This is a location for the documentation about Pandunia, which is a helping language for international communication. It is designed to be simple, neutral and evenly global.
This website is available online at
All pure text files are stored in a version control repository in GitHub at
The documentation is in many languages. The first language of the documentation is currently English. (It may be changed to Pandunia in the future.) All other language versions are translated and adapted from the first language.
The main directory contains a master dictionary file, pandunia-lekse.csv. It is a very large table with character-separated values in Unicode text format. The separating character is the vertical bar (|). The file can be opened with spreadsheet programs such as MS Office Excel and OpenOffice Calc.
All other dictionary files are generated with Linux shell script programs ( & from the master dictionary.
The contents are free to be read, shared, printed, adapted and so on by Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), with the condition that you give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made.
The license is briefly described here. The details are in
Pandunia is a collaborative project. You can help in many ways:
- Improve the documentation.
- Edit text so that it's easier to understand. The documentation is aimed for common people with a basic education. If you don't understand something, the problem is probably the text, not you!
- Correct mistakes when you spot them.
- Translate the documentation to new languages.
- Add more content!
The documentation is in plain-text that uses Markdown formatting. Learn about Markdown here.
The easiest way to contribute for an average person is to download the files in a zip file, edit them and send them to Risto by email. He will check the changes and upload the files to GitHub on your behalf.
If you have more time, you can learn how to use GitHub. Create an account for yourself and follow instructions about cloning a repository and basic use. If you contribute changes yourself, you will be added to our list of contributors automatically.
Our contributors are listed here