This project runs on Revel. A high-productivity web framework for the Go language.
You need not create tables. GORM will generate tables automatically.
cd /path/to/project_root
export GOPATH=~/go:$(pwd)
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin
revel run
Run with --help for options.
Go to http://localhost:9000/ and you'll see:
The default directory structure of a generated Revel application:
myapp App root
app App sources
controllers App controllers
init.go Interceptor registration
models App domain models
routes Reverse routes (generated code)
views Templates
tests Test suites
conf Configuration files
app.conf Main configuration file
routes Routes definition
messages Message files
public Public assets
css CSS files
js Javascript files
images Image files
The app directory contains the source code and templates for your application.
The conf directory contains the application’s configuration files. There are two main configuration files:
* app.conf, the main configuration file for the application, which contains standard configuration parameters
* routes, the routes definition file.
The messages directory contains all localized message files.
Resources stored in the public directory are static assets that are served directly by the Web server. Typically it is split into three standard sub-directories for images, CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files.
The names of these directories may be anything; the developer need only update the routes.
Tests are kept in the tests directory. Revel provides a testing framework that makes it easy to write and run functional tests against your application.
- The README file created within your application.
- The Getting Started with Revel.
- The Revel guides.
- The Revel sample apps.
- The API documentation.
We encourage you to contribute to Revel! Please check out the Contributing to Revel guide for guidelines about how to proceed. Join us!