This is a server application that you can use to access your collection of ebooks and comic books remotely, read them and keep read progress across multiple devices. The application is browser based and designed to work well with both desktop and mobile devices.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation instructions
- Creating users and other admin functions
- Configuration properties
- Backing up and restoring data
- Updating the service
- Troubleshooting - Resetting everything
- Installing as a service on Windows
- Running with Docker
- Performance Considerations
- Setting Up the Service
- Other considerations
- supports reading CBR, CBZ, PDF and EPUB files
- store latest read books on device for offline reading
- scan and monitor a library folder for supported file types
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Book page | Comic page | Comic tools and settings |
- open and display supported file types in browser
- keep track of position user has reached in a comic book or ebook
- continue reading from the latest position
- keep track of read ebooks and comic books
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Collections tree |
- view books and comic books organized by collections (the subfolders they are stored in on disk)
- search for comic books and ebooks
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Book tools and settings | Book dark mode | Configuring number of books saved on device |
- supports device specific settings for book background and foreground colors, book dark mode, number of books saved on device
- add multiple users
- import or export users and book progress information
- change password functionality
Download and install the latest java for your operating system. Once all is done, open a command line and verify that java was installed correctly with the following command:
java -version
- Download the latest release from releases.
- Copy the release JAR to a folder on disk. This is where the application will start in and will create the database files.
- Create an
file and, using a text editor, configure your app as described in the code below. Set the<library_folder>
to an address on disk where your ebook and comic book collection is. Set a strong<administrator_password>
, you will use this for the first login and creating users for your application. Set a<port>
that is unoccupied on your machine, a good option is8080
- Start the application by opening a command line and running:
java -jar reader-<version>.jar
(be sure to replaceversion
with the version you downloaded). - When you want to stop the application you can press
to send the kill signal to the process.
Once you have started the application, you can navigate in a browser to localhost:<port>
address (use the port you
configured). There you should see the login page. Log in with the admin
username and the <administrator_password>
you configured in the properties file.
On the main page, click the "More" button. In the settings screen, click on "Import Data". This takes you to the administration functions screen. Only the admin user has access to this screen. You can create the users you need for your app in this screen by writing a username, a comma and a password for each user you want to create, on different lines. Then press "Add users". The users will have the option to change their password to what they prefer.
- It is recommended to set the
setting to false, to get a more consistent experience with ebooks, but you can experiment with this and change it to true.
- It is recommended to set the
To back up your user data and progress data, you can log in with the admin user and click the settings button and then go to the "Import data" screen. On that screen you can click the "Export progress" and the "Export users" buttons to save this information as CSV files on your computer.
To restore this data, on a new database, you need to use the admin user and navigate to the "Import data" screen. On this screen, you should first import users by opening the exported users CSV file with a text editor and copying the information there into the "csv data" text area. Then press the "Import users" button.
Importing progress should be done after you have imported or created the users and the book collection has been imported. You can check the logs, the reader.log
file in the folder where your application is installed, to see that collection scanning has been completed. A message saying "full scan done" should be on the last line in the file if the collection has been imported. Once the import process is done, you can now import progess to you database by going to the "Import data" screen, copying the text from the progress CSV file into the "csv data" text area, then pressing the "Import progress" button.
The following steps are recommended when you want to update the Chronic Reader service to a new version:
- Export users and progress;
- Stop the Chronic Reader application;
- Copy the new version, downloaded from releases, to the installation folder;
- Start the application with new version using
java -jar reader-<version>.jar
- The database files from the previous version should be available and compatible, but just in case, check to see that the users and progress have been maintained;
- If data was corrupted and the old users and progress information are no longer available in the application, you can import the users and progress that were saved in the first step.
If there are issues with the application, the application throws an error and can't start, possible after an upgrade to a new version, one way to try and fix it is to recreate the database. For this, you should have the exported users and progress CSV files, obtained by following instructions in the backing up and restoring data section.
You will need to stop the application, then delete the following four files:
Afterwards, restart the application. The database will be recreated, your library folder will be rescanned. Once scanning is done, you can open the application with the admin account and navigate to the "Import data" screen, where you can reimport the old users and progress.
