Utility functions for breakdance plugins.
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save breakdance-util
var utils = require('breakdance-util');
Visit the breakdance documentation for more information about using and customizing breakdance.
Wrapper for creating the handlers for compiling a tag that has *.open
and *.close
nodes, in a single function call.
{String}: The opening tag to renderclose
{String}: The closing tag to renderstate
{Function}: Visitor function to modify the nodereturns
breakdance.set('div', utils.block('', ''));
breakdance.set('address', block('\n<address>\n', '\n</address>\n'));
// optionally pass a handler function to access the "parent" node
breakdance.set('abbr', block('<abbr>', '</abbr>', function(node) {
var attr = utils.toAttribs(node.attribs, ['title']);
if (attr) {
node.open = '<abbr' + attr + '>';
Stringify the attribs
for a node.
{Object}: Object of attributes to stringifynames
{Array}: Array ofnames
to only stringify attributes with those names.returns
{String}: Returns a string of attributes, e.g.src="foo.jpg"
var str = utils.toAttribs(node.attribs);
Attempt to get a "language" value from the given attribs
. Used with code/pre tags.
{Object}: Thenode.attribs
breakdance.set('code', function(node) {
var lang = utils.getLang(node.attribs);
// console.log(lang);
Formats the link part of a "src" or "href" attribute on the given node
{String}: Either'src'
{Object}: Pass the breakdance compiler instance, for state and options.returns
// this is how <img> tags are rendered
breakdance.set('img', function(node) {
var attribs = node.attribs || {};
if (attribs.src) {
this.emit('![' + (attribs.alt || '').trim());
var src = utils.formatLink(node, 'src', this);
this.emit(']' + src);
- breakdance-checklist: Plugin that adds checklist rendering support to breakdance, similar to task lists in github-flavored-markdown. | homepage
- breakdance: Breakdance is a node.js library for converting HTML to markdown. Highly pluggable, flexible and easy… more | homepage
- generate-breakdance: Generate a new breakdance plugin project. | homepage
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(This project's readme.md is generated by verb, please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the .verb.md readme template.)
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$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
$ npm install && npm test
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright © 2017, Jon Schlinkert. MIT
This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.4.2, on February 05, 2017.