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@get-got get-got released this 13 Nov 03:05
· 96 commits to master since this release

All divideBy\_\_\_\_\_ settings have been removed and been replaced with subfolders, see below.

  • Added "subfolders" and removed all divideBy settings, a list of strings for each subfolder title.

    • Replaceable keys are: {{serverID}}, {{serverName}}, {{categoryID}}, {{categoryName}}, {{channelID}}, {{channelName}}, {{userID}}, {{userName}}, {{fileType}}, {{year}}, {{monthNum}}, {{dayOfMonth}}, {{hour}}, {{message}}, {{messageID}}.
    • Default is "subfolders": [ "{{fileType}}" ],.
    • Present both globally in the main settings and individually in source settings. If these are missing from source (i.e. no override), it will use the main settings as default.
    • Something like "subfolders": [ "{{serverName}}", "{{categoryName}}", "{{channelName}}", "{{year}}", "{{fileType}}" ], will equate to "BASE_DESTINATION/My Server/Category/Channel/2023/images/".
  • Reworked Emoji & Sticker Support

    • Removed ddg emojis command.
    • Runs at launch after all other initial startup tasks finish.
    • Added settings to main settings group:
      • "emojisServers", "stickersServers" are lists of server IDs to download from. ex: "emojisServers": [ "123", "456" ],
      • "emojisFilenameFormat", "stickersFilenameFormat" to override the filename format. Default is "{{ID}} {{name}}, only accepts {{ID}} and {{name}} as keys.
      • "emojisDestination", "stickersDestination" to override the destination folders. If these settings are missing, it will use "emojis" and "stickers" within the bot folder. The bot will automatically create subfolders by channel name within whatever destination.
  • Hopefully fixed Discord timestamp snowflake issues regarding history date range filters.

  • Fixed error upon exit if Twitter / X is disabled.

  • Added "verbose" and "debugV" but they currently do nothing, just future variants of "debug".