is a fun, little command-line app written in Go,
shows quotes used by the Ancestor,
the narrator of the videogame Darkest Dungeon.
supports Linux, Mac and Windows! you can
download it from
simply click on the file that has your OS and architecture
on its name.
After it is downloaded, run the executable to start using
Requires Go to be installed on your machine. You can install Go here.
Once installed, on a terminal type:
$ git clone
Enter the directory:
$ cd ancestorquotes
Install dependencies:
$ go list
Install ancestorquotes
$ go install
Type ancestorquotes
and a random quote from the Ancestor will be displayed:
$ ancestorquotes
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Shows general info about ancestorquotes
$ ancestorquotes help
ancestorquotes - Brings quotes from the darkest of dungeons!
main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
persistent, p Makes the Ancestor say a quote every certain amount of time
all, a Shows all quotes the Ancestor has to offer
chat, c The Ancestor talks with himself in a maddening fashion
talkback, t You can talk to the Ancestor and the Ancestor replies back in a crazy manner
search, s Searches all quotes the Ancestor has ever said with the word searched in them
number, n Shows a given number of random quotes the Ancestor has to offer
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Makes ancestorquotes
run every certain amount of time.
$ ancestorquotes persistent
ancestorquotes persistent - Makes the Ancestor say a quote every certain amount of time
ancestorquotes persistent [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
minute, m, minutes Intervals in minutes between every quote
second, s, seconds Intervals in seconds between every quote
--help, -h show help
Shows all quotes the Ancestor has to offer:
$ ancestorquotes all
There is a place, beneath those ancient ruins, in the moor, that calls out to the boldest among them...
'We are the Flame!', they cry, 'And Darkness fears us!'
Until the stars align in their inexorable formation and what sleeps is aroused once more. To hatch from this fragile shell of earth and rock, and bring our inescapable end.
So, seek solace in a manner befitting your lineage, and take up your nugatory vigil, haunted forever by that sickening prose, echoing through the infinite blackness of space and time
Prints a random quote that ends in a "?" followed by another one that finishes in a "."
$ ancestorquotes chat
How many rats will it take to gnaw through a tonne of putrid flesh?
Ringing ears, blurred vision - the end approaches...
The user talks to the Ancestor and the Ancestor replies back in a crazy manner
Enter your name first. Keep on chatting with the Ancestor! Enter stop
to end the chat.
$ ancestorquotes talkback
Enter your name:
Hi user
What do you wanna say?
What a wonderful day!
Ancestor says: To those with the keen eye, gold gleams like a dagger's point.
What do you wanna say?
GoodBye user
Bear in mind my last quote
Ancestor says: Perched at the very precipice of oblivion...
ancestorquotes talkback - User talks to the Ancestor and the Ancestor replies back in a crazy manner
ancestorquotes talkback
Searches for all the quotes with the input word on it:
$ ancestorquotes search glory
More arrive foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this domain... Of the damned.
Where there is no peril in the task, there can be no glory in its accomplishment.
The bigger the beast, the greater the glory.
Another life wasted in the pursuit of glory and gold.
Shows a fixed number of random quotes the Ancestor has to offer:
$ ancestorquotes number 3
Their cursed champion falls!
The bigger the beast, the greater the glory.
There will be no sleep tonight - the wild shouts and frantic drumming will see to that.
For persistent
to work, you must use one of the following subcommands:
minutes: allows persistent
run evey "x" minutes, where "x" is a number between 1 and 59.
$ ancestorquotes persistent minutes 1
seconds: allows persistent
run evey "x" seconds, where "x" is a number between 1 and 59.
$ ancestorquotes persistent seconds 30
You can type stop
at any time during execution to stop the program.
$ ancestorquotes persistent second 1
Word is travelling. Ambition is stirring in distant cities. We can use this.
Perched at the very precipice of oblivion...
An increasing stockpile of curious trinkets, gathered from forbidden places.
This is a pretty small and niche project, created mainly to have fun, so do that!
It has not been tested on Mac or Windows. If you run into any problems while trying to install or use it, feel free to create an issue.
Heavely inspired by motivate and this reddit bot.
Sister project of restedancestor.
Check the amazing game this app was inspired in, Darkest Dungeon available in Steam for every platform!
Found a bug or an error? Post it in the issue tracker.
Want to add an awesome new feature? Fork this repository and add your feature, then send a pull request.
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2019 Bruno Chavez