This is a set of command-line utilities to facilitate the Odoo development workflow at Acsone.
It assumes the project is a setuptools-based python package that can be packaged and installed with pip.
Criteria for tools to be included here:
- being small wrappers around standard commands (
, etc) - yet being sufficiently non-trivial to be error-prone or time consuming when done manually
- being used across several Acsone Odoo projects
pip install acsoo
Since acsoo
has a lot of dependencies that are not required at runtime, it
is not recommanded to install it in the same virtualenv as your project.
A good approach is to install it in it's own virtual env and symlink the acsoo
and bumpversion
executables somewhere in your PATH.
By the way, pipsi is an interesting way to manage
such python scripts without polluting your system.
To enable bash completion, add this line in your .bashrc
eval "$(_ACSOO_COMPLETE=source acsoo)"
Below, the list of available commands with a few examples.
Use acsoo --help
or acsoo <command> --help
for more information.
mrbob acsoo:templates/project cd {project name} mkvirtualenv {project name} -a .
Tag the current project after ensuring everything has been commited to git.
Tag all VCS requirements found in requirements.txt
, so
the referenced commits are not lost in case of VCS garbage collection.
Build wheels for all dependencies found in requirements.txt
plus the project in the current directory.
This is actually almost trivial (ie pip wheel -r requirements.txt -e .
but works around a pip quirk.
Perform acsoo tag
, acsoo tag_requirements
acsoo wheel
in one command.
Run flake8 with sensible default for Odoo code.
It is possible to pass additional options to the flake8
command, eg:
acsoo flake8 -- --ignore E24,W504
Run pylint on detected Odoo addons in odoo/addons, odoo_addons or the current directory. It automatically uses the pylint-odoo plugin and runs with a reasonable configuration, including an opinionated set of disabled message.
It is possible to pass additional options to the pylint
command, eg:
acsoo pylint -- --disable missing-final-newline
This command returns an non-zero exit code if any message is reported. It is however possibly to display messages while reporting success, eg:
acsoo pylint --expected api-one-deprecated:2,line-too-long
The above command succeeds despite having exactly 2 api-one-deprecated
any number of line-too-long
messages being reported.
It is also possible to force failure on messages that are expected
in the
default configuration, eg to fail on fixme
errors, just expect 0 fixme
messages, like this:
acsoo pylint --expected fixme:0
A set of commands to print addons lists, useful when running tests.
acsoo addons list acsoo addons list-depends
Check if an odoo log file contains error, with the possibility to ignore some errors based on regular expressions.
acsoo checklog odoo.log odoo -d mydb -i base --stop-after-init | acsoo checklog acsoo checklog --ignore "WARNING.*blah" odoo.log
Bumpversion is a software automatically installed with acsoo. It allows you to increment or simply change the version of the project in several files at once, including acsoo.cfg.
bumpversion {part}
Where part is 'major', 'minor' or 'patch' (see semantic versioning).
Configure bumpversion by editing the .bumpversion.cfg config file at the root of your project. See the bumpversion documentation to go further (automatic commit, tag, customisation...).
pip freeze
(which works very well as is) with the following additions
- exluding some common dev tools that are not required in production (pudb, ipdb, acsoo, git-aggregator, setuptools-odoo...) and their dependencies unless such dependencies are required by the project (directly or indirectly).
- excluding the project itself (as usual for python requirements.txt files)
Inspiration to be found in, although I don't
think acsoo should depend on that, as it's only a thin wrapper around the pip
- pypi page:
- code repository:
- report issues at:
This project is maintained by ACSONE SA/NV.