AWS services used:
- S3
- EC2
- Route 53
Regions: us-east-1 and us-west-2
- AWS account
- AWS credentails populated in ~/.aws/credentials. You can run
aws configure
to populate this file. - AWS CLI installed on machine where you plan to deploy from
- Terraform (version 12.0.0+) installed on machine where you plan to deploy from
- Ansible installed on machine where you plan to deploy from
- Python boto3 and botocore modules installed on machine where you plan to deploy from
pip install boto3
- A domain registered within Route53
Versions I used:
- OS Ubuntu 16.04
- Terraform v0.13.3
- Ansible 2.9.9
- aws-cli 1.18.69
Firstly clone this repo and then cd into the repo directory.
Next, before you can deploy this environment, you need to create an AWS S3 bucket. This bucket is used to store Terraform state.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket name>
Populate the above command with a unique name of your S3 bucket.
You need to change the terraform code so it knows the name of your S3 bucket you created earlier. The file that needs updating is
backend "s3" {
region = "us-east-1"
profile = "default"
key = "terraformstatefile"
bucket = "<CHANGE ME>"
Next, create a ssh key which will be deloyed to each of the ec2 instance. You can change the location of where your ssh key file is output if you want, but you need to ensure you update with the new location.
ssh-keygen -f /var/tmp/aws_id_rsa -t rsa
Finally update with your domain. The value needs to contain a '.' at the end.
type = string
default = "XXX."
You can now deploy the environment with Terraform.
terraform plan
will show you what terraform plans to do, i.e how many resources it will add.
If you are happy with the output, then terraform apply
. Type 'yes' when prompted.
Once the deployment has completed, a multi-region Jenkins deployment will exist - master in us-east-1 and a worker node in us-west-2.
You will be able to access jenkins via https://jenkins. + your-domain. Login credentials are admin/password
Pre-populated jobs (aka projects) will also be deployed,such as "Create_Delete_S3_Bucket" which can be used to create or delete S3 buckets.
You can destroy the environment with terraform destroy
This will remove all resources apart from the S3 bucket. To destroy the S3 bucket you can use the aws cli command aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name --force