25.09.2023 - Frank Ganske, a simple alternative solution
If you're looking for a simple solution to intercept http connections consider to use this implementation. A single class based on okhttps-tls
is providing all the functionality of LittleProxy-mitm. And there is an interception proxy too.
21.09.2019 - Frank Ganske, about this abandoned repository and new versions
Unfortunately I've lost my PGP private key for uploading Maven artifacts to the Central Repository. So version 1.1.0 will be the last I think.
LittleProxy-mitm is an extension for LittleProxy which provides all the filter capabilities of LittleProxy with HTTPS sites too. It aims to support every Java platform including Android. To answer HTTPS while offline for caching purposes consider to use ganskef/LittleProxy-parent. See Aldo Cortesi for a detailed description of proxy interception processes.
Java is required to be installed on the system, then execute this commands:
$ java -jar littleproxy-mitm-1.1.0-shade.jar $ curl --cacert littleproxy-mitm.pem --verbose --proxy localhost:9090 https://github.com/
The first run creates the key store for your Certificate Authority. It's used to
generate server certificates on the fly. The littleproxy-mitm.pem
have to be imported in your browser or within the systems certificates, Mozilla
for example:
You have to set your browsers proxy settings to 9090. It's hard coded in the simple Launcher class. You may chose an other implementation, of course.
Please use your browser directly for every security-critical transmission. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome implements her own certificate handling for a reason. Handling security in Java like here must be less secure in most situations. See http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~shmat/shmat_ccs12.pdf "The Most Dangerous Code in the World: Validating SSL Certificates in Non-Browser Software".
Add this dependency to your Maven build:
The version corresponds to LittleProxy since the intention was to integrate it as a module.
Once you've included LittleProxy-mitm, you can start the server with the following:
HttpProxyServer server =
.withPort(9090) // for both HTTP and HTTPS
.withManInTheMiddle(new CertificateSniffingMitmManager())
Please give an Authority
in the constructor to personalize your application.
You impersonate certificates which is normally a bad thing. You have to describe
the reason for.
Please refer to the documentation of
LittleProxy and Netty especially the Javadoc of org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpFiltersSource
, org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpFilters
and io.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline to filter HTTP/S contents. FAQ: #25, #32
Mostly you will need an URL to handle content in your filters. With HTTP it's
provided by originalRequest.getUri()
, but with HTTPS you have to get the host
name from the initiating CONNECT
request. Therefore you have to do something
like this in your HttpFiltersSource
private static final AttributeKey<String> CONNECTED_URL = AttributeKey.valueOf("connected_url");
public HttpFilters filterRequest(HttpRequest originalRequest, ChannelHandlerContext clientCtx) {
String uri = originalRequest.getUri();
if (originalRequest.getMethod() == HttpMethod.CONNECT) {
if (clientCtx != null) {
String prefix = "https://" + uri.replaceFirst(":443$", "");
return new HttpFiltersAdapter(originalRequest, clientCtx);
String connectedUrl = clientCtx.channel().attr(CONNECTED_URL).get();
if (connectedUrl == null) {
return new MyHttpFilters(uri);
return new MyHttpFilters(connectedUrl + uri);
- On
you must always return aHttpFiltersAdapter
, since it has to bypass all filtering. - Without a saved
in the context it's plain HTTP, no HTTPS. - Following requests on this channel have to concatenate the saved
with the URI from theoriginalRequest
HTTPS fails with Exception: Handshake has already been started on Android Version 5+ (netty/netty#4718). It's fixed with PR #4767. Using Netty 4.1.0.CR2-SNAPSHOT MITM works well with Android 5.0, 5.1, and 6.0, just as Java platforms too.
Connection failure with some HTTPS sites like https://www.archlinux.org/ for example. You have to use Java Cryptography Extension to fix it.
387481 2015-05-19 21:34:39,061 WARN [LittleProxy-ProxyToServerWorker-6] impl.ProxyToServerConnection - (HANDSHAKING) [id: 0x7e0de7f2, / => www.archlinux.org/]: Caught exception on proxy -> web connection
io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair
at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.callDecode(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:346)
Caused by: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive)
at com.sun.crypto.provider.DHKeyPairGenerator.initialize(DHKeyPairGenerator.java:120)
- I'm not a natural English speaker/writer. So feel free to fix me if I'm wrong (or always in generally) and don't feel sad about a phrase.
Issues labeled with question which could be interesting for you too.