Chitti is an open domain QA chat server which understands natural language
System requirements: Python(3.4) mongodb(>=2.4)
Additional python libraries required: cherrypy nltk pymongo bs4
To start the server, run python
modify the ip address and port number to listen in the qa_server.conf configuration file. server.socket_host="" server.socket_port=9000
Currently it is set to listen on all ip addresses, to make it available only on local machine change the socket_host to ""
To use chitti, go to your web browser and start chatting with the server in the format below: http://localhost:9000/q/?q=
Sample question and answer: http://localhost:9000/q/?q=Who is Richard Stallman?
This application currenlty presents only the API and does not have any UI as it is meant to be integrated into a wide variety of applications such as a chat bot in whatsapp, XMPP or IRC networks, as a standalone mobile/desktop application etc.
This software is just a proof of concept and is in early development stage. You are welcome to fork this code and develop it.
- This code is licensed under GNU AGPLv3. See included License file for more details.