- Fremont, CA
🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js
JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
Slot & Fill component for merging React subtrees together. Portal on steroids.
📜 Create mutable log lines into the terminal, and give life to your logs!
Asynchronous React VirtualDOM renderer for SSR.
An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator for Node.js
A pluggable integration with ElasticSearch to provide advanced content searches in Firebase.
Locally is a localStorage manager that supports expirable items with timeout values and saves space by compressing them using LZW algorithm.
🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
Manage a registry of function stacks and run them.
Manage a stack of functions and execute them with flow control.
Configuration loader for node.js applications
Node.js caching layer with flexible invalidation based around 'tags'.
Build Node.JS servers that don't fall over.
cpsubrian / node-buffet
Forked from carlos8f/buffetPerformance-oriented static file server
cpsubrian / r.js
Forked from requirejs/r.jsRuns RequireJS in Node and Rhino, and used to run the RequireJS optimizer
cpsubrian / hydration
Forked from carlos8f/hydrationType-accurate serialization of javascript objects
cpsubrian / broadway
Forked from indexzero/broadwayLightweight application extensibility and composition with a twist of feature reflection.
cpsubrian / redis_failover
Forked from carlos8f/redis_failoverA Redis automatic failover mechanism
Type-accurate serialization of javascript objects
Boilerplate application for the Chaplin.js library
cpsubrian / chaplin
Forked from chaplinjs/chaplinAn Application Architecture Using Backbone.js
A simple socket.io echo server for testing
Boilerplate application for the Chaplin.js library
Multi-Git. Node.js command-line tool for working with directories of git repositories.