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Azure Front Door module for Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones


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Thanks for your interest in Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones on Terraform. This module is now deprecated and no longer maintained.

As part of Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones for Terraform, we have migrated to a single module model, which you can find here: and on the Terraform registry:

In Terraform 0.13 you can now call directly submodules easily with the following syntax:

module "caf_firewall" {
  source  = "aztfmod/caf/azurerm//modules/networking/firewall"
  version = "0.4.18"
  # insert the 9 required variables here


Create a Front Door with associated WAF Policies linked to Frontend Endpoints

Creates a Front Front Door with:

  • 1 to many Backend Pools
  • 1 to many Routing Rules
  • 1 to many Frontend Endpoints
  • 1 to many WAF Policies and links them to Frontend Endpoints

Reference the module to a specific version (recommended):

module "front-door" {
    source = "aztfmod/caf-frontdoor/azurerm"           #Point to front-end module location
    version = "0.x.y"
    front-door-rg           = var.rg
    location                = var.location
    front-door-object       = var.front-door-object
    front-door-waf-object   = var.front-door-waf-object
    tags                    = var.tags

Link to Terraform providor:


Name Type Default Description
front-door-rg string None Name of the resource group where to create the resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
location string None Specifies the Azure location to deploy the resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
front-door-object object None Front Door configuration object as described in the Parameters section.
front-door-waf-object object None Front Door WAF configuration object as described in the Parameters section.
tags map None Map of tags for the deployment.



(Required) Confirguration object describing the Front Door configuration. The object has sections are as follows:

Front Door Parameters

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the Front Door service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
resource_group_name  Required Specifies the name of the Resource Group in which the Front Door service should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
location  Required Specifies the supported Azure location where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
backend_pool  Required A backend_pool block as defined below.
backend_pool_health_probe  Required A backend_pool_health_probe block as defined below.
backend_pool_load_balancing  Required A backend_pool_load_balancing block as defined below.
enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check  Required Enforce certificate name check on HTTPS requests to all backend pools, this setting will have no effect on HTTP requests. Permitted values are true or false.
load_balancer_enabled  Optional Should the Front Door Load Balancer be Enabled? Defaults to true.
friendly_name  Optional A friendly name for the Front Door service.
frontend_endpoint  Required A frontend_endpoint block as defined below.
routing_rule  Required A routing_rule block as defined below.
tags  Optional A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.

Backend Pool Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the Backend Pool.
backend  Required A backend block as defined below.
load_balancing_name  Required Specifies the name of the backend_pool_load_balancing block within this resource to use for this Backend Pool.
health_probe_name  Required Specifies the name of the backend_pool_health_probe block whithin this resource to use for this Backend Pool.

Backend Block

Name Type Description
enabled  Optional Specifies if the backend is enabled or not. Valid options are true or false. Defaults to true.
address  Required Location of the backend (IP address or FQDN)
host_header  Required The value to use as the host header sent to the backend.
http_port  Required The HTTP TCP port number. Possible values are between 1 - 65535.
https_port  Required The HTTPS TCP port number. Possible values are between 1 - 65535.
priority  Optional Priority to use for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority backend is healthy. Defaults to 1.
weight  Optional Weight of this endpoint for load balancing purposes. Defaults to 50.

Frontend Endpoint Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the frontend_endpoint.
host_name  Required Specifies the host name of the frontend_endpoint. Must be a domain name.
session_affinity_enabled  Optional Whether to allow session affinity on this host. Valid options are true or false Defaults to false.
session_affinity_ttl_seconds  Optional The TTL to use in seconds for session affinity, if applicable. Defaults to 0.
custom_https_provisioning_enabled  Required Should the HTTPS protocol be enabled for a custom domain associated with the Front Door?
custom_https_configuration  Optional A custom_https_configuration block as defined below. NOTE: This block is required when custom_https_provisioning_enabled is set to true.
web_application_firewall_policy_link_id  Optional Defines the Web Application Firewall policy ID for each host.

Backend Pool Health Probe Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the Health Probe.
path  Optional The path to use for the Health Probe. Default is /.
protocol  Optional Protocol scheme to use for the Health Probe. Defaults to Http.
interval_in_seconds  Optional The number of seconds between each Health Probe. Defaults to 120.

Backend Pool Load Balancing Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the Load Balancer.
sample_size  Optional The number of samples to consider for load balancing decisions. Defaults to 4.
successful_samples_required  Optional The number of samples within the sample period that must succeed. Defaults to 2.
additional_latency_milliseconds  Optional The additional latency in milliseconds for probes to fall into the lowest latency bucket. Defaults to 0.

