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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 19, 2024. It is now read-only.


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@makinggoodsoftware makinggoodsoftware released this 13 Dec 12:29

For details of this release, check our dedicated blog post for v15.0.0. (

AG-1032/661: Allowing registering components by name and renaming all componets to add ag namespace to it
AG-76: Adding overlays as a new component into the grid, so now they are fully customisable
AG-46: Allowing the ability to tab from outside the grid into the grid
AG-1161: Issue using ag-fresh and auto group column defs - No padding in the auto group col def
AG-1188: Can't use detailCellRendererFramework. Metadata not provided!
AG-1127: richSelect editor broken
AG-1262: Formatted values ignored for leaf nodes using Tree Data
AG-1223: Tree Data, delta update ON + change that causes node to go to a different PATH AND name change not working
AG-1219: $cell-horizontal-padding not working with material Theme
AG-1212: ensureNodeVisible non-backward compatible behaviour
AG-1169: Key creator not working on pivot mode
AG-1156: afterGuiAttached not called anymore after a filter is rendered in the screen
AG-1141: Consistency of notEqual and notEquals in FilterParams.filterOptions, defaultOptions, nullComparator
AG-1140: Filter, when specifying both filterOptions and defaultOption, default option is ignored and the first item is picked
AG-1064: Set filter not rebuilt after delta upated
AG-799: [enterprise row model] purgeEnterpriseCache render problem
AG-660: pinned rows - startEditingCell doesn't work with pinned rows
AG-596: [menu] Context menu event not firing on full width group rows
AG-580: [pinned columns] Spurious ColumnPinned events raised
AG-419: [tabbing] tabbing into the grid goes into the wrong cell
AG-1259: Example broken - file explorer has no padding on grouping
AG-1257: Column menu on non enterprise version has padding on the top in 14.2 not in 14.1
AG-1250: Regression issue - Chart example doesn't work anymore
AG-1248: Fix broken examples in the docs pre Christmas release
AG-1233: When editing a cell in pinned row which is on the edge of the hor scroll it breaks the scrolling
AG-1227: Rich Select was not allowing editorParams.cellRendererFramework
AG-1209: Wrong deprecated error message when using refreshView - Points to refreshRows, should say refreshCelss
AG-1200: iOs double click doesn't make a cell enter in edit mode, but zooms in
AG-1197: Setting floatingFilterComponentParams for column cause removing styles from header
AG-1164: When there are checkboxes enabled and you open the context menu. Clicking on the checkboxes don't close the popup
AG-1162: ensureDomOrder: true seems to not work when pinning more than one column (for the column order in the pinning section)
AG-1133: processRowPostCreate getting called to often, sometimes without the div's in place
AG-1125: Context menu not working for cells in ipad (easy to repro)
AG-1124: Error opening set filter in infinite scrolling
AG-1081: Api.doLayout does not refresh columns after setColumnDef if following steps in Desc
AG-1076: row-index not getting updated and containing dupes after group expand
AG-1074: Set Filter wrong behaviour when changing values underneath it via editing and selecting deselecting all from filter
AG-1065: Bug with groupRemoveSingleChildren = false, groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren= true AND groupDefaultExpanded: 1
AG-1033: 'In Range' filter issue
AG-955: Checkbox is unchecked after scrolling fast with infinite scrolling
AG-940: When using animateCellRenderer, and the values are updated, the tooltip is not updated. Also tooltip for nullables seems to be broken (not displayed)
AG-888: [events] Can't remove event listeners
AG-819: export - CSV Creator issue in IE10
AG-796: [column filter] Ignore debounce when using apply button
AG-702: [auto height] scrolling does not work if 'autoHeight' and pinned columns are used together
AG-692: [full row editing] Enter on a non editable cell starts editing, but it does not end it
AG-637: [printable character] Missing backslash means \ is not a printable character
AG-589: [range] Pressing tab while selecting a range throws an error
AG-1078: Issue with formatter + getter + complex object + auto group col def
AG-857: [headers] HeaderName='' doesn't work for autogroupcolumns
AG-605: [edit] Ctrl-Enter resets cell editor to blank
AG-330: [iPad] hamburger occasionally appears but cannot be clicked
AG-1035: Issue displaying context menu in the enterprise row model