A complete development environment for the Mega blockchain. This CLI streamlines the development workflow for smart contract developers, frontend developers, and full-stack developers working with the Mega testnet.
- Project templating: Create boilerplate projects for smart contract, frontend, or full-stack development
- Development environment: Easily start local blockchain or frontend development servers
- Account management: Create, import, and manage blockchain accounts
- Smart contract operations: Compile, deploy, and verify contracts on Mega testnet
- MegaETH operations: Check balances and request tokens from faucet
- Foundry: Many Mega CLI commands are wrappers around Foundry (Anvil, Forge, Cast, Chisel) commands
# Install globally using npm
npm install -g megaeth-cli
# Or using yarn
yarn global add megaeth-cli
# Or using pnpm
pnpm add -g megaeth-cli
Mega CLI requires Foundry for smart contract development functionality. You can install it by running:
mega setup
# Create a new full-stack project
mega init my-mega-project
# Start the development environment
cd my-mega-project
mega dev
# Create a full-stack project (NextJS + Foundry)
mega init
mega init [project-name]
# Create a frontend-only project (NextJS + WalletConnect)
mega init --frontend
# Create a Foundry-only project configured for Mega testnet
mega init --foundry
# Start both frontend and Foundry environments
mega dev
# Start just the NextJS app
mega dev --frontend
# Start just the Foundry/Anvil local chain
mega dev --foundry
# Create a new account/wallet
mega account create
# Import an existing account
mega account import
# List all managed accounts
mega account list
# Check ETH balance for address
mega balance [address]
# Check ETH balance for a stored account
mega balance --account <name>
# Compile Solidity contracts
mega compile
# Deploy a contract
mega deploy <path-to-contract>/<contract-file-name>.sol:<contract-name> --broadcast --testnet --account <keystore-account-name>
#or, with private keys
mega deploy <path-to-contract>/<contract-file-name>.sol:<contract-name> --broadcast --testnet --private-key <private-key>
# Deploy to local network instead of testnet
mega deploy <path-to-contract>/<contract-file-name>.sol:<contract-name> --broadcast
# Verify a contract on block explorer
mega verify <contract address> --watch --etherscan-api-key <your-etherscan-api-key> <path-to-contract>/<contract-file-name>.sol:<contract-name>
# Request test tokens from faucet
mega faucet <address>
# Check and set up dependencies
mega setup
# Check if dependencies are installed
mega setup --check
Mega CLI leverages Foundry's existing configuration system. For Foundry-specific settings, refer to the Foundry Book.
When you create a new project with mega init
, it will generate a project with the following structure:
├── foundry-app/ # Smart contract development
│ ├── lib/ # Dependencies including forge-std
│ ├── script/ # Deployment scripts
│ ├── src/ # Contract source files
│ ├── test/ # Contract test files
│ └── foundry.toml # Foundry configuration
├── next-app/ # Frontend application
│ ├── public/ # Static assets
│ └── src/
│ ├── app/ # Next.js app router
│ │ └── gmega/ # Demo application routes
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── config/ # Application configuration
│ ├── constants/ # Constants and types
│ └── context/ # React context providers
└── README.md
├── public/ # Static assets
├── src/
│ ├── app/ # Next.js app router
│ │ └── gmega/ # Demo application routes
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── config/ # Application configuration
│ ├── constants/ # Constants and types
│ └── context/ # React context providers
└── package.json
├── lib/ # Dependencies including forge-std
├── script/ # Deployment scripts
├── src/ # Contract source files
├── test/ # Contract test files
└── foundry.toml # Foundry configuration
# Compile your contracts
mega compile
# Deploy to Mega testnet
mega deploy foundry-app/src/GmegaCounter.sol:GmegaCounter --broadcast --testnet --account dev
# Create a new account
mega account create
# > Enter a name for your wallet: myaccount
# Use this account to deploy a contract
mega deploy foundry-app/src/GmegaCounter.sol:GmegaCounter --broadcast
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.