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Enum Set
Enum set type manager. For each enum-type created on the database, it allows 2 behaviors: Single enum attribution, Array (Set-like) attribution. For Single enum attribution check the link. The enum type is known to have a better performance against string- and integer-like enums. Now with the array option, which behaves like binary assignment, each record can have multiple enum values. PostgreSQL Docs
First, you have to create the enum during your migration, since it's the database that holds the list of possible values.
create_enum :permissions, %i(read write exec)
You can check more about the type creation on the Enum docs.
Just as a reference, we will be using this table for the examples:
create_table :posts do |t|
t.string :title
t.permissions :creator_permissions, array: true # ONLY RAILS < 7.0
t.enum :creator_permissions, enum_type: :creator_permissions, array: true # ONLY RAILS >= 7.0
If you want to add a default value that is an array containing elements, you will need to enable the use_extended_defaults
setting. This is still experimental so use with precaution.
create_table :posts do |t|
t.string :title
t.permissions :creator_permissions, array: true, default: %w(read write exec)
Each enum type loaded from the database will have its own class type of value for sets, created under the enum.namespace
# You can get a representative value from there
# Or you can get the list of values
# You can also get all the values as symbols
# Allows you to iterate over the values directly from the class
Enum::PermissionsSet.each do |permission|
puts permission
# You can use index-based for power-based reference
Enum::PermissionsSet.new(0) # []
Enum::PermissionsSet.new(3) # [:read, :write]
Enum::PermissionsSet.exec.to_i # 4
You have to go to each of your models and enable the functionality for each enum-set-type field. You don't need to provide the values since they will be loaded from the database. The method name is defined on enum.set_method
# models/user.rb
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
torque_enum_set :creator_permissions
You are able to access the list of values trough the class that holds the enum set:
Post.creator_permissions # List of strings
Post.creator_permissions_keys # List of symbols
You can set the column value from String
, Array
, Symbol
, and Integer
post = Post.new
post.creator_permissions = 'read' # [:read]
post.creator_permissions = :write # [:write]
post.creator_permissions = [:read, :write] # [:read, :write]
post.creator_permissions = 7 # [:read, :write, :exec]
Given the power from the to_i
operation, you can compare values, or make questions about it:
other_post = Post.new(creator_permissions: [:read])
post = Post.new(creator_permissions: [:write])
post.creator_permissions > :exec # false
post.creator_permissions == 2 # true
post.creator_permissions >= other_post.creator_permissions # true
post.creator_permissions.write? # true
post.read? # false
The bang!
methods are controlled by the enum.save_on_bang
# The following will only perform a save on the database if enum.save_on_bang is set to true
post = Post.new(creator_permissions: [:write])
post.creator_permissions === [:read, :write]
You can reach the I18n translations from three different ways, and the scopes are configured on enum.i18n_scopes
. On the third one, only the scopes on enum.i18n_type_scope
are used, that allows per-model customization.
post = Post.new(creator_permissions: [:read, :write])
post.creator_permissions.text # Read post and Write post
post.creator_permissions_text # Read post and Write post
Enum::PermissionsSet.read.text # Read
The value by itself behaves just like an Set, which allows all sorts of bitwise operations.
post = Post.new(creator_permissions: [:read, :write])
post.creator_permissions & [:write] # [:write]
post.creator_permissions & [:exec] # []
post.creator_permissions | [:exec] # [:read, :write, :exec]
post.creator_permissions -= :write # [:read]
For each value, the model where the enum was defined receives additional scopes, making it easy to filter records.
Post.write # SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."creator_permissions" @> ARRAY['write']::permissions[]
# Where @> means 'contains', and ::permissions[] means 'as an array of values from permissions enum type'
There are also additional scopes exclusively for enum set, where you can filter by either all the values must be present or any value must be present.
Post.has_creator_permissions('read', 'write') # Records that have both 'read' and 'write' values
Post.has_any_creator_permissions('write', 'exec') # Records that have 'write', 'exec', or both values
When testing models or creating records using factories, EnumSet
provides an easy way to get a random number of values from the list of any enum types. Besides the normal Post.creator_permissions.sample
, you can also use:
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