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object: add ability to tag arbitrary objects with arbitrary tags and …
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Modules define lists of objects, e.g. a `SpriteRenderer` module may define

sprites: mach.Objects(struct {
    // ...

Previously, the only way for another Mach module to 'attach data to a sprite object' or 'tag a sprite' would be to (ab)use the graph relations system, creating their own object and using parent/child relations to express that the sprite has some tag/data associated with it. For example:

// Game.zig

is_monster: mach.Object(struct{}), // empty object just to indicate 'some other object is a monster'

// ...

// Create a 'tag object'
const is_monster_tag_obj_id ={});

// Add the 'tag object' as a child of our sprite
sprite_renderer.sprites.addChild(my_sprite_id, is_monster_tag_obj_id);

// ...

This usage of the API was quite ugly/usage, and importantly eliminated your ability to use the parent/child relations for _other_ things where they are more appropriate. However, it did mean that you didn't have to go and fork+modify the `SpriteRenderer` module that you e.g. imported as a reusable package.

With this change, we add object _tags_ and _tags with values_. Any module can add their own tags or tags with values to any object, whether it is from their module or not. For example, the `is_monster` example above could now be written as:

// Game.zig

pub const mach_tags = .{ .is_monster };

// ...

try sprite_renderer.sprites.setTag(sprite_id, Game, .is_monster, null);
const is_monster: bool = sprite_renderer.sprites.hasTag(sprite_id, Game, .is_monster);
// is_monster == true!

// No longer a monster
try sprite_renderer.sprites.removeTag(sprite_id, Game, .is_monster);

This allows for effectively tagging objects as distinct kinds, states, etc. even though they aren't our object and we can't modify their `struct {}` type to include an `is_monster: bool` field of our own.

Internally, the implementation stores tags using a hashmap under the assumption that not all objects in a list will have a tag.

Tags with values work almost identically, the only difference is that the last parameter to `setTag` is set to another `mach.ObjectID` which points to whatever arbitrary data you'd like to attach to the object, and `getTag` returns it. For example:

// Game.zig

pub const mach_tags = .{
    /// Whether a sprite is a monster

    /// Whether a sprite has a friendly sprite attached to it
    .{ .friend, Sprite, .sprites },

// ...

try sprite_renderer.sprites.setTag(sprite_id, Game, .friend, friendly_sprite_id);

const has_friend: bool = sprite_renderer.sprites.hasTag(sprite_id, Game, .friend);
// has_friend == true!

// Get our friend
const friend_id: mach.ObjectID = sprite_renderer.sprites.getTag(sprite_id, Game, .friend);
// friend_id == friendly_sprite_id

// Delete our friend
try sprite_renderer.sprites.removeTag(sprite_id, Game, .friend);

Signed-off-by: Emi Gutekanst <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
emidoots committed Feb 9, 2025
1 parent 9749cd9 commit 17a830f
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions src/module.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,13 +70,21 @@ pub fn Objects(options: ObjectsOptions, comptime T: type) type {

/// A bitset used to track per-field changes. Only used if options.track_fields == true.
updated: ?std.bit_set.DynamicBitSetUnmanaged = if (options.track_fields) .{} else null,

/// Tags storage
tags: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(TaggedObject, ?ObjectID) = .{},

pub const IsMachObjects = void;

const Generation = u16;
const Index = u32;

const TaggedObject = struct {
object_id: ObjectID,
tag_hash: u64,

const PackedID = packed struct(u64) {
type_id: ObjectTypeID,
generation: Generation,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,6 +283,52 @@ pub fn Objects(options: ObjectsOptions, comptime T: type) type {
if (mach.is_debug) data.set(unpacked.index, undefined);

// TODO(objects): evaluate whether tag operations should ever return an error

/// Sets a tag on an object
pub fn setTag(objs: *@This(), id: ObjectID, comptime M: type, tag: ModuleTagEnum(M), value_id: ?ObjectID) !void {
_ = objs.validateAndUnpack(id, "setTag");

// TODO: validate that value_id is an object coming from the mach.Objects(T) list indicated by the tag value in M.mach_tags.
//const value_mach_objects = moduleTagValueObjects(M, tag);

const tagged = TaggedObject{
.object_id = id,
.tag_hash = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, @tagName(tag)),
try objs.internal.tags.put(objs.internal.allocator, tagged, value_id);

/// Removes a tag on an object
pub fn removeTag(objs: *@This(), id: ObjectID, comptime M: type, tag: ModuleTagEnum(M)) void {
_ = objs.validateAndUnpack(id, "setTag");
const tagged = TaggedObject{
.object_id = id,
.tag_hash = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, @tagName(tag)),
_ = objs.internal.tags.remove(tagged);

/// Whether an object has a tag
pub fn hasTag(objs: *@This(), id: ObjectID, comptime M: type, tag: ModuleTagEnum(M)) bool {
_ = objs.validateAndUnpack(id, "hasTag");
const tagged = TaggedObject{
.object_id = id,
.tag_hash = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, @tagName(tag)),
return objs.internal.tags.contains(tagged);

/// Get an object's tag value, or null.
pub fn getTag(objs: *@This(), id: ObjectID, comptime M: type, tag: ModuleTagEnum(M)) ?mach.ObjectID {
_ = objs.validateAndUnpack(id, "hasTag");
const tagged = TaggedObject{
.object_id = id,
.tag_hash = std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, @tagName(tag)),
return objs.internal.tags.get(tagged) orelse null;

pub fn slice(objs: *@This()) Slice {
return Slice{
.index = 0,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,6 +551,46 @@ fn ModuleFunctionName2(comptime M: type) type {

/// Enum describing all mach_tags for a given comptime-known module.
fn ModuleTagEnum(comptime M: type) type {
// TODO(object): handle duplicate enum field case in mach_tags with a more clear error?
// TODO(object): improve validation error messages here
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(M.mach_tags)) != .@"struct") {
@compileError("mach: invalid module, `pub const mach_tags must be `.{ .is_monster, .{ .renderer, mach.Renderer.objects } }`, found: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(M.mach_tags)));
var enum_fields: []const std.builtin.Type.EnumField = &[0]std.builtin.Type.EnumField{};
var i: u32 = 0;
inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(M.mach_tags)).@"struct".fields, 0..) |field, field_index| {
const f = M.mach_tags[field_index];
if (@typeInfo(field.type) == .enum_literal) {
enum_fields = enum_fields ++ [_]std.builtin.Type.EnumField{.{ .name = @tagName(f), .value = i }};
i += 1;
} else {
if (@typeInfo(field.type) != .@"struct") {
@compileError("mach: invalid module, mach_tags entry is not an enum literal or struct, found: " ++ @typeName(field.type));
// TODO(objects): validate length of struct
const tag = f.@"0";
const M2 = f.@"1";
const object_list_tag = f.@"2";
_ = object_list_tag; // autofix
// TODO: validate that M2.object_list_tag is a mach objects list
enum_fields = enum_fields ++ [_]std.builtin.Type.EnumField{.{ .name = @tagName(tag), .value = i }};
i += 1;
return @Type(.{
.@"enum" = .{
.tag_type = if (enum_fields.len > 0) std.math.IntFittingRange(0, enum_fields.len - 1) else u0,
.fields = enum_fields,
.decls = &[_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{},
.is_exhaustive = true,

pub fn Modules(module_lists: anytype) type {
inline for (moduleTuple(module_lists)) |module| {
Expand Down

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