This is a collection of publicly released articles from the Practicing Ruby journal.
You are welcome to use these materials as you see fit, as long as you abide by the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Make sure to include a clear reference to anywhere you make use of these materials. It'd also be nice for you to link to so that others can find these source materials, but that is optional.
Please see the file in this repository for copyright information.
For any questions, please contact [email protected]. I am especially interested in hearing from folks who would like to translate these articles into other languages (both spoken languages and programming languages!), but I'd love to hear from anyone who wishes to make use of these materials for any purpose.
I believe that it's only right for me to release my articles under a free documentation license, but this project is still a TON of work, and would not exist without my subscribers. You can make it possible for me to keep publishing by signing up for a paid account. It's only $8/month, and it's totally worth it.