New Features/Enhancements
- DF-2117 : Event content type in ACMS requires too much manual input.
- DF-2779 : VWO Integration with B2B profile.
- DF-2780 : Conductor Story for B2B profile.
- DF-2781 : DXO Story line for B2B profile.
- DF-2782 : Campaign Studio integration with B2B profile.
- DF-2786 : Translate B2B content.
- DF-2787 : Build Site Studio Headless application for B2B.
- DF-2788 : Integrate Acquia VWO Module in Demo Framework.
- DF-2789 : Replace OpenAI modules with AI module alternatives.
- DF-2795 : Implement AI features for content.
- DF-2811 : AI Image generation.
- DF-2814 : Generate Image ALT text using AI.
- DF-2810 : Calender module implmentation in Eudaimonia Events Content type.
Module updates
- Drupal Core to 10.3.9
- Acquia CMS Page to 1.6.0
- Acquia CMS Search to 1.4.14
- Acquia CMS Site Studio to 1.5.15
- Acquia CMS Toolbar Gin to dev-1.0.x e338624
- acquia Contenthub to 3.6.0
- Acquia Perz to 4.1.9
- ACSF Connector to 2.80.0
- ACSF Duplication to 2.80.0
- ACSF Theme to 2.80.0
- ACSF Variables to 2.80.0
- Add Content by Bundle to 1.2.2
- Add to Calendar Date Augmenter to 1.2.3
- Admin Toolbar to 3.5.1
- Admin Toolbar Tools to 3.5.1
- AI Agents to dev-1.0.x 5f6fcaa
- AI Image Alt Text to dev-1.0.x f983c3f
- AI Image to 1.0.0-beta1
- AI Provider OpenAI to dev-1.0.x 3b2f820
- AI SEO analyzer to 1.0.0-beta2
- AI to dev-1.0.x 6247e52
- AI Translator to 1.0.0-beta1
- ai.txt to 1.0.0
- Asset Injector to 2.21.0
- Auto Translation 1.2.5
- Autologout to 1.6.0
- Captcha to 2.0.7
- ChatGPT Augmentor to 1.0.0-alpha2
- Cohesion 7.4.3 to 7.5.2
- Collapsiblock to 4.3.1
- Component to 1.0.0-rc5
- Consumer Image Styles to 4.0.10
- Content Planner to 1.2
- ECA UI to 2.0.8
- Editoria11y to 2.1.21
- Entity Browser to 2.12.0
- Facets to 2.0.9
- Field Validation to 3.0.0-beta4
- File metadata manager to 3.1.0
- fullcalendar to 3.0.1
- Gin to 3.0.0-rc14
- Graphql Core Schema to 1.0.20
- JSON Field to 1.4.0
- Menu Item Extras to 3.1.0
- Metatag to 2.1.0
- Metatag: Open Graph to 2.1.0
- Metatag: Twitter Cards to 2.1.0
- Moderation dashboard to 3.1.0
- Node Revision Delete to 1.0.0-rc7
- Openai Images to 1.0.1
- Removing google_analytics (4.0.2)
- Removing openai (1.0.0-beta5)
- Removing tmgmt_openai (1.0.1-rc3)
- Scheduler Content Moderation Integration to 3.0.3
- Search API SearchStax to 1.0.3
- Search API Solr to 4.3.5
- Search API to 1.35.0
- Searchstax to 1.4.0
- Simple Crawler to 1.0.x-dev@dev
- Sitestudio Gin to 1.0.3
- Smart Date to 4.2.1
- Stable to 2.1.0
- Translation Management Core to 1.17.0
- Translation Management DeepL to 2.2.7
- Typed Data to 2.1.1
- Unstructured to 2.0@beta
- Views Bulk Operations to 4.3.2
Bug fixes
- DF-2833 : Add CKEditor 5 patch for user input being lost if they type too fast.
- DF-2831 : Martin Feedback in implementing Smart Calender in Events content type.
- DF-2826 : Add Optimize Issues in B2B content.
- DF-2825 : Provide endpoints for Weforms, Campaign Studio forms, and Campaign Studio focus items.
- DF-2809 : Bruno Feedback to implement Gin theme in DF by default.
- DF-2817 : Contrib Module Upgrades and add/remove patches as needed.
- DF-2808 : Remove TMGMT Translator OpenAI, Add AI Translation Management (TMGMT).
- DF-2793 : DAM - Allowed image styles.
- DF-2794 : DAM - Alt Text by default.
- DF-2791 : B2B header search bar - fix responsiveness for intermediate screen sizes.
