Most new GovCMS projects are built on Drupal 8 SaaS or PaaS. The READMEs for those projects are now directing readers to the GovCMS Developer Wiki. This legacy README is kept here.
Docker - Follow documentation at to configure local development environment.
Mac/Linux - Make sure you don't have anything running on port 80 on the host machine (like a web server):
gem install pygmy pygmy up
git clone amazeeio-docker-windows; cd amazeeio-docker-windows docker-compose up -d; cd ..
Ahoy (optional) - The commands are listed in
all include their docker-compose versions for use on Windows, or on systems without Ahoy.
Checkout project repo and confirm the path is in Docker's file sharing config (
Mac/Linux: git clone {INSERT_PROJECT_NAME} && cd $_ Windows: git clone {INSERT_PROJECT_NAME}; cd {INSERT_PROJECT_NAME}
Build and start the containers:
Mac/Linux: ahoy up Windows: docker-compose up -d
Install GovCMS:
Mac/Linux: ahoy install Windows: docker-compose exec -T test drush si -y govcms
Login to Drupal:
Mac/Linux: ahoy login Windows: docker-compose exec -T test drush uli
Additional commands are listed in .ahoy.yml
, or available from the command line ahoy -v
The GovCMS projects have been designed to be able to import a nightly copy of the latest master
branch database in two ways:
1: Using the GitLab container registry nightly backup
- these instructions are for{org}/{project}/container_registry
- add a GitLab Personal Access Token with
scope (profile/personal_access_tokens) docker login
(and use the PAT created above as the password)ahoy up
(or the docker-compose equivalent)- to refresh the db with a newer version, run
ahoy up
2: Use the backups accessible via the UI
- head to{project}-master
- click "Prepare download" for the most recent mysql backup you want - note that you will have to refresh the page to see when it is complete
- download that backup into your project folder
ahoy mysql-import
to import the dump you just saved
- You should create your theme(s) in folders under
- Tests specific to your site can be committed to the
folders - The files folder is not (currently) committed to GitLab.
- Do not make changes to
or the Dockerfiles under/.docker
- these will result in your project being unable to deploy to GovCMS SaaS
This project is designed to provision a Drupal 7 project onto GovCMS SaaS, using the GovCMS distribution, and has been prepared thus
- The vanilla GovCMS (7.x-3.x) Distribution is available at Github Source and as Public DockerHub images
- Those GovCMS images are then customised for Lagoon and GovCMS, and are available at Github Source and as Public DockerHub images
- Those GovCMSlagoon images are then retrieved in this scaffold repository.