The features of this tool are now natively supported in GitHub, please explore the following options;
- Audit Log Streaming
- Access the Audit Log directly via our APIs
- Query the Audit Log APIs via our
This CLI made in node helps on querying the audit log. It can query the full audit providing all the data the API can serve, or, given a cursor, it can provide the newest entries from that specific moment.
You can build an sh script on top of this one to store the data or query it.
This script can take the following arguments:
> node ghec-audit-log-cli.js "--help"
Usage: audit-log-ghec-cli [options]
-v, --version Output the current version
-t, --token <string> the token to access the API (mandatory)
-o, --org <string> the organization we want to extract the audit log from
-cfg, --config <string> location for the config yaml file. Default ".ghec-audit-log" (default: "./.ghec-audit-log")
-p, --pretty prints the json data in a readable format (default: false)
-l, --limit <number> a maximum limit on the number of items retrieved
-f, --file <string> the output file where the result should be printed
-a, --api <string> the version of GitHub API to call (default: "v4")
-at, --api-type <string> Only if -a is v3. API type to bring, either all, web or git (default: "all")
-c, --cursor <string> if provided, this cursor will be used to query the newest entries from the cursor provided. If not present, the result will contain all the audit log from the org
-s, --source indicate what source to use for the audit logs. Valid options are enterprise or org. Default: "org"
-h, --help display help for command
Optionally, you can create a file called .ghec-audit-log
that supports
the token and organization, and omit the parameters while running the script.
org: org-name
token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To use this CLI you will need to use a personal access token (PAT) with the correct scopes. The scopes will change depending on what source you are going to use to export the audit logs.
Endpoint source | Needed scopes |
User | read:user |
Repository | public_repo |
Organization | read:org |
Enterprise | admin:enterprise |
If you are running this utility against a GHEC account, we recommend that you create your PAT with both scopes.
Execute the command using node or npm
Install the node dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/github/ghec-audit-log-cli
$ cd ghec-audit-log-cli
$ npm install
$ npm run start -- --pretty
$ node ghec-audit-log-cli --pretty
Optionally you can install the script as a CLI and run it from the command line. To install it run:
$ git clone https://github.com/github/ghec-audit-log-cli
$ cd ghec-audit-log-cli
$ npm link
Then you can execute the script as a CLI using:
$ ghec-audit-log-cli -v
One of the most common uses of the CLI is to forward the log using GitHub actions. You can use as an starter workflow the ones provided in this repository for v3 or v4 and integrate it with your favorite service.
This workflow:
- Runs periodically
- Grabs any existing cursor as the last item grabbed from the log
- Grabs the latest changes from the audit log
- Forwards those changes to a service
- Commits the latest cursor for the next call
To create a new release of the ghec-audit-log-cli
- Create a new release in the repository using semantic versioning
- Add the changelog details for the version
- Submit it as a draft until it's ready to be published
- Clone the audit-log-cli repository to your Organization
- Set the Action to run on Cron
- Create the GitHub Secrets needed to authenticate
- Enjoy the logs
You will need to create the following Github Secrets To allow the tool to work:
- This is a GitHub Personal Access Token used to authenticate to your Organization
- Note: The token must have the admin:org set to be able to pull information
- Name of the GitHub Organization to poll the audit log
- URL to a service where the generated json information is piped
- Email address for one of the primary committers on the repository
- Modify the polling workflow to run on a cron, instead of push
- The
must be a part of a GitHub Enterprise or the API calls will fail - The
Personal Access token
must be SSO enabled to query the GitHub Organization if it is enabled
- This CLI provides all the events that the GitHub API offers through the GraphQL API. This is a subset of all the events that you can see through the UI.
- This tool will be deprecated when GitHub adds a forwarding behavior on GHEC.