Team Leader: Stefan Zimmermann
Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
The mother of all futures of coala! #aspectsYEAH
The aspects team is responsible for implementing aspects in coala as defined in cEP-0005. The ongoing projects of the aspects team are:
Team Leader: Adrian Zatreanu ([email protected]) Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
The cib team develops and maintains the cib tool for coala. cib (cib Installs Bears) is a package manager which helps installing/ uninstalling bears, checking for dependencies, etc. Its repository lies at
Team Leader: Maximilian Scholz ([email protected]) Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
The community team organizes community bonding events like meetups and gaming evenings to support and promote a healthy, happy community. It also serves as a contact for personal problems or conflicts between community members.
Team Leader: Mischa Krüger ([email protected]) Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
Developing and maintaining the coala core repository. In addition everything that does not fit into another team's domain, will be assigned to the core team.
Team Leader: Adrian Zatreanu ([email protected]) Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
The documentation team aims having updated docs. It also takes care of wiki pages and upcoming events.
Team Leader: Udayan Tandon ([email protected]) Github profile page: Gitlab profile page:
The Research team organizes and plans several aspects of coala. It is the team's responsibility to draft coherent and precise proposals for enhancements to coala. These enhancements include architecture changes, novel algorithms for code analysis, and new extensions to coala. Furthermore, the team is responsible for coordinating and promoting more research activity in coala.
Ever coala maintainer can apply for a team lead position of any team. To apply for a team lead position, you have to create an issue in this repository using the given template.
Every coala maintainer or developer can apply for membership in any team. To apply you have to create an issue in this repository using the given template.
Remember! Although anyone is invited to help any team, becoming a team member adds a declaration of dedication to the domain of the respective team.
For more information about coala teams, see cEP-0003.