Port of WordPress theme diaspora to Hugo. 中文文档
Thanks to WordPress theme author @Loeify
Preview: demo
If you are a user, plus group QQ: 801511924
If you are a creator, plus group QQ: 194472590
Cd < YOUR Bolg Root Dir to your blog root directory > git clone git @ github.com:honjun/hugo-theme-diaspora.git themes/Diaspora
Simply cut the contents of the exampleSite under the theme to the root directory to replace the replacement.
# [Change] Change your blog URL
baseurl = "https://hojun2.github.io"
# [Do not change] Language setting Chinese
languageCode = "zh-CN"
# [Do not change] If Chinese/Japanese/ Korean language. Please set to true in order for .Summary and .WordCount to execute correctly.
hasCJKLanguage = true
# [Change] Site title
title = "素锦"
# [Do not change] Theme name
theme = "Diaspora"
# [Do not change] Theme directory
themesDir = "./themes/"
# [Do not change] Set the number of entries in the list page, the default 10
paginate = 10
# [Do not change] Disable the directory to lowercase
disablePathToLower = true
# [Do not change] Set the automatic summary (summary) characters The number is 50. If the article description is empty, the summary will automatically use the first 50 characters of the article as the summary.
summaryLength = 50
# [Custom] Set the icon of the list page to display the number of words in the default display true/false display / not display
# display classification
category to true =
# is not displayed series (related)
Series to false =
# display tag
Tag to true =
# [] does not change the Classification Tag Series category
category = "the Categories"
Tag = "Tags"
Series = "series"
# [Do not change] Generate link configuration
post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug"
# [Change] How to change the personal parameters, this should be.
# Tell me who you are
author = "hojun"
bio = "Blogger - Programmer - Gopher"
location = "Earth"
site_description = "hojun's hugo static blog"
Copyright = "Powered by [Hugo](//gohugo.io). Theme by [PPOffice](http://github.com/ppoffice)."
avatar = "css/images/avatar.png"
# Enter your email address To display your Gravatar icon in the profile. If not set the theme
# will fallback to the avatar.
gravatar = "[email protected]"
logo = "css/images/logo.png"
disable_mathjax = false # set to true to disable MathJax
# define which types of pages should be shown. By default the type with the most regular pages
mainSections = ["post"]
# Format dates Go's time formatting
date_format = "January 2, 2006"
#Add custom assets with their paths relative to the static folder
custom_css = []
custom_js = []
# [custom] navigation bar menu configuration
name = "About"
link = "/about/"
target = " _blank"
name = "Links"
link = "/links/"
target = ""
name = "Archives"
link = "/archives/"
target = ""
[[ Params.menu]]
name = "Categories"
link = "/categories/"
target = ""
name = "Tags"
link = "/tags/"
target = ""
About directly content\about_index.mdmodify the md content.
Links directly \content\links.mdadded below
- url : https://www.banxia.me
name : Pinellia small stack
desc : Pinellia small stack
This form of friendship information can be.
The default format is \archetypes\default.md and the content is as follows:
# title does not change the
title : " {{.Name the replace " - "" "| title}}"
# date does not change
DATE : {{}} .date
# classification change
the Categories :
- Life
# series (related) Articles Change
series : XXX 小记
# tag change
tags :
- tag one
- tag two
# article music default to the next value change
mp3 : http://isujin.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ street loneliness.mp3 ? _ = 1
# articles cover art for the next value to change the default
cover :Https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hojun2/hojun2.github.io/img/wallhaven-672007-2.jpg
#文章Keyword plus
keywords :
#文章介绍加/不加是default article first 50 characters
description :
Thanks to lurr.js and hugo-lunr . This plugin is modified based on hugo-lunr and only adapts to the hugo-theme-diaspora theme. Other topics need to be modified. Install the plugin first (requires the npm tool to be installed)
npm i hugo-lunr-diaspora
Then create a new package.json in the root of the blog, add the following content
" scripts " : {
" index " : " hugo-lunr "
Finally, cd to the blog root directory to run the npm run indexgenerated lurr.json file can use the site search. Note that you need to update the lurr.json file after updating the article.