Fuji is a minimal Hugo theme with full dark mode support and GitHub Primer markdown style.
Checkout the brand new VSCode Aofuji Light Theme which has similar color scheme to Aofuji!
Supported languages: cs
, de
, en
, eo
, fr
, ja
, nl
, pl
, pt-pt
, zh-hans
, zh-hant
. Check the i18n folder to add more languages.
- 💻 Live demos
- ❗ Notice
- 🐣 Getting started
- 🆕 Update the theme
- ⚙️ Configuration
- ✏️ Issue and contributing
- 📝 License
- 🤝 Annotations
Remember to add summary divider <!--more-->
to your post .md
files to show blockquotes, links and codes with proper style in list pages' summary part.
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
git submodule add https://github.com/dsrkafuu/hugo-theme-fuji.git themes/fuji
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
Then copy the config.toml
in the exampleSite
to the root of your Hugo site, and use it as a reference for your config file. It contains all of the settings for site menus, search pages and other features, you'll need this file to make your site work properly.
You can watch (release only) this repo to receive update notifications.
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
git submodule update --remote --merge
Create [SITEROOT]/layouts/partials/favicon.html
to cover theme's favicon.
You can generate your favicons in realfavicongenerator.net.
Globally in config.toml
showLicense = true # Enable or disable license for all post
showToc = true # Enable or disable ToC for all post
Or in posts' front matter:
showLicense = true # Enable or disable license for this specific post
showToc = true # Enable or disable ToC for this specific post
To disable comment area for specific post, add this in front matter:
showComments = false # Do not show comments in this post
In-post APlayer supported, you use the aplayer
{{< aplayer urls="/aplayer/fluid.mp3" names="Fluid" artists="Crowander" covers="/aplayer/crowander.jpg" >}}
Checkout the exampleSite/content/post/aplayer-test.md
for more example usage such as using multiple files.
You can write LaTeX directly in markdown with escape characters:
a & b \\\\ c & d
Or use the short code, display style:
{{< math >}}
a & b \\
c & d
{{< /math >}}
Inline style:
{{< math "inline" >}}
a & b \\
c & d
{{< /math >}}
Don't forget to add math = true
in your front matter or config.toml
Zoomable, not lazyloaded:

Zoomable, lazyloaded:
{{< img-lazy "16x9" "Alt text here" "test/example.png" >}}
Not zoomable, not lazyloaded, optional ext link:
{{< img-nz "Alt text here" "test/example.png" >}}
Not zoomable, lazyloaded, optional ext link:
{{< img-nz-lazy "16x9" "Alt text here" "test/example.png" >}}
Available image aspect ratios:
- 40x9
- 32x9
- 21x9
- 18x9
- 16x9
- 16x10
- 3x2
- 4x3
- 1x1
- 3x4
- 2x3
- 10x16
- 9x16
- 9x18
- 9x21
- 9x32
You can create the files below in your site to adjust the markdown render hook, see Hugo's Official Docs.
You can use [SITEROOT]/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html
to decide whether or not links in the markdown content will open in new tab:
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title }} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if strings.HasPrefix .Destination "http" }} target="_blank"{{ end }}>{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>
Theme supports Disqus, utterances and DisqusJS (for Mainland China user)。
by default, disqus uses {{ .Permalink }}
as url
, {{ .File.ContentBaseName }}
as identifier
Use the [SITEROOT]/layouts/partials/comment-*.html
to cover themes/fuji/layouts/partials/comment-*.html
. Then you can customize the url and identifier, or set multiple api key, add more settings for using DisqusJS. If you want to use DisqusJS, please remember to set disqusJSApi
to anything in your config.toml
to load CSS.
Hugo extended version needed.
You can override theme's internal SCSS variables with your own. Create [SITEROOT]/assets/scss/_custom_var.scss
to cover variables in SCSS.
Variables available:
$body-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'SF Pro Text', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica',
'Arial', 'PingFang SC', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Source Han Sans SC',
'Microsoft YaHei', 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei', sans-serif;
$mono-font: 'Cascadia Code', 'SF Mono', 'Fira Code', 'Consolas', $body-font;
$title-font: 'Product Sans', $body-font;
$body-font-size: 16px;
$light-color-primary: #8aa2d3; // https://irocore.com/aofuji/
$light-color-secondary: #8f82bc; // https://irocore.com/fujimurasaki/
$light-color-focus: #3b469b; // https://irocore.com/aomurasaki/
$light-color-mute: #9ea1a3; // https://irocore.com/suzu-iro/
$light-color-font: #3f4551; // https://irocore.com/konnezu/
$light-color-divider: #e5e2e4; // https://irocore.com/komachinezu/
$light-color-bg: #fffffd; // https://irocore.com/shiro/
$light-color-codebg: #f6f8fa; // GitHub
$dark-color-primary: #8aa2d3; // https://irocore.com/aofuji/
$dark-color-secondary: #bab1df; // https://irocore.com/fujimurasaki/
$dark-color-focus: #e6e6e6; // https://irocore.com/shironezumi/
$dark-color-mute: #9ea1a3; // https://irocore.com/suzu-iro/
$dark-color-font: #c0c0c0; // https://irocore.com/gin-iro/
$dark-color-divider: #4d5158; // Discord
$dark-color-bg: #2f3136; // Discord
$dark-color-codebg: #414449; // GitHub
To override SCSS rules, create [SITEROOT]/assets/scss/_custom_rules.scss
. This file will have priority over anything regarding CSS rules, but is useless for changing variables that are used elsewhere in the theme.
Feel free to use the issue tracker. The theme has only been fully tested on Firefox, so if there are some problems when accessing with Chrome or others please also report an issue.
The theme is released under the Apache License 2.0
, for more information read the License.
- Primer CSS - MIT
- APlayer - MIT
- lazysizes - MIT
- DisqusJS - MIT
- ionicons - MIT
- Fuse.js - Apache-2.0
- cloudflare-workers-async-google-analytics - MIT
- art-template - MIT
Copyright © 2019-present DSRKafuU https://dsrkafuu.net/
Thanks to community contributors for great help.
Learned a lot in Sukka's Blog.