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Releases: fluxcd/flux2


24 Aug 12:42
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Flux v2.1.0 is a feature release. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

The Flux APIs were extended with new opt-in features in a backwards-compatible manner.

The Flux Git capabilities have been improved with support for Git push options, Git refspec, Gerrit, HTTP/S and SOCKS5 proxies.

The Flux alerting capabilities have been extended with Datadog support.

The Flux controllers come with performance improvements when reconciling Helm repositories with large indexes (80% memory reduction), and when reconciling Flux Kustomizations with thousands of resources (x4 faster server-side apply). The load distribution has been improved when reconciling Flux objects in parallel to reduce CPU and memory spikes.

❤️ Big thanks to all the Flux contributors that helped us with this release!


Flux v2.1.0 comes with support for Kubernetes TLS Secrets when referring to secrets containing TLS certs, and deprecates the usage of caFile, keyFile and certFile keys.

For more details about the TLS changes please see the Kubernetes TLS Secrets section.

Flux v2.1.0 comes with major improvements to the Prometheus monitoring stack. Starting with this version, Flux is leveraging the kube-state-metrics CRD exporter to report metrics containing rich information about Flux reconciliation status e.g. Git revision, Helm chart version, OCI artifacts digests, etc. The gotk_reconcile_condition metrics was deprecated in favor of the gotk_resource_info.

For more details about the new monitoring stack please see the Flux Prometheus metrics documentation and the flux2-monitoring-example repository.

API changes

GitRepository v1

The GitRepository API was extended with the following fields:

  • is an optional field used to specify the name of a Kubernetes Secret that contains the HTTP/S or SOCKS5 proxy settings.
  • .spec.verify.mode now support one of the following values HEAD, Tag, TagAndHEAD.

Kustomization v1

The Kustomization API was extended with two apply policies IfNotPresent and Ignore.

Changing the apply behaviour for specific Kubernetes resources, can be done using the following annotations:

Annotation Default Values Role Override - Override
- Merge
- IfNotPresent
- Ignore
Apply policy Disabled - Enabled
- Disabled
Recreate policy Enabled - Enabled
- Disabled
Delete policy

The IfNotPresent policy instructs the controller to only apply the Kubernetes resources if they are not present on the cluster.
This policy can be used for Kubernetes Secrets and ValidatingWebhookConfigurations managed by cert-manager,
where Flux creates the resources with fields that are later on mutated by other controllers.

ImageUpdateAutomation v1beta1

The ImageUpdateAutomation was extended with the following fields:

  • .spec.git.push.refspec is an optional field used to specify a Git refspec used when pushing commits upstream.
  • .spec.git.push.options is an optional field used to specify the Git push options to be sent to the Git server when pushing commits upstream.

Kubernetes TLS Secrets

All the Flux APIs that accept TLS data have been modified to adopt Secrets of type This includes:

  • HelmRepository: The field .spec.secretRef has been deprecated in favor of a new field .spec.certSecretRef.
  • OCIRepository: Support for the caFile, keyFile and certFile keys in the Secret specified in .spec.certSecretRef have been deprecated in favor of ca.crt, tls.key and tls.crt.
  • ImageRepository: Support for thecaFile, keyFile and certFile keys in the Secret specified in .spec.certSecretRef have been deprecated in favor of ca.crt, tls.key and tls.crt.
  • GitRepository: CA certificate can now be provided in the Secret specified in .spec.secretRef using the ca.crt key, which takes precedence over the caFile key.

Upgrade procedure

Upgrade Flux from v2.0.x to v2.1.0 either by rerunning bootstrap or by using the Flux GitHub Action.

To upgrade Flux from v0.x to v2.1.0 please follow the Flux GA upgrade procedure.

Kubernetes compatibility

This release is compatible with the following Kubernetes versions:

Kubernetes version Minimum required
v1.25 >= 1.25.0
v1.26 >= 1.26.0
v1.27 >= 1.27.1
v1.28 >= 1.28.0

Note that Flux may work on older versions of Kubernetes e.g. 1.21, but we don't recommend running end-of-life versions in production nor do we offer support for these versions.

New Documentation

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


11 Jul 12:45
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Flux v2.0.1 is a patch release which comes with various fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

💡 For upgrading from Flux v0.x, please see the procedure documented in 2.0.0.


  • Fix AWS auth for cross-region ECR repositories (source-controller, image-reflector-controller).
  • Prevent spurious alerts for skipped resources (kustomize-controller).
  • List removed resources for flux diff ks --kustomization-file (flux CLI).
  • Fix SLSA provenance generation for the Flux CLI binaries.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

New Documentation


05 Jul 14:35
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This is the first General Availability (GA) release of Flux v2.