This application is designed to run as a service on a server. You can easily run this application as a service on Windows using the Non-Sucking Service Manager.
You can run the chronicreader server with docker using the following command:
docker run -d -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=??? -e SERVER_PORT=8086 -p 8086:8086 -v d:\books:/books -v c:\reader_db:/db chronicweirdo/chronicreader:4.5
You need to provide the following parameters:
- run in detached mode, keep the server running in the background-e ADMIN_PASSWORD=???
- replace???
with a strong admin password for your server-e SERVER_PORT=8086 -p 8086:8086
- choose the port to run your server on, in this example port8086
, and bind your docker port to thelocalhost
port-v d:\books:/books
- bind your local book collection folder, in this exampled:\books
, to the books folder expected in the server image-v c:\reader_db:/db
- bind a local database folder, in this examplec:\reader_db
, to the database folder expected in the image; this is necessary to keep your read progress data between server restarts
Or you can run this with docker compose:
version: '3'
image: chronicweirdo/chronicreader:4.5
- "8086:8086"
- c:\reader_db:/db
- d:\books:/books
restart: unless-stopped
Docker Hub entry for this project
If you are running in Docker on Windows using the WSL2 subsystem engine there may be a performance impact depending on your setup. This performance impact occurs when you mount a Windows folder, with a Windows file system, into the Linux Docker container that is running Chronic Reader. This file system translation will make interaction with the file system slow, meaning that library scanning will work a lot slower than it would on Windows. This performance impact does not occur if you are using Docker with Hyper-V instead of WSL2.
This performance impact is especially felt when starting the container, since
at that point a library check, which scans all books and verifies their checksum,
occurs. To mitigate this, you now can set an environment to turn off library
verification: VERIFY_ON_INITIAL_SCAN=false
When running on Windows Docker on WSL2 folder change watching will not work. To make the
application discover changes in your library folder you will have to disable folder
watching by setting ENABLE_FOLDER_WATCHING=false
; this will enable the periodic folder
rescan mechanism which will be able to detect changes in your library folder.
See information about performance considerations when running in Docker on Windows for version 4.6 on the 4.6 release page.
Whether when running with docker or as a Windows service, there are a series of
startup settings you can use to configure your deployment. This is done through
environment variables or settings in the
environment variable: the hardcoded admin passwordserver.port
property orSERVER_PORT
environment variable: the port the server listens todebug
property orDEBUG
environment variable:true
to enable or disable debug mode logs on the
property orLOG_LEVEL
environment variable: values can beTRACE
, to set the log level of the Chronic Reader appenableFolderWatching
environment variable: if set tofalse
it will turn off the folder watching mechanism and enable the periodic library rescan mechanismverifyOnInitialScan
environment variable: usetrue
to enable or disable library verification when the application starts upserver.tomcat.threads.max
environment variable: set the number of Tomcat threads the application should useSETTING_THEME_DEFAULT
environment variable: values0
correspond to "light", "OS theme", "time based" and "dark"SETTING_DARK_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default dark theme background color HEX code (example:"#000000"
environment variable: default dark theme text color HEX codeSETTING_DARK_ACCENT_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default dark theme accent color HEX codeSETTING_DARK_ACCENT_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default dark theme accent text color HEX codeSETTING_LIGHT_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default light theme background color HEX codeSETTING_LIGHT_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default light theme text color HEX codeSETTING_LIGHT_ACCENT_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default light theme accent color HEX codeSETTING_LIGHT_ACCENT_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT
environment variable: default light theme accent text color HEX codeSETTING_LATEST_READ_LIMIT_DEFAULT
environment variable: default latest read books to load (example:6
environment variable: default latest added books to load (example:24
environment variable: default day start hour and minute (example:"07:00"
environment variable: default day end hour and minute (example:"22:00"
environment variable: background color HEX code for the generated logoLOGO_FOREGROUND
environment variable: foreground color HEX code for the generated logo
If you want to make this service available on the internet, you should add SSL, which can be done using a reverse proxy server like nginx.
All comic books used for testing and illustration purposes are from the Digital Comic Museum.
All ebooks used for testing and illustration purposes are from Project Gutenberg and Standard Ebooks.