A reusable polymorphic Address
model concern for your Rails apps.
Add address_concern
to your Gemfile
gem 'address_concern'
Include the AddressConcern::Address
concern in your app's Address
model by adding the
macro to it:
class Address < ApplicationRecord
Then run the generator to create your addresses table:
rails generate address_concern:install
rails db:migrate
You can modify the migration and add any other fields you may wish to include.
For country and state/providence, you may choose to store both the code and name or just code or just name. Remove from the migration the columns you don't need.
By default, it will store country name in country_name
or country
if one of those columns exist,
and store country code in country_code
or country
if one of those columns exist. If only a
column exists, it will be used to store the name attribute by default.
By default, it will store state name in state_name
or state
if one of those columns exist,
and store state code in state_code
or state
if one of those columns exist. If only a
column exists, it will be used to store the name attribute by default.
These column names can be configured. For example, to store country code in country
and state code
in state
, you could do:
class Address < ApplicationRecord
country: {
code_attribute: :country,
state: {
code_attribute: :state,
is automatically included into ActiveRecord::Base
provides a few macros for defining associations with your app's Address model.
class Person < ApplicationRecord
person = Person.new
person.build_address(address: '...')
class User < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to_address :shipping_address
belongs_to_address :billing_address
user = User.new
shipping_address = user.build_shipping_address(address: '...')
billing_address = user.build_billing_address( address: '...')
See "Adding an address
association to your ActiveRecord models" section for more examples of
configuration your associations.
You can add an address association (or multiple) to any model that has an address.
You can associate with the address via a belongs_to
, has_one
, or has_many
— whichever makes
the most sense for your use case.
You can either use standard ActiveRecord association macros, like this:
class Person < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :address
... or use the provided macros:
class Person < ApplicationRecord
person = Person.new
person.build_address(address: '...')
If needed, you can pass a name as well as options for the belongs_to
and (optional) inverse has_one
class Child < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to_address inverse: false
belongs_to_address :secret_hideout, inverse: {name: :child_for_secret_hideout}
child = Child.new
child.build_secret_hideout(address: '...')
creates a has_one :address
class Company < ApplicationRecord
company = company.new
address = company.build_address(address: '...')
This also adds a polymorphic addressable
association on the Address model (not available if you're
using belongs_to_address
on your addressable models instead of has_address
belongs_to :addressable, polymorphic: true, touch: true, optional: true
If you wish to customize that belongs_to
, you can pass in any options you like:
class Address < ApplicationRecord
include AddressConcern::Address
belongs_to_addressable options…
creates a has_many :addresses
class User < ApplicationRecord
If you want to have several individually accessible addresses associated with a single model (such as a separate shipping and billing address), you can do something like this:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_addresses :types => [:physical, :shipping, :billing]
Then you can refer to them by name, like this:
shipping_address = user.build_shipping_address(address: 'Some address')
user.shipping_address # => shipping_address
Note that you aren't limited to only the address types you specifically list in your
declaration; you can still add and retrieve other addresses using the has_many :addresses
vacation_address = user.addresses.build(address: 'Vacation', :address_type => 'Vacation')
user.addresses # => [shipping_address, vacation_address]
You are free to either store the street address in a single column like this:
create_table :addresses do |t|
t.text :address
or in separate columns like this:
create_table :addresses do |t|
t.string :address_1
t.string :address_2
t.string :address_3
If you store it in a single column of type text, then it will support multi-line addresses stored in
that single column. Calling address.address_lines
, for example, will return an array of address
lines — however many lines the user entered (you may add validations to limit this as you wish).
Country/state data comes from the carmen
- You can set the country either by using the
writer (if you want to use a country name as input in your frontend) or thecountry_code=
writer (if you want to use a country code as input). It will automatically update the other column for you and keep both of them up-to-date. - The country name is stored in the
attribute (most common use case). - Country codes can be optionally get/set via the
(ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes) (aliased ascountry_code
) orcountry_code3
attributes. - Be aware that if the country you entered isn't recognized (in Carmen's database), it will be rejected and the country field reset to nil. This should probably be considered a bug and be fixed in a later release (using validations instead).
Other notes regarding country:
- Added some special handling of UK countries, since Carmen doesn't recognize 'England', etc. as countries but we want to allow those country names to be stored since they may be a part of the address you want to preserve.
Because this gem depends on carmen
, you have access to
its country_select
and state_select
(Along with some feature/API ideas that we may want to incorporate (pull requests welcome!).)
https://github.com/ankane/mainstreet — A standard US address model for Rails
- Use
to map existing field names - Add new fields like
- Uses
to verify addresses (valid?
returns false). acts_as_address
association macroAddress
model generatoracts_as_address
could potentially be included into ourAddress
model and both gems used together
- Use
https://github.com/yrgoldteeth/whereabouts — A simple rails plugin that adds a polymorphic address model
has_whereabouts :location, {:geocode => true}
has_whereabouts :location, {:validate => [:city, :state, :zip]}
association macroAddress
model generator
https://github.com/wilbert/addresses — An Address engine to use Country, State, City and Neighborhood models
- Allows you use these models:
(belongs to country),City
(belongs to State),Neighborhood
(belongs to city),Address
(Belongs toNeighborhood
, because neighborhood is not required) address.city = Address::City.find(city_id)
mount Addresses::Engine => "/addresses"
- Allows you use these models:
https://github.com/huerlisi/has_vcards — Rails plugin providing VCard like contact and address models and helpers
Not maintained for 3+ years:
- https://github.com/mobilityhouse/acts_as_addressable — Make your models addressable
acts_as_addressable :postal, :billing
association macroAddress
model generator
- https://github.com/mariusz360/postally_addressable — Add postal addresses to your models
association macroPostalAddress
modelalias_attribute :state, :province
- https://github.com/nybblr/somewhere — Serialized address class for use with Rails models. Like it should be.
address :billing, :postal_code => :zip, :include_prefix => false
address.to_hash :exclude => [:country]
address.to_s :country => false
association macro
- https://github.com/rumblelabs/is_addressable
Licensed under the MIT License.
See LICENSE.txt for further details.