Flux v2.0.0 comes with the promotion of the GitOps related APIs to v1 and adds horizontal scaling & sharding capabilities to Flux controllers. The Git bootstrap capabilities provided by the Flux CLI and by Flux Terraform Provider are now considered stable and production ready.

Starting with this version, the build, release and provenance portions of the Flux project supply chain provisionally meet SLSA Build Level 3.

Flux GA is fully integrated with Kubernetes Workload Identity for AWS, Azure and Google Cloud to facilitate passwordless authentication to OCI sources (container images, OCI artifacts, Helm charts).

The Flux alerting capabilities have been extended with PagerDuty and Google Pub/Sub support. The improved Alert v1beta2 API provides better control over events filtering and allows users to enrich the alerts with custom metadata.

Supported versions

Starting with this version, the Flux CLI and the GA components (source-controller, kustomize-controller and notification-controller) follow the release cadence and support pledge documented in the Flux release specification.

Kubernetes compatibility

This release is compatible with the following Kubernetes versions:

Kubernetes version Minimum required
v1.24 >= 1.24.0
v1.25 >= 1.25.0
v1.26 >= 1.26.0
v1.27 >= 1.27.1

Note that Flux may work on older versions of Kubernetes e.g. 1.19, but we don't recommend running end-of-life versions in production nor do we offer support for these versions.

Flux ecosystem support

The following (open-source) extensions & integrations are compatible with this Flux release, starting from the specified minimum version or higher.

Type Project Version
Flux Web UI weave-gitops 0.26.0
Terraform integration tf-controller 0.15.0

API changes

GitRepository v1

The GitRepository kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA) and deprecated fields were removed.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, except for the following:

  • the deprecated field .spec.gitImplementation was removed
  • the unused field .spec.accessFrom was removed
  • the deprecated field .status.contentConfigChecksum was removed
  • the deprecated field .status.artifact.checksum was removed
  • the .status.url was removed (replaced by .status.artifact.url)

Kustomization v1

The Kustomization kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA) and deprecated fields were removed.

A new optional field .spec.commonMetadata was added to the API for setting labels and/or annotations to all resources part of a Kustomization.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, except for the following:

  • the deprecated field .spec.validation was removed
  • the deprecated field .spec.patchesStrategicMerge was removed (replaced by .spec.patches)
  • the deprecated field .spec.patchesJson6902 was removed (replaced by .spec.patches)

Receiver v1

The Receiver kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA) and deprecated fields were removed.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, except for the following:

  • the deprecated field .status.url was removed (replaced by .status.webhookPath)

Upgrade procedure

Upgrade Flux from v0.x to v2.0.0 either by rerunning bootstrap or by using the Flux GitHub Action.

To upgrade the APIs from v1beta2, make sure the new CRDs and controllers are deployed, and then change the manifests in Git:

  1. Remove the deprecated fields from the GitRepository and Kustomization definitions.
  2. Commit, push and reconcile the fields removal changes.
  3. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain GitRepository definitions.
  4. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain Flux Kustomization definitions.
  5. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain Receiver definitions.
  6. Update the API version of GitRepository and Kustomization objects present in the .spec.resources list of Receiver definitions.
  7. Commit, push and reconcile the API version changes.

Bumping the APIs version in manifests can be done gradually. It is advised to not delay this procedure as the beta versions will be removed after 6 months.

New Documentation

❤️ Big thanks to all the Flux contributors that helped us reach this milestone!
👏 And a special shoutout to the Flux community who supported us over the years!

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


01 Jun 11:51
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This is the 5th release candidate of Flux v2.0 GA. Users are advised to upgrade from older versions to v2.0.0-rc.5 as soon as possible.

Flux v2.0.0-rc.5 addresses a regression that was introduced in v2.0.0-rc.4. This regression caused a disruption in the compatibility with Git servers utilizing v2 of the wire protocol, such as Azure Devops and AWS CodeCommit.

💡 For upgrading from v0.x, please see the procedure documented in RC.1.

⚠️ Note that v2.0.0-rc.4 updated all components to use Kustomize v5 and controller-runtime v0.15, both of which contain breaking changes.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fix support for Git v2 servers.
  • Suppress misleading error message [controller-runtime] log.SetLogger(...) was never called... (CLI).
  • Include both revision and token in event metadata, if present (helm-controller).
  • Update source-controller to patch a vulnerability in Sigstore (CVE-2023-33199)

Components Changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #3943 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components, and git/go-git to v0.12.0
  • PR #3940 - @somtochiama - Set controller runtime logger in Azure e2e tests
  • PR #3938 - @aryan9600 - e2e: Run e2e Azure tests for PRs to main if tests or wofklow changes
  • PR #3932 - @aryan9600 - Set controller-runtime logger to a null logger


29 May 11:54
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This is the 4nd release candidate of Flux v2.0 GA. Users are advised to upgrade from older versions to v2.0.0-rc.4 as soon as possible.

