Original Author: | https://github.com/romockee/powerarrow |
Currently working on the Powerarrow-dark
Find it here: | https://github.com/esn89/powerarrow-dark |
This is my fork of Romockee's Powerarrow theme, implemented for Awesome-WM 3.5 This project is now in a stage where 90% of the widgets work
I did not include the enormous right-click menu that Romockee has. Not because it is difficult to implement, but the fact that I don't have/need 99% of the software, books and applications he had. If you need it, I will be more than happy to figure it out for you.
In addition, I am trying to make this version of PowerArrow as light as possible in terms of code and the desktop itself.
Lua-oocairo: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lua-oocairo/
Vicious: http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Vicious#Getting_Vicious
If you are running Arch, I highly recommend you grab all that from the repository.
In your terminal:
- git clone https://github.com/esn89/powerarrow.git
- cd powerarrow/
- cp -R awesome ~/.config/
- In the themes.lua, please change the $USER to yourself.
- In the rc.lua, change the browser and terminal to the one you are using.
- In the rc.lua at line 147, 149 change the wireless and ethernet interfaces to your own. (You can find out what the name is by running iwconfig
in your terminal
Beware, some of the hotkeys/key-bindings are from my rc.lua, so if something that you are used to pressing doesn't work, check my global keys
- The layout in general (powerline)
- Clock
- Wireless icon and data sent/received indicator (improved)
- Battery
- Volume (improved)
- CPU widget
- MEM widget
- GMail widget (improved)
(I am using wicd for my network client, if you are not using that, you should edit out the wicd field, otherwise you will get errors)
- Took out the binary clock, due to the fact that it takes me way to long to read.
- Added on a clock widget and icon
- Added a "netstat" drop down menu using the 'blingbling' library to indicate what processes are currently using the Internet
- "Sensors.lua" is not in the new Vicious library
- Volume icon instead of the core temperature.
- Working wifi-signal strength indicator. The bars now go up or down, depending on your computers wifi signal strength, rather than a static icon that doesn't change (see screenshots for example)
- Working volume level indicated in the form of a speaker. The icon shows the sound level as a speaker (see screenshots for example).
- Mail how has a notifier with gmail integration (see screenshots for example).
- In your home directory, created a file named .netrc
- In this file you will put your login details, it should
look like this:
machine mail.google.com login [email protected] password
(without the quotations of course)
- Looking to implement a calendar by turning the date textbox into a button
- Will implement a battery widget that actually corresponds to the amount of battery you have left. (I am huge fan/advocate of icons that are dynamic, can change and ones that reflect on current status)
- Powerarrow dark!
- you got mail!
- you have no mail.
- volume level high
- volume level medium
- volume level low
- volume icon muted
- wifi signal low
- wifi signal medium
- The desktop so far