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Releases: arslancb/clipbucket

ClipBucket 4.2 RC1

31 Jan 10:22
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Dear ClipBucket community,

We are glad to announce that ClipBucket 4.2 RC1 is available for download. We would like to thank our awesome ClipBucket community for supporting us and reporting issues/bugs in ClipBucket. Team ClipBucket have worked very hard for the past few months to fix the issues reported by the community and to add new impressive feature while also maintaining and improving the existing ones.

We are hopeful that you will love this version. We don’t charge you money for all the hard work that we put in and the only way we ask you to payback is by your feedback. Hence, make sure you open up about ClipBucket 4.2 and let us know what you think of it.

Highlights of this release:
MySQL 8.0 compatibility (Consult MySQL upgrade to 8.0 documentation)
Elastic Search integration (New plugin has been added for improving search)

Thank you.

ClipBucket 4.1

11 May 12:12
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ClipBucket V 4.1 comes with minor bug fixes and some security updates.

Embed player issues fixed
Improvement in multilingual
SSL function updated
Video Privacy updated
ReCaptcha updated, V2 added
Minor sign up issues fixed
And many more minor bugs fixed.

We would like to thank all the contributors for their input, We hope to see more contributions in future from open source community :)

Enjoy using ClipBucket and give us your feedback !

Thank You

ClipBucket 4.0 STABLE

26 Feb 06:40
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ClipBucket V4 comes with enhancements and a lot of bug and security fixes. We have worked to fix all bugs reported in the previous version and improved the performance of the script in a live environment. Our major focus in this version was optimized the script to perform fast, We hope that you will like the improvements.

ClipBucket thanks, Ramadhan Amizudin (discovery, analysis, coordination) from the SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab ( for responsibly reporting the identified issues and working with us as we addressed them.

PHP 7 Support
Database Optimization
Faster than previous versions of ClipBucket
Social Beast plugin for adding social account links in footer
Improved conversion logs
Improved error handling
Improved video Privacy feature
Faster more user-friendly

Enjoy using ClipBucket and give us your feedback!

Thank You

ClipBucket 4.0 RC1

20 Dec 13:25
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ClipBucket 4.0 RC1 Pre-release

ClipBucket V4 comes with enhancements and a lot of bug fixes. We have worked to fix all bugs reported in the previous version and improved the performance of the script in live environment. Our major focus in this version was optimize the script to perform fast, we hope that you will like the improvements.

PHP 7 Support
Database Optimization
Faster than previous versions of ClipBucket
Social Beast plugin for adding social account links in footer
Improved conversion logs
Improved error handling
Improved video Privacy feature
Faster more user friendly

STABLE version will be out for production within a week
Enjoy using ClipBucket and give us your feedback !

Thank You

Clipbucket version 2.8.3

12 Jun 11:57
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ClipBucket 2.8.3 comes with enhancements and a lot of bug fixes. We have worked to fix all bugs reported in the previous version and improved the performance of the script in live environment. Our major focus in this version was to fix bugs and improve all the features and we hope that you will like the improvements.

New Admin Area Dashboards
New Stats and graph view
New Playlist feautes
Playlist control in admin area
Mass email issue fixed
Cpanel conflict issues fixed
Faster than previous versions of ClipBucket
Social Beast plugin for adding social account links in footer
Improved conversion logs
Improved error handling
Improved video Privacy feature
Faster & more user friendly

Enjoy using ClipBucket and give us your feedback.

Cheers and Greetings...

ClipBucket 2.8.2

23 Mar 07:00
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ClipBucket 2.8.2 is a minor release focused on debugging. It comes with fascinating new features and a lot of bug fixes. We have worked to fix all bugs reported in the previous version and improved the performance of the script in live environment. Our major focus in this version was to fix bugs and improve all the features and we hope that you will like the improvements.

New Homepage video popup feature(swappable)
Video re-converter
Faster than previous versions of ClipBucket
Video Upload Progress bar
Related videos in Player
Chromecast stream feature in player
Improved Conversion
Ajax home page
Ajax based view photos
Fixed over 300 issues
Improved conversion logs
Improved error handling
Improved video Privacy feature
Server friendly
Faster & more user friendly

Enjoy using ClipBucket and for any questions / suggestions or problems, check our Discourse or Official Documentation or Live Chat with us

ClipBucket 2.8.2 DEMO

ClipBucket 2.8.1 ( Edhi ) STABLE

27 Jul 07:36
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Journey has been long & tough but finally ClipBucket 2.8.1 STABLE is here. There were tons of changes, additions, modifications & enhancements made moving from 2.8 to 2.8.1

We are dedicating this release to "The Richest Poor Man, Abdul Satar Edhi" Abdul Satar Edhi

There was 2.8.1 BETA, then RC1, RC2 and now finally the ClipBucket 2.8.1 STABLE joins the business.

Here is a quick summary of what changed in ClipBucket 2.8.1 STABLE

  • Bug fixes & bug fixes & bug fixes
  • Cookie based comments
  • Keep MP4 As Is
  • YouTube API key manager
  • Improved Grab From YouTube

and much more. Enjoy using ClipBucket and for any questions / suggestions or problems, check our Discourse or Official Documentation or Live Chat with us

ClipBucket 2.8.1 DEMO

ClipBucket 2.8.1 RC 2

09 Jun 11:45
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ClipBucket RC 2 (release candidate) comes to life with dozens of issue fixes and enhancements. Below goes a summary of what changed between 2.8.1 RC 1 to 2.8.1 RC 2

  • Over 30 issues fixed
  • 404 page redesigned
  • Upload logo from admin area
  • Improved Language system

and much much more...

Enjoy using ClipBucket! for any queries, send an email [email protected] or create a ticket at

ClipBucket 2.8.1 RC 1

17 May 16:15
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ClipBucket release candidate 1 comes to life. This version is ready to work in production environment and you can try it on live website. The stable version will be on its way soon after release candidates. We urge users to provide feedback to help us speed up the process of releasing ClipBucket Stable.

Changes made in this version are as follows

  • Language translation system added
  • VIDEOJS Design Issues fixed
  • Mobile category issue fixed
  • Player res issue fixed
  • Comments fatal error fixed
  • Collection manager issues fixed
  • Video filters issues fixed
  • Playlists issue fixed
  • Email not verified issue fixed

and 30+ more issues fixed

ClipBucket 2.8.1 BETA

09 May 13:04
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ClipBucket 2.8.1 BETA Pre-release

ClipBucket 2.8.1 is a major release and comes with tons of enhancements, bug fixes and exciting new features. It introduces new default theme as well as start of ClipBucet Premium Package.

Below is a quick summary of what is included in ClipBucket 2.8.1

  • New sleek designed default template
  • 8x faster than previous versions of ClipBucket
  • New designed video player
  • Real time conversion system
  • Ajax home page
  • Ajax load more (load more videos etc without refreshing pages)
  • Ajax based view photos ( view next photo without refreshing page )
  • Fixed over 200 issues
  • Improved conversion logs
  • Improved Ads Manager
  • In Video ads integrated with Google IMA4 made compatible with CB VideoJS Player
  • Improved error handling
  • Improved friends system
  • Compatible with MySQL 5.6
  • MySQL Optimization
  • Overall code optimization and documentation
  • Faster & more user friendly quicklists