Flux v2.0.0-rc.4 comes with support for Kustomize 5.0, Helm 3.12 and Cosign 2.0.

💡 For upgrading from v0.x, please see the procedure documented in RC.1.

⚠️ Note that Kustomize v5 contains breaking changes, please consult their changelog for more details.

⚠️ The GitOps Toolkit and the Flux controllers have been updated to controller-runtime v0.15 which contains breaking changes that could affect 3rd-party controllers that integrate with Flux.

Fixes and improvements

  • Full support for Azure Workload Identity when connecting Flux to Azure Container Registry, Azure Blog Storage and Azure Key Vault.
  • New command flux reconcile source chart for pulling Helm OCI charts on-demand from container registries (CLI).
  • Retry OCI operations on network errors for flux push artifact (CLI).
  • Support annotated Git tags with in GitRepository (source-controller).
  • Fix pulling Helm OCI charts from ACR when using Azure OIDC (source-controller).
  • Fix incorrect rate limiting for HelmRelease events (notification-controller).
  • All components have been updated to patch vulnerabilities in Docker (CVE-2023-28840, CVE-2023-28841, CVE-2023-28842) and Sigstore (CVE-2023-30551).

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


12 May 13:13
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This is the 3rd release candidate of Flux v2.0 GA. Users are advised to upgrade from v0.41 and older versions to v2.0.0-rc.3 as soon as possible.

Flux v2.0.0-rc.3 comes with security improvements, new features and fixes to issues reported for RC.2.

💡 For upgrading from v0.x, please see the procedure documented in RC.1.

⚠️ Note that Kubernetes 1.27.0 contains a regression bug that affects Flux, it is recommended to upgrade Kubernetes to 1.27.1 or newer.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fix bootstrap on GKE (RC.2 regression due to insufficient quota for critical pods).
  • All controller base images have been updated to Alpine 3.18.
  • All components have been updated to patch CVE-2023-2253 and CVE-2023-1732 (note that Flux is not affected, these CVEs are for packages used in tests).
  • Verify artifacts integrity, issue warning events and remove tempered artifacts from storage forcing a re-download (source-controller).
  • Files with executable permissions are now archived with their mode set to 0o744, allowing CI system to run them (source-controller).
  • The Alert v1beta2 API has a new optional field .spec.eventMetadata that allows users to enrich the alerts with information about the cluster name, region, environment, etc. (notification-controller).
  • Improve the detection of values changes for HelmReleases by stable sorting them by key (helm-controller).

Components changelog

CLI Changelog


09 May 17:01
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This is the 2nd release candidate of Flux v2.0 GA. Users are advised to upgrade from v0.41 to v2.0.0-rc.2 as soon as possible.

Flux v2.0.0-rc.2 comes with fixes to issues reported for RC.1 and performance improvements. Starting with this version, source-controller, kustomize-controller and helm-controller pods are marked as system-cluster-critical. This priority class will reduce the chances of Flux controllers being evicted before other non-critical workloads and prevents the pods from being permanently unavailable.

💡 For upgrading from v0.x, please see the procedure documented in RC.1.

⚠️ Note that Kubernetes 1.27.0 contains a regression bug that affects Flux, it is recommended to upgrade Kubernetes to 1.27.1 or newer.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fix bootstrap for BitBucket Server (CLI).
  • Fix secrets decryption when using Azure Key Vault (kustomize-controller).
  • Fix drift detection for renamed HelmReleases (helm-controller).
  • Improve performance when handling webhook receivers (notification-controller).
  • The Alert v1beta2 API has a new optional field .spec.inclusionList for fine-grained control over events filtering (notification-controller).
  • The deprecated field .status.url was removed from the Receiver v1 API (notification-controller).
  • Add support for commit signing using OpenPGP keys with passphrases (image-automation-controller).

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #3860 - @bigkevmcd - e2e: Add summary to Azure Alert
  • PR #3858 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #3857 - @talife - Fix autocompletion for image repository reconcile
  • PR #3855 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
  • PR #3854 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3
  • PR #3853 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2
  • PR #3849 - @makkes - Update fluxcd/go-git-providers to v0.15.3
  • PR #3838 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.3.0 to 2.3.2
  • PR #3837 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
  • PR #3833 - @matheuscscp - Add OCI provider option to create Helm source command
  • PR #3830 - @cuishuang - misc: fix some comments
  • PR #3827 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.12 to 2.3.0
  • PR #3822 - @Hey - Fix outdated Loki Helm values URL
  • PR #3821 - @makkes - Fix bootstrap for Bitbucket Server
  • PR #3805 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.11 to 2.2.12
  • PR #3804 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2
  • PR #3802 - @stefanprodan - Set priority class for the critical Flux components
  • PR #3797 - @makkes - better messaging for pull artifact command
  • PR #3796 - @fluxcdbot - Update helm-controller to v0.32.2
  • PR #3795 - @stefanprodan - Run conformance tests for Kubernetes 1.27
  • PR #3783 - @aryan9600 - Clean directory before cloning git repo
  • PR #3780 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.9 to 2.2.11
  • PR #3779 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4.2.4 to 5.0.0
  • PR #3778 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
  • PR #3768 - @relu - Fix publishing pre-release versions to AUR
  • PR #3764 - @somtochiama - Add label selector flag to get cmd


06 Apr 11:58
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This is the first release candidate of Flux v2.0 GA 🎉. Users are encouraged to upgrade for the best experience.

