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Localization for ISO 639 language codes. We support the Set 1 abbreviation codes from

This package is heavily dependent on i18next, iso-639-1 and setup to run in a Vite project.


  • No Context or global state needed
  • Single-point setup
  • Docker ready
  • Use your own locales
  • 2-step process to support more languages


Install through npm.

npm i react-iso-localization

Getting started

This package accepts files like en.json for English, el.json for Greek, ...

It was developed with the files exported from POEditor (or similar tools) in the Key-Value JSON format in mind.

Let's say we have 3 JSON files.

  1. en.json

        "HELLO_WORLD": "Hello world!"
  2. el.json

        "HELLO_WORLD": "Γεια σου, κόσμε!"
  3. ro.json

        "HELLO_WORLD": "Bună ziua lume!"


For the sake of this documentation, I save all locale files in the directory /src/resources/locales/.

Initialize the library inside App.js / App.jsx / App.ts / App.tsx

import { setupI18n } from 'react-iso-localization';
import el from 'resources/locales/el.json';
import en from 'resources/locales/en.json';
import ro from 'resources/locales/ro.json';

    el: { translation: el },
    en: { translation: en },
    ro: { translation: ro }

export const App = () => {

Get a locale

import React from 'react';
import { useI18n } from 'react-iso-localization';

const TestComponent = (): React.JSX.Element => {
    const i18n = useI18n();

    return (

export default TestComponent;

Change language

import React from 'react';
import { useI18n } from 'react-iso-localization';

const SetToGreek = (): React.JSX.Element => {
    const i18n = useI18n();

    const onClick = () => i18n.set('el');
    // const onClick = () => i18n.set('xx'); // throws error

    return (
        <button onClick={onClick}>
            Change language

export default SetToGreek;


use18n hook

  • locale property

    The currently active language code.

  • languages property

    The languages registered to your app during Setup

  • get(string) method

    This method accepts a locale's key and returns the value in the selected language.


    // Returns Γεια σου, κόσμε!
  • getNoAccents(string) method

    This method accepts a locale's key and returns the value with the accents removed in the selected language.


    // Returns Γεια σου, κοσμε!
  • getCapitalized(string) method

    This method accepts a locale's key and returns the value with the accents removed in the selected language.


    // Returns ΓΕΙΑ ΣΟΥ, ΚΟΣΜΕ!
  • set(string) method

    It accepts a language code (e.g. 'en' for English) and sets the respective language to your app as active. Also, it saves that language code to the local storage.

    For more, see Change language.

i18n utility

  • defaultLanguage property

    This property is used for the library to determine the language used when starting the app.

    It uses 3 parameters with different priority for each:

    • locale item in the browser's local storage
    • VITE_DEFAULT_LOCALE variable in your app's environment
    • The system's language

    First, it checks in the local storage for the user's preference. Then, if that is not defined, the library gets the default language from the environment variables. This is useful for applications that want all users to have a certain language as default. Lastly, if nothing is set in the above instances, the user's system's language is used.

  • getMaximizedLocale(string) method

    This method returns the maximized locale string of a language. E.g. el-Grek-GR for Greek, en-Latn-US for English, ...

    import { getMaximizedLocale } from 'react-iso-localization';
    // Returns el-Grek-GR

    Uses Intl.Locale API in the background.

  • getLanguageTag(string) method

    This method returns the maximized locale string of a language. E.g. el-GR for Greek, en-US for English, ...

    import { getLanguageTag } from 'react-iso-localization';
    // Returns el-GR

    Uses Intl.Locale API in the background.

  • getShortNativeName(string) method

    This method simply returns the 2 first characters of a language's native name. E.g. ΕΛ for Greek, EN for English, ...

    import { getShortNativeName } from 'react-iso-localization';
    // Returns ΕΛ

    Uses iso-639-1's getNativeName method in the background.

  • getNativeName(string) method

    It's simply a wrapper for iso-639-1's getNativeName method.

    Returns Ελληνικά for Greek, English for English, ...

    import { getNativeName } from 'react-iso-localization';
    // Returns Ελληνικά
  • setupI18n method

    It does exactly what it says it does. It sets up the whole library.

    It accepts an object with all your locales. For each locale, use the language's code as key and translation: <locales> as value.

    For more, see Setup.

Developer notes

This package was created reading TypeScript NPM Package Publishing: A Beginner’s Guide.


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