Routing Rule Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Specifies the name of the Routing Rule.
frontend_endpoints  Required The names of the frontend_endpoint blocks whithin this resource to associate with this routing_rule.
accepted_protocols  Optional Protocol schemes to match for the Backend Routing Rule. Defaults to Http.
patterns_to_match  Optional The route patterns for the Backend Routing Rule. Defaults to /*.
enabled  Optional  Enable or Disable use of this Backend Routing Rule. Permitted values are true or false. Defaults to true.
forwarding_configuration  Optional A forwarding_configuration block as defined below.
redirect_configuration  Optional A redirect_configuration block as defined below.

Forwarding Configuration Block

Name Type Description
backend_pool_name  Required Specifies the name of the Backend Pool to forward the incoming traffic to.
cache_enabled  Optional Specifies whether to Enable caching or not. Valid options are true or false. Defaults to true.
cache_use_dynamic_compression  Optional Whether to use dynamic compression when caching. Valid options are true or false. Defaults to false.
cache_query_parameter_strip_directive  Optional Defines cache behavior in releation to query string parameters. Valid options are StripAll or StripNone. Defaults to StripNone.
custom_forwarding_path  Optional Path to use when constructing the request to forward to the backend. This functions as a URL Rewrite. Default behavior preserves the URL path.
forwarding_protocol  Optional Protocol to use when redirecting. Valid options are HttpOnly, HttpsOnly, or MatchRequest. Defaults to MatchRequest.

Redirect Confirguration Block

Name Type Description
custom_host  Optional Set this to change the URL for the redirection.
redirect_protocol  Optional Protocol to use when redirecting. Valid options are HttpOnly, HttpsOnly, or MatchRequest. Defaults to MatchRequest
redirect_type  Optional Status code for the redirect. Valida options are Moved, Found, TemporaryRedirect, PermanentRedirect. Defaults to Found
custom_fragment  Optional The destination fragment in the portion of URL after '#'. Set this to add a fragment to the redirect URL.
custom_path  Optional The path to retain as per the incoming request, or update in the URL for the redirection.
custom_query_string  Optional Replace any existing query string from the incoming request URL.

Custom HTTPS Configuration Block

Name Type Description
certificate_source  Optional Certificate source to encrypted HTTPS traffic with. Allowed values are FrontDoor or AzureKeyVault. Defaults to FrontDoor.

If Certificate Source is "AzureKeyVault"

Name Type Description
azure_key_vault_certificate_vault_id  Required The ID of the Key Vault containing the SSL certificate.
azure_key_vault_certificate_secret_name  Required The name of the Key Vault secret representing the full certificate PFX.
azure_key_vault_certificate_secret_version  Required The version of the Key Vault secret representing the full certificate PFX.

The following front-door-object shows an example of the composition:

Sample of front door configuration object below

front-door-object = {
  name          = "<your AFD Name>"
  friendly_name = "My Azure Front Door Service"                                   #Optional
  #disable_bgp_route_propagation                = false                           #Default: false
  enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check = false
  load_balancer_enabled                        = true                             #Default: true  

  routing_rule = {
    rr1 = {
      name               = "exampleRoutingRule1"
      frontend_endpoints = ["exampleFrontendEndpoint1"]
      accepted_protocols = ["Http", "Https"]                                      #Default: "Http"
      patterns_to_match  = ["/*"]                                                 #Default: "/*"
      enabled            = true                                                   #Default: true
      configuration      = "Forwarding"                                           #Options: Forwarding / Redirect  
      forwarding_configuration = {
        backend_pool_name                     = "exampleBackendBing1"
        cache_enabled                         = false                             #Default: false
        cache_use_dynamic_compression         = false                             #Default: false
        cache_query_parameter_strip_directive = "StripNone"                       #Default: "StripNone"
        custom_forwarding_path                = ""
        forwarding_protocol                   = "MatchRequest"                    #Default: "BestMatch"  
      redirect_configuration = {
        custom_host         = ""                                                  #Optional
        redirect_protocol   = "MatchRequest"                                      #Default: "MatchRequest"  
        redirect_type       = "Found"                                             #Default: "Found"
        custom_fragment     = ""
        custom_path         = ""
        custom_query_string = ""
    }                                                                             #Add extra routing rules here (e.g. rr2 = {...})

  backend_pool_load_balancing = {
    lb1 = {
      name                            = "exampleLoadBalancingSettings1"
      sample_size                     = 4                                         #Default: 4
      successful_samples_required     = 2                                         #Default: 2
      additional_latency_milliseconds = 0                                         #Default: 0
    }                                                                             #Add extra backend load balancing names here (e.g. lb2 = {...})

  backend_pool_health_probe = {
    hp1 = {
      name                = "exampleHealthProbeSetting1"
      path                = "/"
      protocol            = "Http"                                                #Default: Http
      interval_in_seconds = 120                                                   #Default: 120
    }                                                                             #Add extra health probes here (e.g. hp2 = {...})

