txtar.zig is a Zig library for interfacing with the txtar format.
Auto-generated API Reference for the library is available at https://abhinav.github.io/txtar.zig/.
Note that Zig's autodoc is currently in beta. Some links may be broken in the generated website.
Use zig fetch --save
to pull a version of the library
into your build.zig.zon.
zig fetch --save "https://github.com/abhinav/txtar.zig/archive/0.5.0.tar.gz"
Then, import the dependency in your build.zig:
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// ...
const txtar = b.dependency("txtar", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
And add it to the executables that need it:
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
// ...
exe.addModule("txtar", txtar.module("txtar"));
Finally, in your code:
const txtar = @import("txtar");
These instructions may grow out of date as the Zig package management tooling and APIs evolve.
txtar is a simple text-based format to store multiple files together. It looks like this:
-- foo.txt --
Everything here is part of foo.txt
until the next file header.
-- bar/baz.txt --
Similarly, everything here
is part of bar/baz.txt
until the next header or end of file.
It's meant to be human-readable and easily diff-able, making it a good candidate for test case data.
See golang.org/x/tools/txtar, which defines the format and provides its Go implementation.
This software is made available under the BSD3 license.