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This repository was archived by the owner on May 22, 2024. It is now read-only.

Releases: greenplum-db/PivotalR-archive

Bug Fix: Correctly filtering out NA in categorical variables

23 Apr 23:22
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32-bit and 64-bit binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

Some minor changes

21 Apr 06:34
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Some minor changes Pre-release

32-bit and 64-bit binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

Use 'group by' instead of 'array_agg(distinct)' to collect all levels of a factor

18 Apr 23:29
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32-bit and 64-bit binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7

Small changes

18 Apr 08:51
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Small changes Pre-release

Binary package for Windows and R-2.15.1

New changes

18 Apr 06:58
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New changes Pre-release

This is a 32-bit/64-bit binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

(1) A bug fix for correctly handling as.factor(a + b) type expression

(2) Better handling of array syntax in the formula (for example, y ~ x[c(2, 5:9)], where x is an array column)

(3) Use pseudo-inverse instead of normal matrix inverse to avoid error when the Hessian is singular.

Use a more stable implementation of matrix pseudo-inverse

18 Apr 14:50
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Binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

Bug fix: All known bugs are fixed

17 Apr 05:51
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32-bit and 64-bit binary package for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

Bug fix: Correctly handle column names that are substring of another column name

16 Apr 22:35
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32-bit and 64-bit binaries for R-2.15.1 compiled on Windows 7.

Bug fix: avoid using /tmp folder so that the user does not need the permission on /tmp

15 Apr 00:15
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32-bit and 64-bit binaries compiled for R-2.15.1 on Windows 7.

Fixed a minor bug in the previous version

12 Apr 01:19
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The ZIP file is compiled for R-2.15.1 on Windows 7, and it includes both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.