  backend_pool = {
    bp1 = {
      name = "exampleBackendBing1"
      backend = {
        be1 = {
          enabled     = true
          address     = ""
          host_header = ""
          http_port   = 80
          https_port  = 443
          priority    = 1                                                         #Default: 1
          weight      = 50                                                        #Default: 50
        be2 = {
          enabled     = true
          address     = ""
          host_header = ""
          http_port   = 80
          https_port  = 443
          priority    = 1  #default: 1
          weight      = 50 #default: 50
        }                                                                        #Add extra backend's here (e.g. be3 = {...})
      load_balancing_name = "exampleLoadBalancingSettings1"                      #Name of backend_pool_load_balancing to use
      health_probe_name   = "exampleHealthProbeSetting1"                         #Name of backend_pool_health_probe to use
    }                                                                            #Add extra backend pools here (e.g. bp2 = {...})

  frontend_endpoint = {
    fe1 = {
      name                              = "exampleFrontendEndpoint1"
      host_name                         = "<your AFD Name>"
      session_affinity_enabled          = false #default: false
      session_affinity_ttl_seconds      = 0     #default: 0
      custom_https_provisioning_enabled = false
      #Required if custom_https_provisioning_enabled is true
      custom_https_configuration = {
        certificate_source = "FrontDoor"                                         #Optional (FrontDoor / AzureKeyVault)
        #If certificate source is AzureKeyVault the below are required:
        azure_key_vault_certificate_vault_id       = ""
        azure_key_vault_certificate_secret_name    = ""
        azure_key_vault_certificate_secret_version = ""
      #Links the WAF Policy to the Fronend Endpoints 
      web_application_firewall_policy_link_name = "TerraformPolicy"              #Optional Enter the name of the waf policy you'll be creating 
    }                                                                            #Add extra  frontend Endpoints here (e.g. fe2 = {...})



(Required_ Confirguration object describing the Front Door WAF configuration.

Front Door WAF Parameters

Name Type Description
name  Required The name of the policy. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
resource_group_name  Required The name of the resource group. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
enabled  Optional Is the policy a enabled state or disabled state. Defaults to true.
mode  Optional The firewall policy mode. Possible values are Detection, Prevention and defaults to Prevention.
redirect_url  Optional If action type is redirect, this field represents redirect URL for the client.
custom_rule  Optional One or more custom_rule blocks as defined below.
custom_block_response_status_code  Optional If a custom_rule block's action type is block, this is the response status code. Possible values are 200, 403, 405, 406, or 429.
custom_block_response_body  Optional If a custom_rule block's action type is block, this is the response body needs to be set here. Possible values are either a relative path to a file or content.
managed_rule  Optional One or more managed_rule blocks as defined below.
tags  Optional A mapping of tags to assign to the Web Application Firewall Policy.

Custom Rules Block

Name Type Description
name  Required Gets name of the resource that is unique within a policy. This name can be used to access the resource.
action  Required The action to perform when the rule is matched. Possible values are Allow, Block, Log, or Redirect.
enabled  Optional Is the rule is enabled or disabled? Defaults to true.
priority  Required The priority of the rule. Rules with a lower value will be evaluated before rules with a higher value. Defaults to 1.
type  Required The type of rule. Possible values are MatchRule or RateLimitRule.
match_condition  Required One or more match_condition block defined below.
rate_limit_duration_in_minutes  Optional The rate limit duration in minutes. Defaults to 1.
rate_limit_threshold  Optional The rate limit threshold. Defaults to 10.

Match Condition Block

Name Type Description
match_variable  Required The request variable to compare with. Possible values are Cookies, PostArgs, QueryString, RemoteAddr, RequestBody, RequestHeader, RequestMethod, or RequestUri.
match_values  Required Up to 100 possible values to match.
operator  Required Comparison type to use for matching with the variable value. Possible values are Any, BeginsWith, Contains, EndsWith, Equal, GeoMatch, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, IPMatch, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual or RegEx.
selector  Optional Match against a specific key if the match_variable is QueryString, PostArgs, RequestHeader or Cookies.
negation_condition  Optional Should the result of the condition be negated.
transforms  Optional Up to 5 transforms to apply. Possible values are Lowercase, RemoveNulls, Trim, Uppercase, URLDecode orURLEncode.

Managed Rule Block

Name Type Description
type  Required The name of the managed rule to use with this resource.
version  Required The version on the managed rule to use with this resource.
exclusion  Optional One or more exclusion blocks as defined below.
override  Optional One or more override blocks as defined below.

Override Block

Name Type Description
rule_group_name  Required The managed rule group to override.
exclusion  Optional One or more exclusion blocks as defined below.
rule  Optional One or more rule blocks as defined below. If none are specified, all of the rules in the group will be disabled.