Library dependency updates
- acquia/content-hub-php to 3.6.0
- brick/math to 0.12.1
- composer/ca-bundle to 1.5.3
- composer/composer to 2.8.3
- composer/pcre to 3.3.2
- consolidation/output-formatters to 4.6.0
- dragonmantank/cron-expression to v3.4.0
- ezyang/htmlpurifier to v4.18.0
- field_validation to 3.0.0-beta3
- fileeye/mimemap to 2.2.0
- fileeye/pel to 0.10.0
- firebase/php-jwt to v6.10.1
- google/auth to v1.43.0
- google/cloud-core to v1.60.0
- google/cloud-translate to v1.19.0
- google/common-protos to 4.8.3
- google/gax to v1.34.1
- google/grpc-gcp to v0.4.0
- google/longrunning to 0.4.5
- google/protobuf to v4.28.3
- grpc/grpc to 1.57.0
- guzzlehttp/promises to 2.0.4
- illuminate/collections to v11.29.0
- illuminate/conditionable to v11.29.0
- illuminate/contracts to v11.29.0
- illuminate/macroable to v11.29.0
- illuminate/support to v11.29.0
- laminas/laminas-diactoros to 3.5.0
- laminas/laminas-escaper to 2.14.0
- laminas/laminas-feed to 2.23.0
- laminas/laminas-stdlib to 3.20.0
- league/container to 4.2.4
- dompdf/php-font-lib to 1.0.0
- hkulekci/qdrant to v0.5.7
- league/commonmark to 2.5.3
- league/config to v1.2.0
- league/html-to-markdown to 5.1.1
- nette/schema to v1.3.2
- nette/utils to v4.0.5
- saloonphp/saloon to v3.10.0
- scotteuser/pinecone-php to 1.0.2
- wpai-inc/anthropic-sdk-php to 0.2.1
- maennchen/zipstream-php to 3.1.1
- masterminds/html5 to 2.9.0
- mck89/peast to v1.16.3
- monolog/monolog to 3.8.0
- nikic/php-parser to v5.3.1
- nnnick/chartjs to v4.4.6
- openai-php/client to v0.10.3
- orhanerday/open-ai to 5.2
- pear/archive_tar to 1.5.0
- phpstan/phpstan to 1.12.11
- psr/http-factory to 1.1.0
- ramsey/collection to 2.0.0
- ramsey/uuid to 4.7.6
- Removing doctrine/inflector 2.0.10
- Removing doctrine/inflector 2.0.10
- Removing hkulekci/qdrant v0.5.7
- Removing illuminate/bus v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/collections v11.29.0
- Removing illuminate/conditionable v11.29.0
- Removing illuminate/console v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/container v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/contracts v11.29.0
- Removing illuminate/events v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/filesystem v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/macroable v11.29.0
- Removing illuminate/pipeline v10.48.22
- Removing illuminate/support v11.29.0
- Removing illuminate/view v10.48.22
- Removing laravel/prompts v0.1.25
- Removing nunomaduro/termwind v1.15.1
- Removing phenx/php-font-lib 0.5.6
- Removing psr/simple-cache 3.0.0
- Removing rajentrivedi/tokenizer-x v1.0.3
- Removing saloonphp/saloon v3.10.0
- Removing scotteuser/pinecone-php 1.0.2
- Removing spatie/laravel-package-tools 1.16.5
- Removing voku/portable-ascii 2.0.1
- Removing wpai-inc/anthropic-sdk-php 0.2.1
- rize/uri-template to 0.3.8
- robrichards/xmlseclibs to 3.1.3
- symfony/cache to v7.1.7
- symfony/console to v6.4.15
- symfony/dependency-injection to v6.4.15
- symfony/deprecation-contracts to v3.5.0
- symfony/error-handler to v6.4.14
- symfony/event-dispatcher to v6.4.13
- symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts to v3.5.0
- symfony/expression-language to v6.4.13
- symfony/filesystem to v6.4.13
- symfony/finder to v6.4.13
- symfony/http-client to v7.1.8
- symfony/http-foundation to v6.4.15
- symfony/http-kernel to v6.4.15
- symfony/intl to v6.4.15
- symfony/mailer to v6.4.13
- symfony/mime to v6.4.13
- symfony/polyfill-ctype to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-iconv to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-intl-idn to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-mbstring to v1.29.0
- symfony/polyfill-php83 to v1.29.0
- symfony/process to v6.4.15
- symfony/psr-http-message-bridge to v6.4.13
- symfony/routing to v6.4.13
- symfony/serializer to v6.4.15
- symfony/service-contracts to v3.5.0
- symfony/string to v6.4.15
- symfony/translation to v6.4.13
- symfony/translation-contracts to v3.5.0
- symfony/validator to v6.4.15
- symfony/var-dumper to v6.4.15
- symfony/var-exporter to v6.4.13
- symfony/yaml to v6.4.13
- twig/twig to v3.14.2