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Another sveltekit adapter for bun, an alternative to svelte-adapter-bun. This package support websocket in dev mode with few steps of setup.

The built bundle with version 2.0.0 will be ready to compile into single executable with bun.


bun add -d @eslym/sveltekit-adapter-bun


Breaking Changes

Since version 2.0.0, the custom hooks (beforeServe, afterServe and setupCLI) and CLI functionality is complemetely removed.

Setup dev server


You do not need to do this if you are not using websocket in dev mode.

  1. Create an entrypoint file for dev server, e.g. ./dev.ts

  2. Add the following code to the entrypoint file

    import { patchSvelteKit, startDevServer } from '@eslym/sveltekit-adapter-bun';
    await patchSvelteKit();
    await startDevServer();
  3. run bun dev.ts

The patchSvelteKit function will patch the sveltekit using bun patch to let it get the original Request object from bun and pass it to the dev server, making Bun.Server#upgrade possible. The startDevServer function will start the dev server with websocket support.

The patchSvelteKit will not impact anything in production build, since the production build will not involve @sveltejs/kit/node unless you are using it in your code.


This dev server uses bun's internal stuff, so it might break in the future bun version, but the production build will not be affected.

Use the websocket

// ./src/app.d.ts
// for the type checking

import type { AdapterPlatform } from '@eslym/sveltekit-adapter-bun';

// See
// for information about these interfaces
declare global {
    namespace App {
        // interface Error {}
        // interface Locals {}
        // interface PageData {}
        // interface PageState {}
        interface Platform extends AdapterPlatform {}
// ./src/routes/echo/+server.ts

export async function GET({ platform }) {
    // can mark any response for upgrade, if the upgrade failed, the response will be sent as is
    return platform!.markForUpgrade(
        new Response('Websocket Requried', {
            status: 400
            message(ws, message) {

Adapter Options

export type AdapterOptions = {
     * Output path
     * @default './build'
    out?: string;

     * The bundler for the final step build.
     * @default 'rollup'
    bundler?: 'rollup' | 'bun';

     * Enable pre-compress, use number to specify a minimum file size which will be compressed.
     * When it is true, the minimum size is 1KiB.
     * @default false
    precompress?: boolean | PreCompressOptions | number;

     * Serve static assets, set if to false if you want to handle static assets yourself
     * like using nginx or caddy. When it is true, an index of assets will build with
     * bun's `import with { type: 'file' }` syntax, which make it ready to bundle into
     * single executable file.
     * @default true
    serveStatic?: boolean;

     * File patterns to be ignored in the static assets, ex: `*.{br,gz}`
     * @default ["**​/.*"]
    staticIgnores?: string[];

     * Export prerendered entries as json
     * @default false
    exportPrerender?: boolean;

     * Include source maps
     * @default true
    sourceMap?: boolean | 'inline';

     * Minify the output when using bun build
     * @default false
        | boolean
        | {
              whitespace?: boolean;
              syntax?: boolean;
              identifiers?: boolean;

export type PreCompressOptions = {
     * Enable specific compression, number means the minimum size to compress.
     * 1KiB will be used when the value is `true`, set to `0` for always compress.
     * @default true;
    [k in 'gzip' | 'brotli']?: boolean | number;
} & {
     * Extensions to pre-compress
     * @default ['html','js','json','css','svg','xml','wasm']
    files?: string[];

Runtime Environments

Name Description Default
HTTP_HOST The host for the server
HTTP_PORT The port for the server 3000
HTTP_SOCKET The path of the unix socket which the server will listen to (this will disable http) -
HTTP_PROTOCOL_HEADER The header name to get the protocol from the request -
HTTP_HOST_HEADER The header name to get the host from the request -
HTTP_IP_HEADER The header name to get the client ip from the request (usually X-Forwarded-For) -
HTTP_XFF_DEPTH The depth of the X-Forwarded-For header to get the client ip 1
HTTP_OVERRIDE_ORIGIN Force the request origin when it is unable to retrieve from the request -
HTTP_IDLE_TIMEOUT The request timeout for the server(in seconds) 30
HTTP_MAX_BODY The maximum body size for the request 128mib
WS_IDLE_TIMEOUT The websocket idle timeout (in seconds) 120
WS_MAX_PAYLOAD The maximum payload size for the websocket 16mib
WS_NO_PING Disable automatic ping response false
CACHE_ASSET_AGE The max-age for the cache-control header for the assets 14400
CACHE_IMMUTABLE_AGE The max-age for the cache-control header for the immutable assets 31536000


An alternative to svelte-adapter-bun







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