fixes

  1. #209 Synchronizing access to the write service in WriteAPIBlocking.

2.1.0 [2020-10-02]


  1. #193 Added authentication using username and password. See UsersAPI.SignIn() and UsersAPI.SignOut()
  2. #204 Synced with InfluxDB 2 RC0 swagger. Added pagination to Organizations API and After paging param to Buckets API.

Bug fixes

  1. #191 Fixed QueryTableResult.Next() failed to parse boolean datatype.
  2. #192 Client.Close() closes idle connections of internally created HTTP client


  1. #189 Added clarification that server URL has to be the InfluxDB server base URL to API docs and all examples.
  2. #196 Changed default server port 9999 to 8086 in docs and examples
  3. #200 Fix example code in the Readme

2.0.1 [2020-08-14]

Bug fixes

  1. #187 Properly updated library for new major version.

2.0.0 [2020-08-14]

Breaking changes

  1. #173 Removed deprecated API.
  2. #174 Removed orgs labels API cause it has been removed from the server API
  3. #175 Removed WriteAPI.Close()


  1. #165 Allow overriding the http.Client for the http service.
  2. #179 Unifying retry strategy among InfluxDB 2 clients: added exponential backoff.
  3. #180 Provided public logger API to enable overriding logging. It is also possible to disable logging.
  4. #181 Exposed HTTP service to allow custom server API calls. Added example.

Bug fixes

  1. #175 Fixed WriteAPIs management. Keeping single instance for each org and bucket pair.


  1. #185 DeleteAPI and sample WriteAPIBlocking wrapper for implicit batching

1.4.0 [2020-07-17]

Breaking changes

  1. #156 Fixing Go naming and code style violations:
  • Introducing new *API interfaces with proper name of types, methods and arguments.
  • This also affects the Client interface and the Options type.
  • Affected types and methods have been deprecated and they will be removed in the next release.

Bug fixes

  1. #152 Allow connecting to server on a URL path
  2. #154 Use idiomatic go style for write channels (internal)
  3. #155 Fix panic in FindOrganizationByName in case of no permissions

1.3.0 [2020-06-19]


  1. #131 Labels API
  2. #136 Possibility to specify default tags
  3. #138 Fix errors from InfluxDB 1.8 being empty

Bug fixes

  1. #132 Handle unsupported write type as string instead of generating panic
  2. #134 FluxQueryResult: support reordering of annotations

1.2.0 [2020-05-15]

Breaking Changes

  • #107 Renamed InfluxDBClient interface to Client, so the full name influxdb2.Client suits better to Go naming conventions
  • #125 WriteApi,WriteApiBlocking,QueryApi interfaces and related objects like Point, FluxTableMetadata, FluxTableColumn, FluxRecord, moved to the api ( and api/write, api/query) packages to provide consistent interface


  1. #120 Health check API
  2. #122 Delete API
  3. #124 Buckets API

Bug fixes

  1. #108 Fix default retry interval doc
  2. #110 Allowing empty (nil) values in query result


  • #112 Clarify how to use client with InfluxDB 1.8+
  • #115 Doc and examples for reading write api errors

1.1.0 [2020-04-24]


  1. #100 HTTP request timeout made configurable
  2. #99 Organizations API and Users API
  3. #96 Authorization API


  1. #101 Added examples to API docs

1.0.0 [2020-04-01]


  • initial release of new client version


  • initial release of new client version