Flux v2.0.0-rc.1 comes with the promotion of the GitOps related APIs to v1 and adds horizontal scaling & sharding capabilities to Flux controllers.

In addition, RC.1 comes with support for auth with Azure Workload Identity when pulling OCI artifacts from ACR and when decrypting secret with Azure Vault. Also, Bootstrap for GitLab was extended with support for generating GitLab Deploy Tokens.

❤️ Big thanks to all the Flux contributors that helped us with this release!
👏 And a special shoutout to the GitLab team for their first contribution to Flux!

API changes

GitRepository v1

The GitRepository kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA) and deprecated fields were removed.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, except for the following:

  • the deprecated field .spec.gitImplementation was removed
  • the unused field .spec.accessFrom was removed
  • the deprecated field .status.contentConfigChecksum was removed
  • the deprecated field .status.artifact.checksum was removed
  • the .status.url was removed in favor of the absolute .status.artifact.url

Kustomization v1

The Kustomization kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA) and deprecated fields were removed.

A new optional field .spec.commonMetadata was added to the API for setting labels and/or annotations to all resources part of a Kustomization.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, except for the following:

  • the deprecated field .spec.validation was removed
  • the deprecated field .spec.patchesStrategicMerge was removed (replaced by .spec.patches)
  • the deprecated field .spec.patchesJson6902 was removed (replaced by .spec.patches)

Receiver v1

The Receiver kind was promoted from v1beta2 to v1 (GA).

The v1 API now supports triggering the reconciliation of multiple resources using .spec.resources.matchLabels.

The v1 API is backwards compatible with v1beta2, no fields were removed.

Upgrade procedure

Upgrade Flux from v0.x to v2.0.0-rc-1 either by rerunning flux bootstrap or by using the Flux GitHub Action.

To upgrade the APIs from v1beta2, after deploying the new CRDs and controllers, change the manifests in Git:

  1. Remove the deprecated fields from the GitRepository and Kustomization definitions.
  2. Commit, push and reconcile the fields removal changes.
  3. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain GitRepository .
  4. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain Kustomization .
  5. Set apiVersion: in the YAML files that contain Receiver definitions.
  6. Commit, push and reconcile the API version changes.

Bumping the APIs version in manifests can be done gradually. It is advised to not delay this procedure as the beta
versions will be removed after 6 months.

⚠️ Note that this release updates the major version of the Flux Go Module to v2. Please update your go.mod to require, see for the documentation of the module.

New Documentation

Components changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #3763 - @souleb - Add the possibility to ignore files with build and diff Kustomization
  • PR #3758 - @stefanprodan - Release Flux v2.0.0-rc.1
  • PR #3762 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump from 23.0.1 to 23.0.3
  • PR #3745 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9
  • PR #3744 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.13.4 to 0.14.1
  • PR #3730 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.7 to 2.2.8
  • PR #3729 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
  • PR #3728 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.13.3 to 0.13.4
  • PR #3721 - @yiannistri - fix: Avoid printing an extra newline when exporting resources
  • PR #3717 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1


21 Mar 10:10
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Flux v0.41.2 is a patch release which fixes a range of bugs found in the controllers. Please refer to the individual component changelogs for more information.

💡 For more information about other features introduced in v0.41.0, please refer to the changelog for this version.

Components Changelog

CLI Changelog

  • PR #3710 - @hiddeco - tests/azure: update toolkit components
  • PR #3707 - @fluxcdbot - Update toolkit components
  • PR #3706 - @hiddeco - build: update actions/setup-go in workflows
  • PR #3704 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4
  • PR #3703 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7
  • PR #3701 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
  • PR #3685 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3.2.6 to 3.3.0
  • PR #3684 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6
  • PR #3683 - @dependabot[bot] - build(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0


10 Mar 15:27
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Flux v0.41.1 is a patch release which extends the helm-controller's OOM watch feature introduced in v0.41.0 with support for automatic detection of cgroup v1 paths, and flags to configure alternative paths using --oom-watch-max-memory-path and --oom-watch-current-memory-path.

💡 For more information about other features introduced in v0.41.0, please refer to the changelog for this version.

Components changelog

CLI Changelog