Yes, this is indeed a Readme
Rockslides code (robot2018) was built in Python 2.7 and therefore it no longer works. Fret not! robot2022 is a rebuild of Rockslides code from the ground up, but this time in Java instead of Python for your viewing pleasure! Be happy, this code should be exponentially easier to work on. If it isn't, hunt down and give your complaints to Colin Gideon or any of the other ROCK 2022 members.
If desired, feel free to use the Robot Dashboard at (WIP, not currently integrated)
ALL CAN BUS ASSIGNMENTS CAN BE FOUND IN src/main/java/frc/robot/
Drivetrain can be switched between tank drive/arcade drive by commenting out the call for the opposite class in src/main/java/frc/robot/commands/ under the execute class
Situation: I want to use arcade drive instead of tank drive
Solution: Comment out tankDrive2020(); and un-comment rockSlideArcadeDrive();
public void execute(){
//Use Rockslide ArcadeDrive?
//Use tankDrive from 2020 Robot by default
D-Pad UP = Elevator Up
D-Pad DOWN = Elevator Down
LT/RT = Grabber Open/Close (May be inverted, test to find out)
LB = Intake In
RB = Intake Out
Left Stick = Fast Mode
Right Stick = Slow Mode
Left Stick = Left drive forward/backward
Right Stick = Right drive forward/backward