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Api platform for Pest

This package adds Api platform testing capabilities to Pest.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require eerison/pest-plugin-api-platform --dev

Add uses(ApiTestCase::class) in your tests/Pest.php

use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase;

uses(ApiTestCase::class)->beforeEach(fn() => static::bootKernel())->in('Feature');


it('is checking the body structure')
        ->toHaveKey('name', 'Erison')
        ->toHaveKey('', 'Fake company');

or you can use importing the function

use function Eerison\PestPluginApiPlatform\get;

it('is checking the body structure using context.', function () {
    $responseContent = get('/foo/response/200')->getContent();


using findIriBy

use function Eerison\PestPluginApiPlatform\{get, findIriBy};

it('can use findIriBy', function () {
    $iri = findIriBy(YourEntity::class, ['yourField' => 'yourValue']);
    $responseContent = get($iri)->getContent();


using snapshot (please install pest-plugin-snapshots)

it('can be used with snapshot')

Converting api platform test in pest


// api/tests/BooksTest.php

namespace App\Tests;

use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase;
use App\Entity\Book;

class BooksTest extends ApiTestCase
    // This trait provided by AliceBundle will take care of refreshing the database content to a known state before each test
    use RefreshDatabaseTrait;
    public function testGetCollection(): void
        // The client implements Symfony HttpClient's `HttpClientInterface`, and the response `ResponseInterface`
        $response = static::createClient()->request('GET', '/books');


        // Asserts that the returned JSON is a superset of this one
            '@context' => '/contexts/Book',
            '@id' => '/books',
            '@type' => 'hydra:Collection',
            'hydra:totalItems' => 100,
            'hydra:view' => [
                '@id' => '/books?page=1',
                '@type' => 'hydra:PartialCollectionView',
                'hydra:first' => '/books?page=1',
                'hydra:last' => '/books?page=4',
                'hydra:next' => '/books?page=2',

        // Asserts that the returned JSON is validated by the JSON Schema generated for this resource by API Platform
        // This generated JSON Schema is also used in the OpenAPI spec!


use App\Entity\Book;
use Hautelook\AliceBundle\PhpUnit\RefreshDatabaseTrait;


it('can get a collection')
        ->toHaveKey('@context', '/contexts/Book')
        ->toHaveKey('@id', '/books')
        ->toHaveKey('@type', 'hydra:Collection')
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:totalItems', 100)
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:view.@id', '/books?page=1')
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:view.@type', 'hydra:PartialCollectionView')
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:first', '/books?page=1')
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:last', '/books?page=4')
        ->toHaveKey('hydra:next', '/books?page=2')


  • toMatchesResourceCollectionJsonSchema(Your::class)
  • toMatchesResourceItemJsonSchema(Your::class)


  • apiClient()
  • get()
  • post()
  • put()
  • delete()
  • findIriBy()
  • assertResponseIsSuccessful()
  • assertResourceIsBadRequest()
  • assertResourceIsNotFound()
  • assertResourceIsUnauthorized()
  • assertResourceIsForbidden()
  • assertMatchesResourceItemJsonSchema(Your::class)
  • assertMatchesResourceCollectionJsonSchema(Your::class)
  • assertResourceIsBadRequest()
  • assertResourceIsUnprocessableEntity()
  • expectResponseContent()

if you want to test expectResponseContent and not return an exception pass false as parameter, example: expectResponseContent(false)


composer test



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.