Configurations and results of kiez paper
You can find the necessary depencies in the pyproject.toml
If you have poetry installed simply execute:
poetry install
The knowledge graph embeddings produced for and used in our study are available via Zenodo.
We make our results available in results/max_all.csv
Our plots can be created with:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --use-csv output
We make a lot more plots available in results/additional_report.pdf
To recreate this document:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --extensive plot_dir
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ plot_dir results/
cd results
pdflatex additional_report.tex
It is easy to run a single experiment:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --embedding "AttrE" --dataset "D_W_15K_V1" --neighbors 50 faiss --candidates 100 --index-key Flat --no-gpu ls --method nicdm
This will automatically download any data if necessary.
You can also track your results with wandb using the --use-wandb
flag, e.g.:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --embedding "AttrE" --dataset "D_W_15K_V1" --neighbors 50 --use-wandb faiss --candidates 100 --index-key Flat --no-gpu ls --method nicdm
This command shows you the necessary arguments to run an experiment:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --help
The individual nearest neighbor algorithm and hubness reduction method are declared via subcommand, for which you can also get help (after supplying the required arguments of the base command):
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --embedding "AttrE" --dataset "D_W_15K_V1" --neighbors 50 faiss --help
or for the hubness reduction method:
poetry run python kiezbenchmarking/ --embedding "AttrE" --dataset "D_W_15K_V1" --neighbors 50 faiss --candidates 100 --index-key Flat --use-gpu False ls --help
We originally used SEML to keep track of results. Please refer to their instructions to set everything up. Install the necessary packages inside a conda env (because seml wants you to use a conda env):
conda create -n kiez python=3.7.1
conda activate
poetry install
conda deactivate
seml [db_name] add configs/[path_to_config]
seml [db_name] run
Which starts a SLURM job with all the experiments and saves the results in your MongoDB using Sacred.