The Event & Intent Management System is a Go-based platform that allows users to create and manage events, invite guests, send notifications, and track RSVPs. It provides role-based access for event managers and users, ensuring efficient event coordination and seamless communication.
- Users can register as Event Managers or Regular Users.
- Secure authentication and authorization.
- Profile management and role-based access control.
- Create, update, and delete events.
- Assign venues, dates, and times to events.
- Invite guests and track RSVPs.
- Event managers can add, update, and remove venues.
- Venue availability tracking.
- Users can accept or decline event invitations.
- Event managers can track attendee lists.
- Automated RSVP follow-ups.
- Language: Go
- Database: PostgreSQL / MySQL
- Web Framework: Gin / Echo
- Authentication: JWT-based authentication
- Email Notifications: SMTP / SendGrid / AWS SES
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Go (1.18+)
- PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Docker (optional, for containerized deployment)
sh git clone cd event-management-system
sh go mod tidy
sh go run migrate.go
sh go run main.go
sh GO_ENV=production go run main.go
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch.
- Commit your changes.
- Submit a pull request.