Athena aspires to become a strong center for educational excellence capable of responding to emerging educational challenges and needs in a fast changing society. With its core values of fairness, honesty and integrity, Athena will always strive hard to build character, sharpen the intellect and encourage critical thinking among students through modern education retaining traditional values.
Consistent with its vision, Athena imparts quality education to students in a conducive, enabling, safe environment backed by robust infrastructure. A wide variety of innovative teaching practices are used to empower students with knowledge, methods, skills & techniques, so that they achieve their full potential & become academically sound, professionally competent & socially relevant.
In this Tech Savvy era, with lot of advancements in the field of AI, ML, IoT and Deep Learning - People are randomly posting out random, partial and incomplete data on internet. ARMS proposes a Reviewed Article System in which article is published only after review. With added features for visually impaired, ARMS is ready to be implemented
The features include:
- Automated System - A Fully Automated Content Posting System
- Options and Panel - User Dashboard and Admin Panel
- Fully Flexible Editor - 83+ Formatting Options
- Post Status - Functionality to save your contributions as Drafts, Send for Reviews and Get is Published by Admin
- Newsletter - Newsletter Section for getting updates about new posts
- AthenaVoice - A section for The People with Vision defects / complete blindness - so that they can listen to the article content.
- Social Media Sharing - Direct Social Media sharing options, to avoid hassle of Link copying and storing
- Author Profiles - Easily Sharabale profiles for a particular author, which could be shared to present your contributed works. (Without any company branding)
- Comments - Innovative Comment System that adds a tag based on the type of comment made on the post (Enhancement, Hatred, Spam, Uplifting, Improvement, Best, etc.)
- Rating - Rating System for every post, A cummulative average rating is calculated.
- Use the command:
git clone
- Take the database file named:
in the Database folder - Go to phpMyAdmin
- Create a Database, Click on
and uploadarms.sql
- If Project had to be run locally, using XAMPP
- In
, Configure your database connection as following:
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME');
- In
To contribute fork this repository and clone it. Make changes and create a pull request. Follow the step below to contribute.
$ git config --global "YOUR NAME"
$ git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
On the upper right you can see a option to fork the repository. Fork it to make changes.
Use the below command to clone the repo into your local system.
$ git clone https://hariketsheth/Article_Repository_Management_System.git
$ cd <your-forked-project-folder>
$ git remote add upstream
$ git checkout main
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/main
$ git push origin main
$ git checkout -b <feature-branch>
$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "<commit message>"
$ git push origin main