Convert HUGE multi-game PGNs to TSVs (CSVs with tabs). This utility was built specifically to process Lichess monthly game dumps which are ~90 million games in length.
Supports extracting clock times and filtering on minimum ply and tag values.
This project is actively used and maintained, but is also under heavy development.
If the three badges above are green, the main
branch is suitable for use.
In order to run this tool, you need to create a "tagspec" and allows you to filter games and also specify what columns you are interested in.
Here is an example spec:
Ply > 3
WhiteTitle ! BOT
BlackTitle ! BOT
Event - Bullet
Result ! *
By supplying the tool with this file:
- You get the listed PGN tags and pseudo tags like clock times.
- Only includes games with more than 3 moves played.
- Excludes Lichess Bot accounts.
- Exclude events with the word "Bullet" in them.
- Exclude incomplete games.
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I read all pull requests and issues!
Here's a nifty badge to support my work financially: ! And one for Liberapay