A tiny POWER Open ISA soft processor written in Chisel.
Chiselwatt uses
for simulation. It is built by default and run in a Docker container. To build with local verilator install, editMakefile
. -
First build chiselwatt:
git clone https://github.com/antonblanchard/chiselwatt
cd chiselwatt
- The micropython and hello_world sample images are included in the repo. To use it, link the memory image into chiselwatt:
ln -s samples/binaries/micropython/firmware.hex insns.hex
# or to use the hello_world sample, run
ln -s samples/binaries/hello_world/hello_world.hex insns.hex
- Now run chiselwatt:
- If your operating system is not Linux, run chiselwatt inside a container:
make dockerlator
# Inside the container prompt, run:
# type "exit" to exit the container
Synthesis on FPGAs is supported with Fusesoc to enable multiple targets and EDA backends. Fusesoc works with Edalize to provide package management and backend build for multiple FPGA vendors. At the moment the Chiselwatt supports some Xilinx, Lattice and Microchip FPGAs.
There is also a build process using Makefiles and Docker images, so no software other than Docker needs to be installed. If you prefer podman you can use that too, just adjust it in Makefile
, DOCKER=podman
Install Fusesoc with Python3 pip:
pip3 install fusesoc
Create a workspace and add Chiselwatt as a library:
mkdir workspace
cd workspace
fusesoc library add chiselwatt https://github.com/antonblanchard/chiselwatt
fusesoc core list
Show all available targets:
fusesoc core show chiselwatt
Adjust memory requirements:
The hello_world
example should run everywhere, so start with it.
Edit src/main/scala/Core.scala
and set memory to 16 kB (16*1024
(new ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new Core(64, 16*1024, "insns.hex", 0x0, 50000000))
Build Chiselwatt (using mill, requires Java):
pushd fusesoc_libraries/chiselwatt
# Link Hello World sample application
ln -sf ./samples/binaries/hello_world/hello_world.hex ./insns.hex
# Build the project files for your target
fusesoc run --target=polarfireeval_es chiselwatt
If you have the EDA tools installed, your core will be built, otherwise the project files will be placed in build
Some FPGA's, mainly Lattice using Yosys/NextPNR have a memory synthesys issue that restricts the use of Micropython.see here.
Link in the hello_world image:
ln -s samples/binaries/hello_world/hello_world.hex insns.hex
The Makefile
currently supports the following FPGA boards by defining the ECP5_BOARD
parameter on make:
- Lattice ECP5 Evaluation Board -
- Radiona ULX3S -
- Greg Davill Orangecrab -
- Q3k Colorlight -
For example, to build for the Evaluation Board, run:
make ECP5_BOARD=evn synth
and to program the FPGA:
make ECP5_BOARD=evn prog
# or if your USB device has a different path, pass it on USBDEVICE, like:
make ECP5_BOARD=evn USBDEVICE=/dev/tty.usbserial-120001 prog
Programming using OpenOCD on Docker does not work on Docker Desktop for Mac since the container is run in a Linux VM and can not see the physical devices connected to the MacOS.
For the ULX3S board, the current OpenOCD does not support ft232 protocol so to program it, download ujprog for your platform and program using ./ujprog chiselwatt.bit
or to persist in the flash, ./ujprog -j FLASH chiselwatt.bit
After programming, if you connect to the serial port of the FPGA at 115200 8n1, you should see "Hello World" and after that all input will be echoed to the output. On Linux, picocom can be used. Another option below is a simple python script.
Unfortunately due to an issue in yosys/nextpnr, dual port RAMs are not working. More details can be found in YosysHQ/yosys#1101.
This means we use twice as much block RAM as you would expect. This also means Micropython won't fit on an ECP5 85F, because the ~400kB of available BRAM is halved to ~200k. Micropython requires 384 kB.
Once this is fixed, edit src/main/scala/Core.scala
and set memory to 384 kB (384*1024
chisel3.Driver.execute(Array[String](), () => new Core(64, 384*1024, "insns.hex", 0x0))
Then link in the micropython image:
ln -s samples/binaries/micropython/firmware.hex insns.hex
For example, to build for the ULX3S, run:
make ECP5_BOARD=ulx3s synth`
and to program the FPGA:
make ECP5_BOARD=ulx3s prog
If you connect to the serial port of the FPGA at 115200 8n1, you should see "Hello World" and after that all input will be echoed to the output. On Linux, picocom can be used. Another option below is a simple python script.
import serial
# configure the serial connections
ser = serial.Serial(
# read from serial
while 1:
while ser.inWaiting() > 0:
byte = ser.read(1);
print("%s" %(byte))
The hello world sample simply prints "Hello from Chiselwatt, an OpenPower processor!"
and echoes the input back to the terminal as a serial console.
The source is in ./samples/hello_world
and it can be built by make hello_world
The Makefile generates the insns.hex
file that will be used on the synthesized
core to be run on Verilator or loaded into FPGA.
You can also build micropython from scratch. As a convenience, there is a Makefile
target to cross-build on a Docker container and generate the firmware.
Just run make micropython
and it will generate the insns.hex
file that will
be used on the synthesized core to be run on Verilator or loaded into FPGA.
If running on a container is not an option, you need a ppc64le box or a cross compiler. This may be available on your distro, otherwise grab the the powerpc64le-power8 toolchain from bootlin.
If you are cross compiling, point CROSS_COMPILE
at the toolchain. In the
example below I installed it in usr/local/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--bleeding-edge-2018.11-1/bin/
and the tools begin with powerpc64-linux-*
git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython.git
cd micropython
cd ports/powerpc
make CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/powerpc64le-power8--glibc--bleeding-edge-2018.11-1/bin/powerpc64le-linux- -j$(nproc)
cd ../../../
- Build chiselwatt, import the the micropython image and run it. We use bin2hex.py to convert a binary file into a series of 64 bit hex values expected by the tools:
cd chiselwatt
scripts/bin2hex.py ../micropython/ports/powerpc/build/firmware.bin > insns.hex
Now that it is functional, we have a number of things to add:
- A few instructions
- Wishbone interconnect
- Caches
- Pipelining and bypassing