This system is your trusty and reliable aid designed to keep receivers safe and informed during emergencies. It promptly sends messages by SMS, Emails about on-going incidents and safety tips, ensuring everyone stays in the loop with live updates. Never feel unprepared with our Emergency Service Notification System at hand!
go run cmd/app/main.go
export PORT='rpcuser'
export DATABASE_URL='rpcpass'
export LISTEN_ADDR='http://localhost:18334'
export EMAIL_API_KEY='63ccb9a43cd1b'
export PUBLIC_API_KEY='pubkey-2084d9c'
export EMAIL_DOMAIN=''
export MOBILE_TWIL_ACCOUNT_SID='3537af2e99b5'
export MOBILE_TWIL_AUTH_TOKEN='3537af2e99b5'
route: go-chi
migrate: golang-migrate
postgresql: jackc/pgx
sending message by email: mailgun-go
logs: logrus
sql-queries: uptrace/bun
- graceful shutdown
- add grpc
- remove lorgus, use slog
- add kafka
- add worker to send messages to clients
- add worker to update a message status
- add parser from forecasting service (gismeteo)
- send messages by telegram
- send messages by what's app