A web service that receives emails via HTTP and scans them with one or many filtering engines (antivirus, antispam, policy engines, etc.)
- spamassassin
- rspamd
- dspam
- messagesniffer
- dcc
- virustotal
- fprot
- f-secure,
- clamav
- avg
- eset
- kaspersky
- comodo
- bitdefender
- opendkim
- opendmarc
Send emails to be scanned as standard HTTP file upload.
curl -X POST -F [email protected] localhost:8000/scan
Sent metadata about the connection / message as HTTP headers.
curl -X POST -F [email protected] -H 'X-GeoIP: AS, CN, Fuzhou' -H 'X-Remote-IP:' localhost:8000/scan
The response is a JSON encoded array, with the request and response for each available scanner.
"raw":"/Users/matt/Documents/git/ess/spool/upload_9f8c482aaaa10fcf501bf5259c00746c.eml: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND\n"
"raw":"SPAMD/1.1 0
EX_OK\r\nContent-length: 62\r\nSpam: False ; 2.3 /
matt; result=\"Innocent\"; class=\"Whitelisted\"; probability=0.0000; confidence=0.99; signature=5646b98f634915112796250\n",
"fail":["message not signed"],
"raw":"opendkim: /Users/matt/Documents/git/ess/spool/upload_9f8c482aaaa10fcf501bf5259c00746c.eml: message not signed\n",