Rule Block

Name Type Description
rule_id  Required Identifier for the managed rule.
action  Required The action to be applied when the rule matches. Possible values are Allow, Block, Log, or Redirect.
enabled  Optional Is the managed rule override enabled or disabled. Defaults to false
exclusion  Optional One or more exclusion blocks as defined below.

Exclusion Block

Name Type Description
match_variable  Required The variable type to be excluded. Possible values are QueryStringArgNames, RequestBodyPostArgNames, RequestCookieNames, RequestHeaderNames.
operator  Required Comparison operator to apply to the selector when specifying which elements in the collection this exclusion applies to. Possible values are: Equals, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, EqualsAny.
selector  Required Selector for the value in the match_variable attribute this exclusion applies to.

The following front-door-waf-object shows an example of the composition:

Sample of front door waf configuration object below

front-door-waf-object = {
  waf1 = {
    name         = "TerraformPolicy"
    enabled      = true                                                        #Default: true
    mode         = "Prevention"                                                #Options: Prevention / Detection
    redirect_url = ""                                      #Optional
    custom_rule = {
      cr1 = {
        name     = "Rule1"
        action   = "Block"                                                     #Options: Allow/Block/Log/Redirect
        enabled  = true                                                        #Default: true
        priority = 1                                                           #Default: 1
        type     = "MatchRule"                                                 #Options: MatchRule / RateLimitRule
        match_condition = {
          match_variable     = "RequestHeader"                                 #Options: Cookies, PostArgs, QueryString, RemoteAddr, RequestBody, RequestHeader, RequestMethod, or RequestUri
          match_values       = ["windows"]
          operator           = "Contains"                                      #Options: Any, BeginsWith, Contains, EndsWith, Equal, GeoMatch, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, IPMatch, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual or RegEx
          selector           = "UserAgent"                                     #Used if matched_variable is  QueryString, PostArgs, RequestHeader or Cookies
          negation_condition = false                                           #If result of condition is negative
          transforms         = ["Lowercase", "Trim"]                           #Options: transforms - (Optional) Up to 5 transforms to apply. Possible values are Lowercase, RemoveNulls, Trim, Uppercase, URLDecode or URLEncode
        rate_limit_duration_in_minutes = 1
        rate_limit_threshold           = 10

      }                                                                        #Add extra custom rules here (e.g. cr2 = {...})
    custom_block_response_status_code = 403                                    #Options: 200, 403, 405, 406, or 429
    custom_block_response_body        = "./blocked-response.html"              #Options: Relative path to a file or content for the blocked response body. (e.g. "./blocked-response.html" or "Blocked by WAF Policy")

    managed_rule = {
      mr1 = {
        type    = "DefaultRuleSet"
        version = "1.0"
        exclusion = {
          ex1 = {
            match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"                             #Options: match_variable - (Required) The variable type to be excluded. Possible values are QueryStringArgNames, RequestBodyPostArgNames, RequestCookieNames, RequestHeaderNames
            operator       = "Equals"                                          #Options: Equals, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, EqualsAny
            selector       = "not_suspicious"
          }                                                                    #Add extra managed rule exclusions here (e.g. ex2 = {...})
        override = {
          or1 = {
            rule_group_name = "PHP"
            exclusion = {
              ex1 = {
                match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"                         #Options: match_variable - (Required) The variable type to be excluded. Possible values are QueryStringArgNames, RequestBodyPostArgNames, RequestCookieNames, RequestHeaderNames
                operator       = "Equals"                                      #Options: Equals, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, EqualsAny
                selector       = "not_suspicious"
              }                                                                #Add extra override exclusions here (e.g. ex2 = {...})
            rule = {
              r1 = {
                rule_id = "933100"
                action  = "Block"                                              #Options: Allow, Block, Log, or Redirect
                enabled = false                                                #Default: true
                exclusion = {
                  ex1 = {
                    match_variable = "QueryStringArgNames"                     #Options: match_variable - (Required) The variable type to be excluded. Possible values are QueryStringArgNames, RequestBodyPostArgNames, RequestCookieNames, RequestHeaderNames
                    operator       = "Equals"                                  #Options: Equals, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, EqualsAny
                    selector       = "not_suspicious"
                  }                                                            #Add extra rule exclusions here (e.g. ex2 = {...})
              }                                                                #Add extra rule to override here (e.g. r2 = {...})
          }                                                                    #Add extra overrides here (e.g or2 = {...}
      }                                                                        #Add extra managed rules here (e.g. mr2 = {...})
    tags = ""

  }                                                                            #Add extra WAF Policies here (e.g. waf2 = {...})


Name Type Description
front-door-object Object Object with the outputs from the Front Door provider.
front-door-waf-object Object Object with the outputs from the Front Door WAF provider.

The WAF policies are linked to the Frontend Endpoints within Azure Front Door.


Azure Front Door module for Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones







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