Raumserver is a HTTP REST API daemon for RF devices created by ChriD (see https://github.com/ChriD/Raumserver). It can be installed on RF devices itself or in the same network with communication via UPnP.
Current version: 1.0.2 (11.02.2017)
docker pull gutmensch/raumserver
docker run --net=host -ti gutmensch/raumserver start.sh
This image now features a simple AJAX webclient. By default it should be available after running the image at http://docker:3535/. The Quick Source menu is not yet dynamic. Take a look at the top of main.js, if you want to rebuild - Playlists and HTTP Streams are supported, I didn't get containers to work (see loadContainer in the raumserver documentation). The client's interface was designed to be as suitable for smartphones/tablets as possible, therefor some constraints with regards to line length etc. pp.
$ curl docker:3535/raumserver/data/getVersion | python -mjson.tool
"raumkernelLib": "1.0.2",
"raumserverLib": "1.0.2"
$ curl docker:3535/raumserver/data/getZoneConfig | python -mjson.tool
"UDN": "uuid:92A8D729-D665-4D13-8E63-B0994E4BDB84",
"name": "Bad, Kueche",
"rooms": [
"UDN": "uuid:cddc2453-8f96-4ece-9c9e-791212003367",
"color": "#CC0000",
"name": "Bad",
"online": true
"UDN": "uuid:d6b7fbad-b9bc-4bc2-add3-49c3104e0b80",
"color": "#CC0000",
"name": "Kueche",
"online": true
"UDN": "",
"name": "",
"rooms": []