Azure Front Door is a global, scalable entry-point that uses the Microsoft global edge network to create fast, secure, and widely scalable web applications. With Front Door, you can transform your global consumer and enterprise applications into robust, high-performing personalized modern applications with contents that reach a global audience through Azure.
Front Door works at Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS layer) using anycast protocol with split TCP and Microsoft's global network to improve global connectivity. Based on your routing method you can ensure that Front Door will route your client requests to the fastest and most available application backend. An application backend is any Internet-facing service hosted inside or outside of Azure. Front Door provides a range of traffic-routing methods and backend health monitoring options to suit different application needs and automatic failover scenarios. Similar to Traffic Manager, Front Door is resilient to failures, including failures to an entire Azure region.
For the insfrastructure of this hackathon will be neccesary have two App Services as a backend of Front Door. We recommend check the declaration of front door and example on github.
resource "azurerm_frontdoor" "mshack" {
name = var.frontdoorname
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check = var.enforcebpcert
frontend_endpoint {
name = lookup(var.frontend_endpoint, "name")
host_name = lookup(var.frontend_endpoint, "host_name")
backend_pool_load_balancing {
name = "${var.backendpoolname}LBSetting"
backend_pool_health_probe {
name = "${var.backendpoolname}HealthSetting"
dynamic "routing_rule" {
for_each = var.routing_rule
content {
name =
accepted_protocols = routing_rule.value.accepted_protocols
patterns_to_match = routing_rule.value.patterns_to_match
frontend_endpoints = routing_rule.value.frontend_endpoints
dynamic "forwarding_configuration" {
for_each = routing_rule.value.configuration == "Forwarding" ? [routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration] : []
content {
backend_pool_name = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.backend_pool_name
cache_enabled = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.cache_enabled
cache_use_dynamic_compression = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.cache_use_dynamic_compression #default: false
cache_query_parameter_strip_directive = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.cache_query_parameter_strip_directive
custom_forwarding_path = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.custom_forwarding_path
forwarding_protocol = routing_rule.value.forwarding_configuration.forwarding_protocol
dynamic "redirect_configuration" {
for_each = routing_rule.value.configuration == "Redirecting" ? [routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration] : []
content {
custom_host = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.custom_host
redirect_protocol = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.redirect_protocol
redirect_type = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.redirect_type
custom_fragment = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.custom_fragment
custom_path = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.custom_path
custom_query_string = routing_rule.value.redirect_configuration.custom_query_string
dynamic "backend_pool_load_balancing" {
for_each = var.backend_pool_load_balancing
content {
name =
sample_size = backend_pool_load_balancing.value.sample_size
successful_samples_required = backend_pool_load_balancing.value.successful_samples_required
additional_latency_milliseconds = backend_pool_load_balancing.value.additional_latency_milliseconds
dynamic "backend_pool_health_probe" {
for_each = var.backend_pool_health_probe
content {
name =
path = backend_pool_health_probe.value.path
protocol = backend_pool_health_probe.value.protocol
interval_in_seconds = backend_pool_health_probe.value.interval_in_seconds
dynamic "backend_pool" {
for_each = var.front-door-object-backend-pool.backend_pool
content {
name =
load_balancing_name = backend_pool.value.load_balancing_name
health_probe_name = backend_pool.value.health_probe_name
dynamic "backend" {
for_each = backend_pool.value.backend
content {
enabled = backend.value.enabled
address = backend.value.address
host_header = backend.value.host_header
http_port = backend.value.http_port
https_port = backend.value.https_port
priority = backend.value.priority
weight = backend.value.weight
variable "frontdoorname" {
type = string
variable "resource_group_name" {
type = string
variable "location" {
type = string
variable "enforcebpcert" {
type = string
default = "false"
variable "tags" {
type = map(any)
///////Backend Pool
variable "backendpoolname" {
type = string
variable "acceptedprotocols" {
type = list(string)
default = ["Http"]
variable "patternstomatch" {
type = list(string)
default = ["/*"]
variable "front-door-object-backend-pool" {
variable "routing_rule" {
variable "frontend_endpoint"{
type = map(string)
variable "backend_pool_load_balancing" {
variable "backend_pool_health_probe" {
output "frontend_endpoints" {
value = azurerm_frontdoor.mshack.frontend_endpoint[0].name
module "Frontdoor" {
source = "./modules/FrontDoor"
tags = merge(local.common_tags)
frontdoorname = var.frontdoorname
location = "Global"
resource_group_name = join("," ,[*] // Dependencia implicita
enforcebpcert = "false"
backendpoolname = "myservers"
acceptedprotocols = ["Http"]
patternstomatch = ["/*"]
frontend_endpoint = {
name = var.frontdoorname
host_name = "${var.frontdoorname}"
routing_rule = {
rr1 = {
name = var.frontdoorname
frontend_endpoints = [var.frontdoorname]
accepted_protocols = ["Http", "Https"]
patterns_to_match = ["/*"]
enabled = true
configuration = "Forwarding"
forwarding_configuration = {
backend_pool_name = "misservers"
cache_enabled = false
cache_use_dynamic_compression = false
cache_query_parameter_strip_directive = "StripNone"
custom_forwarding_path = ""
forwarding_protocol = "MatchRequest"
redirect_configuration = {
custom_host = ""
redirect_protocol = "MatchRequest"
redirect_type = "Found"
custom_path = ""
custom_query_string = ""
backend_pool_load_balancing = {
lb1 = {
name = "exampleLoadBalancingSettings1"
sample_size = 4
successful_samples_required = 2
additional_latency_milliseconds = 0
backend_pool_health_probe = {
hp1 = {
name = "exampleHealthProbeSetting1"
path = "/"
protocol = "Http"
interval_in_seconds = 120
front-door-object-backend-pool = {
backend_pool = {
bp1 = {
name = "misservers"
backend = {
app1 = {
enabled = true
address = join("," , module.Appservice.*.RGCU001.app_service_default_site_hostname)
host_header = join("," , module.Appservice.*.RGCU001.app_service_default_site_hostname)
http_port = 80
https_port = 443
priority = 1
weight = 50
app2 = {
enabled = true
address = join("," , module.Appservice.*.RGEU2001.app_service_default_site_hostname)
host_header = join("," , module.Appservice.*.RGEU2001.app_service_default_site_hostname)
http_port = 80
https_port = 443
priority = 1
weight = 50
load_balancing_name = "exampleLoadBalancingSettings1"
health_probe_name = "exampleHealthProbeSetting1"
Note: if you use the example exposed before, you will need at a variable on the in the root module:
//Variable FrontDoor
variable frontdoorname {
type = string
In this challenge you will need to create front door module based the Terraform references or copy the front door previosly exporsed and incorporate on the GitHub Repo and Actions workflow.
- Create the terraform module in GitHub.
- Integrate the module to the rest of the solution. Add to the CI/CD Pipeline.
- Deploy the front door.
- Try the access to the app using front door.
- You should have to have the Front Door Module addded to the rest of the infrastructure.
- You should have created all the infrastructure in Azure and the app.
- Using the url of Front Door, you will be able to access to the application.