Setup your Postgresql to write csv files
log_destination = 'csvlog'
Download filebeat (download, unzip)
Run filebeat with config from project folder filebeat/filebeat -e -c filebeat.yml
Start apps
docker-compose up
Check elastic cluster health
curl http://elastic:[email protected]:9200/_cat/health
Access kibana web interface(wait up to 1min for first run) credentials: elastic:changeme
How to stop containers?
docker-compose down
Index is: logstash-*
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f conf.d/postgresql.conf --verbose --debug
multiline.pattern 配置 。 默认的module 模版在测试的时候发现有些case不支持
logstash 的filter add_field => {"duration" => "%{[message][0]}"}
需要中括号把 message 也阔起来 新版本新语法