A node CLI script like npm but for Atom-Shell. Install and build npm-modules for Atom-Shell.
is designed as a replacement for npm
if you're working on an Atom-Shell project.
Warning: May be unreliable at the moment.
Table of Contents
There are several ways to build modules for atom-shell, but none of them felt quite right for my needs. Also, since node-pre-gyp
doesn't yet support atom-shell, it gets even worse for modules using that.
This tries to be as convenient as possible for a small project. Just use it for everything in your project as you would use npm
. Most of the time it does just pass-through to npm
If you're compiling for several platforms/atom-shell-versions on the same machine, it probably makes more sense to use Grunt build tasks (see grunt-build-atom-shell. This also allows renaming the executable file on Windows. Probably even more.).
Maybe this is unnecessary, does it the wrong way, is generally a stupid idea or whatever. (But at the time it works for me and makes updating atom-shell easier for me. Atom-shell-starter and grunt-build-atom-shell came after I started my current project.)
Since you're using Atom-Shell you most likely have those installed already.
(global), also fulfill it's requirements.
Install (preferred globally) with npm install aspm -g
- Install globally with npm.
npm install -g aspm
- Add some configuration to your package.json. (See Configuration. This is optional but highly recommended.)
- Now use
in place ofnpm
in your project.
Usage: aspm [options] [command]
install|i [module] install module (fetch & build)
fetch|f [module] fetch module
build|b <module> build module
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --target <version> Atom-Shell version
-a, --arch <arch> target architecture
-p, --target-platform <platform> target platform
-s, --save save as dependency to package.json
-s, --save-dev save as devDependency to package.json
-g install globally with normal npm
--tarball [url/path] install from [remote] tarball
--quiet don't say anything
Most npm commands are just passed trough to npm (dedupe, shrinkwrap, etc. should all work normally).
Unlike npm which takes its parameters in the form --target=1.2.3
, aspm expects --target 1.2.3
Also if you try to install globally with -g
we bail out and just pretend you used npm in the first place, since it wouldn't make much sense to install for atom-shell globally.
To do that anyways, you can use the --g-yes-install-for-atom-shell-globally
flag. (No, you can't.)
You can (and should to make things more convenient) configure default values for target, arch and platform in your package.json
"config": {
"atom-shell": {
"version": "0.19.5",
"arch": "ia32",
"platform": "win32"
This way you can use it just like npm without additional parameters (for basic tasks as shown in usage).
You can always set/override some or all configuration values. For example: aspm install --target 0.19.5 --arch ia32
Important: If you don't specify default values, you'll always have to provide at least a target and arch.
# Install all modules from package.json
aspm install
# Install specific module and save as dependency in package.json
aspm install serialport --save
# Install specific module in a specific version and save as dependency in package.json
aspm install [email protected] --save
# Install multiple module and save as dependency in package.json
aspm install pathwatcher v8-profiler --save
# Install module from tarball
# In contrast to npm you have to specify the module name here too.
aspm install sqlite3 --tarball https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/archive/master.tar.gz --target 0.19.5 --arch ia32
# Build a specific module for a specific target
aspm build leveldown --target 0.19.5 --arch ia32
# or shorter
aspm b leveldown -t 0.19.5 -a ia32
# fetch all modules from package.json, then build all in a separate step
aspm fetch
aspm build
To fetch the modules we just call out to npm
with --ignore-scripts
. To build we use node-gyp
with some additional arguments.
We have basic support for compiling modules that use node-pre-gyp
(i.e. sqlite3
) by faking some stuff.
sqlite3 in version 3.0.4 (current npm) won't compile for atom-shell >= 0.18.0. We can't change that. But it's possible to build with the current github master. (And it will when 3.0.5 or whatever comes next is released.)
The test suite compiles and requires a few modules for a few atom-shell versions on ia32 and x64.
- Modules/Packages:
[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
(see above) - Atom-Shell versions: 0.17.2, 0.19.5, current
- Platforms: linux ia32 & x64 on travis-ci and locally tested in a vm on Windows 7
- Modules/Packages:
I don't really know about Mac compability, since I don't have one here at the moment.
Modules with native dependencies won't get compiled at the moment. Well, their dependencies won't be. This makes using something like
(which depends onserialport
) impossible at the moment.
There may or may not be several (maybe better?) alternatives to this.
I haven't looked into these, yet.