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Releases: fluxcd/flux2


24 Oct 10:03
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Flux v0.36.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Features and improvements

  • Verify OCI Helm charts signed by Cosign (including keyless) with HelmChart.spec.verify.
  • Allow publishing a single YAML file to OCI with flux push artifact <URL> --path=deploy/install.yaml.
  • Detect changes to local files before pushing to OCI with flux diff artifact <URL> --path=<local files>.
  • New Alert Provider type named generic-hmac for authenticating the webhook requests coming from notification-controller.
  • The Kustomization.status.conditions have been aligned with Kubernetes standard conditions and kstatus.
  • The kustomize-controller memory usage was reduced by 90% when performing artifact operations.

New documentation

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29 Sep 18:47
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Flux v0.35.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Breaking changes

Strict validation rules have been put in place for API fields which define a time duration, such as .spec.interval. Effectively, this means values without a time unit (e.g. ms, s, m, h) will now be rejected by the API server.

Features and improvements

  • Verify OCI artifacts signed by Cosign (including keyless) with OCIRepository.spec.verify.
  • Allow pulling Helm charts dependencies from HTTPS repositories with mixed self-signed TLS and public CAs.
  • Allow pulling Helm charts from OCI artifacts stored at the root of AWS ECR.
  • Allow running bootstrap for insecure HTTP Git servers with flux bootstrap git --allow-insecure-http --token-auth.
  • Improve health checking for global objects such as ClusterClass, GatewayClass, StorageClass, etc.
  • The controllers and the Flux CLI are now built with Go 1.19.

For more information on OCI and Cosign support please see the Flux documentation.

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12 Sep 14:37
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Flux v0.34.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Breaking changes

The Flux controller logs have been aligned with the Kubernetes structured logging.
For more details on the new logging structure please see: fluxcd/flux2#3051.

Features and improvements

  • OCIRepository.spec.insecure Allow pulling artifacts from an in-cluster Docker Registry over plain HTTP.
  • Allow defining OCI sources for non-TLS container registries with flux create source oci --insecure.
  • Enable contextual login when publishing OCI artifacts from a Cloud VM using flux push artifact --provider=aws|azure|gcp.
  • Prioritise static credentials over OIDC providers when pulling OCI artifacts from container registries on multi-tenant cluster.
  • Reconcile Kubernetes Class types (ClusterClass, GatewayClass, StorageClass, etc) in a dedicated stage before any other custom resources like Clusters, Gateways, Volumes, etc.
  • When multiple SOPS providers are available, run the offline decryption methods first to avoid failures due to KMS unavailability.
  • Add finalizers to the notification API to properly record the reconciliation metrics for deleted resources.
  • Publish the Flux install manifests as OCI artifacts on GitHub and DockerHub container registries under fluxcd/flux-manifests.

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CLI Changelog


29 Aug 13:44
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Flux v0.33.0 comes with new features and improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Features and improvements

  • HelmRepository.spec.provider Enable contextual login to container registries when pulling Helm charts from Amazon Elastic Container Registry, Azure Container Registry and Google Artifact Registry.
  • OCIRepository.spec.layerSelector Select which layer contains the Kubernetes configs by specifying a matching OCI media type.
  • Bucket.spec.secretRef Authenticate to Azure Blob storage using SAS tokens.
  • Allow filtering OCI artifacts by semver and regex when listing artifact with flux list artifacts.
  • Allow excluding local files and directories when building and publishing artifacts with flux push artifact.
  • Mitigate denial-of-service on multi-tenant clusters by automatically recovering from panics encountered during reconciliation.
  • Update controllers to Kubernetes v1.25.0, Kustomize v4.5.7 and Helm v3.9.4.

New documentation

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CLI Changelog


11 Aug 15:19
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Flux v0.32.0 comes with support for distributing Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize overlays and Terraform code as OCI artifacts.
For more information please see the Flux OCI documentation.

New features

  • New Flux CLI commands flux push|pull|tag artifact for publishing OCI Artifacts to container registries.
  • New source type OCIRepository for fetching OCI artifacts from container registries.
  • Resolve Helm dependencies from OCI for charts defined in Git.

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CLI Changelog


27 Jul 16:24
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Flux v0.31.5 is a patch release that comes with fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Fix ImageRepository public repository scan for unconfigured provider registries


  • Improve Helm OCI Chart to work with registries that don't support listing tags

Component changelog

CLI Changelog


18 Jul 09:54
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Flux v0.31.4 is a patch release that comes with fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Fix SIGSEGV when resolving charts dependencies.
  • Fix Panic when no artifact in source.
  • decryptor: recover from SOPS store panic.
  • Fix spelling mistake in azure/exchanger.go.


  • Retry downloading artifacts on not found errors.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


29 Jun 14:16
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Flux v0.31.3 is a patch release that comes with fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Fix for Helm OCI authentication where the credentials were cached instead of being reloaded at each reconciliation
  • Fix for health checking Kubernetes Jobs when impersonating a service account

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


24 Jun 14:07
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Flux v0.31.2 is a patch release that comes with fixes and small improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fix SSH connection leaks when using libgit2 managed transport
  • Improve the libgit2 error messages when the known hosts check fails
  • Fix authentication for BitBucket server when using libgit2 managed transport
  • Fix flux logs when running Flux inside a service mesh
  • Fix flux reconcile source helm when using Helm OCI
  • Accept multiple values for flux create hr --values-from
  • List the Flux CRDs and assert their statuses when running flux check
  • Add finalizers to ImageRepository, ImagePolicy and ImageUpdateAutomation resources to properly record the metrics for deleted resources

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


08 Jun 13:18
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Flux v0.31.1 is a patch release that comes with important fixes and documentation improvements. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.


  • Fix semver sorting for Helm OCI charts (source-controller)
  • Fix service account impersonation when using target namespace (helm-controller)
  • Validate that the image name does not contain tags (image-reflector-controller)
  • Fix libgit2 SSH host key verification (source-controller & image-automation-controller)
  • Fix authentication when using Gitlab via HTTP/S (source-controller & image-automation-controller)

Documentation improvements

Components changelog

CLI Changelog